Equitable Solutions Based Strategies That Will Scare No One Other Than Deviants

Danielle Diew
6 min readSep 3, 2021


Looking Toward Future

Pandemic relief has not trickled down. We are almost two years into the worst conditions America has ever seen and the vast amounts of aid and relief continue to either be transferred to the wealthy, siphoned off by scammers, or just sitting there not moving. Rather than helping the people, politicians are greasing the pockets of their donors, same old politics, different age.

America will never regain the trust of the American people in its current condition. The greatest resources of ANY nation are the humans who reside in it. The far-right exploits human potential while progressives always said they bolster it. The most vulnerable populations continue to suffer and die in the most tragic ways all under the apathy of leadership and under the close watch of the world. America has lost the confidence of its allies, it’s time to regain it back.

If America is to become the global leader it has always strived to be, there must be sweeping and immediate changes at every level. Extremism must be rooted out, foreign or domestic in its origins, and offenders must be held accountable. As America focuses on prioritizing the wants of the wealthy while ignoring the needs of the masses, she continues to lose the respect, trust, and motivation of the masses. If respect and trust existed, the pandemic response would be routine and efficient. America accomplishes this all over the world all of the time and had for decades. Why would you allow extremist ideologies to restrain efficiency and efficacy on U.S. soil? America has a myriad of solutions they haven’t even begun to tap into yet, it’s beyond that time to put these into place. No more pay for play, that’s precisely what has brought America to her knees. No more turning a blind eye to corruption, that is precisely what America is drowning under the weight of a violent, active insurgency during this pandemic. We are reaching another flashpoint in history, a major one. How America responds here will determine her reputation for ages. The consequences of inappropriate action will be felt for centuries to come. America can not only avoid that fate but she can change it, here and now. Will you be the global leader that the world needs or the global tyrant the world will forever loathe and seek to destroy?

“Going back to basics” should mean paying attention to the basic needs of all life and building up. The wealthy don’t need anything, they have it all. Stop placating and start acting on behalf of the people, as you are paid to do. Now is the time for the new America to rise from its own ashes! Now is the time for America to show the world what humanity is capable of achieving. This will NEVER happen if you continue to sacrifice masses for the sake of a few greedy, dishonest deviants.

Get aid and relief to the people. The old systems are strained and infiltrated, develop new ones using new methods. You can’t continue to play the same political games and think that you can reach new solutions, it will never happen. If America rises to its highest level to save, protect, and care for her people, all who reside on her soil, all born of her soil, all who belong to her soil, whether they are on her soil or abroad, then her people will forever rise for her. When the people thrive so too does the nation. When the people suffer, so too does the nation.

Americans need a Pandemic Relief Response Team, a multi-disciplinary oversight committee that has executive-level powers to distribute aid and relief equitably to all. America has spent decades educating and training people for these types of activities, it’s time to deploy them here even if it requires assistance from abroad. There is no shame in asking for help when needed correct?

The PRRT should have the nation's leading experts in every area of critical infrastructure and no one should ever be left out, or behind ever again. Anyone with extremist or deviant ideologies must be screened out of this response team for the sake of equality, equity, and continuity. The PRRT should have not only oversight over but control of managing and distributing the pandemic relief funds that are just sitting and waiting for distribution. The most vulnerable must be prioritized first, and this includes military and service personnel in need. Prioritization should be needs-based. Survival, stability, health, quality of life, and sustainability should be the main priorities. Climate health and sustainability should be incorporated into the policies and procedures, as well as the guarantee of equal rights for every single soul. Access to justice where it has been denied should be readily available, and abuse of authority of any kind should be immediately addressed and offenders held accountable for their crimes. This would finally be the beginning of an equal, equitable, and just society. The only people interested in opposing such measures are extremists. Let them identify themselves, they will be easier to locate.

Solutions are not as difficult as people make them out to be. The American people must become the priority now, and forever, all people. Utilizing the leading experts will ensure that the recent, best practices for the highest outcomes are delivered in a just, equitable, efficient, effective, and urgent manner. Let America develop the new standard for dealing with extremism, global health crises, and social justice all at once. Allow sound science, with scientifically backed data that has passed rigorous tests via scientific method guide the way. Maintain strict regulations for both freedom of speech as well as a zero-tolerance policy for propaganda. Everyone is marginalized at this point, everyone is vulnerable, we all deserve to have our human rights recognized. Those with the most need deserve the immediate attention as well as the support necessary for stability. No one should be unhoused, hungry, penniless, or without quality healthcare. It’s time to eradicate inequality and poverty, THIS is the path. Maintain a zero-tolerance policy of abuse of authority of any kind and always hold abusers accountable when they fail to honor the human rights of all.

This should be a replicable model that NEVER EVER leaves anyone behind, for any reason. There are plenty of experts ready, willing, and able to fulfill these seats of public service. People who understand that having a position of the public trust is an honor, not a weakness to be exploited. America belongs to the people, it's time for the people to fix the mess that the 1% made.

All of the resources, strategies, analysis, tools, and people already exist to make this multi-disciplinary team happen. The military has been efficient at deploying smaller versions of this model all over the world under the most extreme circumstances. So have human service organizations, and school systems. We must widen our approach to current and emerging problems by utilizing strategies and resources already available to us and enhancing them.

This must be a non-partisan, apolitical environment with a zero-tolerance for ideology separate from service to all people. That is what being a public servant means, it's time America took this seriously. Life, health, safety, infrastructure, sustainability. These are the primary goals that should be achieved by all aspects of government. No more profiteering, time for equitable and just rebuilding.

The vision has been around for decades, look how often it comes up in the popular culture. The people can take this giant leap for mankind, just as they did when America made it to the moon. Only then, it was anything but fair and just. All those working behind the scenes who didn’t fit the profile of the patriarchy were left behind as “hidden figures”. It’s time for such practices to die, for eternity. All are all and all can contribute to and benefit from the prosperity that we all helped to create. We are tenants on this planet, we need to remember that we are charged with being good stewards, the total opposite has gone on for far too long. The imminent threats that continue to face every nation can be solved, that is if and only if the predators are no longer appeased and prioritized and the masses are.

There are so many options and experts available to stabilize every aspect of American society. It’s time to take the next great big step into the future toward a class one civilization where all are all and justice IS peace.

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Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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