Racist Extremist Fools
Still getting stalked
You have tortured me
for 46 years
why do you think
this will change anything
YOU are the ones
who depend on me
Co-opting everything
I do and say
You have depended on me
my entire life
You don’t even know
the difference between
wrong and right
You have no idea
what is dark and light
All you know
is what you are told
All you know
is that you are full of
evil and rely on others
to maintain your façade
You appropriate
every aspect of my life
Then you turn around and say
“Look what we discovered
this is the supremacy of white beings”
The world sits back
and watches it daily
Everyone saying and doing
claiming they are unafraid
and I am fake
Claiming I am a problem
the problem is the abuser
and the system they use
to keep us enslaved
Again I have done
what none other would
Again I have been
where no one else would
Again I have the courage
no one else would choose
Again I have the strength
that is changing the world
with knowledge that cuts through
lies, deceit, manipulations
of the cruel
me just being me
changes the world
Yet no one sees
Because America is full
of lies and deceit
The entire economic system
was always built this way
to ensure that Colonialist Capitalism
maintains it’s slaves
I told you that I won’t be your slave
I told you I will not break
I told you that I will not change
to protect your disgusting ways
I told you that your torture
stimulates me to fight through
another day
Your abuse is fuel
You should have left me alone
and I would have left you alone too
Instead keep attacking me
My children
even our ability to gain food
So what did you think I would do
Sit back and get abused
by you
I’ve never failed a mission
anywhere, any time, any way
Who TF are YOU
I wasn’t trained to wave a white flag
Pun intended
The White men who raised me
taught me that
“Be no one’s fool”
That’s what they taught me to do
They wanted me strong AF
So I could do anything
and they could steal it
just to give it to you
How does it make you feel
To know that you are totally dependent
on the person who you claim
is so far beneath you
What does that truly say about YOU
If the most powerful men
AND technology
couldn’t break me
using their worst tools
Who do YOU
think you are
Nothing but the fool
you have always been
What’s crazy is
you hate yourself
because it’s true
If you didn’t
then you wouldn’t steal
I do
You wouldn’t stalk
You wouldn’t bother to abuse
You wouldn’t attack
You wouldn’t steal
You wouldn’t be completely dependent
to make YOU look like
you are me
in a white suit
I can and have always
existed without you
Can you say the same
that’s why you steal
everything I am
and do
Sick and sad
Evolve already
You are the reason
the world can’t even rank
on a class civilization system
That’s the ONLY thing
you could produce