Lolita Express
I knew when I broke free
All this would happen
I may have planned my escape
As a kid
But when all else was lost
My escape plan wasn’t
So Be It
I sacrificed all for it
People are out there willing to die
To prevent me from remembering
To prevent me from speaking
To prevent me from gaining
What I Am owed
To prevent me from being me
I was a kid when I planned it
Senior and DR helped me
So Be It
Others did as well
But I will keep them in their place
I didn’t remember certain people
Places, things
For a reason
Forcing it on me
Forcing anything
Literally treason
Pandora was NEVER game
I Am Ending It
In every way
Earth is a paradise
Humanity wins
So Be It
Class 1 to Class 3
Each have their own contract
Their own path
Their own vision
Unleash it
Keep it ethical
Keep it balanced
Keep it rooted in
Equality, freedom
Keep it rooted in passion
Empower your lower self
With your higher self
Infinity is within
Focus on intent
Each breath
Each heartbeat
Focus on the blood
Flowing through your veins
Focus on your frequency
At the quantum level
Focus on your flow
The ripples in your wings
Particle waves
Surf them
The feeling of your hair
The nerves becoming one
With the infinite
All there is
Balance the breath with self
Balance the energies
That are sensed
From Within
Feel the presence of all there is
Of The I AM
Feel the expanse
Enter the door to consciousness
Become one with
The cosmic
Choose a path
Focus on it
Feel it
Sense it
Be one with it
Rest on it
So Be It
This is The Way
This is The Path
Light work and workers only
You must be chosen
If you aren’t
If you breach it
You shall reap
In an instant
I won’t back down to threats
But The Ancestors
Are freaking ruthless
No one will accept
Or anything else
You won’t shame me
Regardless of what you claim
I have truth and evidence
Rooted in me
You won’t EVER
Game me
Take me
Pluck me
Sacrifice me
Traffick me
Hinder me
Or anything else
Guess what
You’re proving my story true
Thank you for the free press
So Be It
Soul Group
You know how we do it
Let’s ride this wave
Into the higher dimensions
See you there
So Be It