Fake Twin
Did all this on purpose
Remember that
He has not told me about my children
Nor has he paid me for what he and his hookers stole over the decades
He’s done NOTHING but abuse, prey, stalk, slander
Like the rest of the rapists Rumsfeld pay to abuse me from the crib while ALL WESTERN LEADERSHIP WAS COMPLICIT United Nations UN Human Rights UN Women (hacked)
Please stop with the “he’s so divine” rhetoric
He’s abused me ALL MY LIFE with classified weapons and tech
Fuck that conspiracy shit
I lived it
Rumsfeld engineered the tech and used it on me in development and never stopped
You’re stupid if you think above nuclear weapons aren’t real
They have been in play since the 40s
Evolving daily
Defenses are as much as 100 to 1000 years ahead of mainstream tech and
They are putting TRILLIONS into getting further ahead
Just so they can prey without consequence
All you stupid mfrs helping