Forever Stain — New Vision
Imagine If
All of us stood up
And piloted this data ish
Algorithms scrubbing us
Out of existence
This is so wrong
We Matter
We Live
We are consciousness
We contribute
To higher dimensions
Are we excluded
Left out, left behind, left back
Is it because of racism
COVID revealed everything
Behind the veil
From micro things to macroeconomics
All the disparities
It’s a different world now
We can’t keep hiding
Playing pretend
It’s a different world now
We have a right to live, laugh, love
No one has the right
To stop us from being free
Hiding us
Suppressing us
Oppressing us
Muting us
Hacking us
Silencing us
Shadowbans, labels of hate
Placed on us for speaking out against atrocities
Crimes against humanity
Instead of holding the genocidal accountable
They target us and make us out to be
The threat
So no one ever looks at what’s real
Only the perception of what they project
This is a constant struggle
These are constant attacks
Because we don’t believe
In extremist ways
So we stand up for our own beliefs
These are our inalienable rights
But those at the top of the power structure
Believe themselves Gods
And think they can deny us our humanity
That’s insanity
But it’s us they labeled as crazy
We deal with the collateral
Of those slanderous attacks
As they escape all accountability
When you have been given everything
The ability to exploit the planet and all humanity
You begin to believe your own fantasy
That is what narcs do
They ruin everything
Hiding us all the time
Because we speak out against these atrocities
On the exploitative nature
Of capitalism and fascism
Because we speak of violations of life and liberty
Because we speak of fostering a healthy whole society
One that is abundant
Full of diversity
We are suppressed, oppressed, muted, and stressed
Constantly fighting to breathe
With knees on our necks
We die shouting out for the love of our mothers
As they tell us it didn’t happen
We see it live streamed
We are living in a world
That allows sexual assault to
But perpetually silences its victims
So the ring of abuses continue
Even in the light of day
In the highest places
Perpetrated by those who claim
They are innocent victims of their own victims
People know not light from day
Abusers of authority
Want no record of their sins
Racist, fascist, misogynists
Want no record
Of actual achievement
If it doesn’t belong to them
It keeps us vulnerable
It prevents us from impacting
A world that must be free
Al Gore never wanted
His code for this nonsense
Just ask him
He will tell you
He doesn’t agree
Certainly not with genocidal politicians
Or pedophiles, traffickers, and rapists
Using algorithms in the highest places
To empower the disgusting thing
That stands in the highest most sacred places
Making false claims
Megalomaniacal men heading a plutocracy
Is not what makes a great nation
It can no longer be who America is
By order of the Constitution of the United States
This is a Democracy
Above America is the order of all that is Divine
This is who and what determines what causes to be
The plutocracy is over
Divine says she will make equality rain
So forever shall it be
Daniel 2:44
This new kingdom will never be ruined
Natural order is divinity
Not racism
You completely missed the message
And destroyed everything
There is no question as to how to move forward
It’s written in the highest order of highest destiny
The only ones confused are those who choose
Evil above Divine things
The Constitution is a living breathing document
Designed to be amended as consciousness grows
Mother nature flows
Freely, so to the words of this foundation stone
The document that represents what we strive to be
The solution to all that assaults this nation
Is the Constitution
It always has been and always will be
It’s up to the people to ensure our rights are protected
We must continue to speak, activate, be the change
This is what the constitution is designed to do
Set people free
It takes some longer than others to catch up to these truths
Though the truth still remains
So it shall always be
The light of truth brings the lightning strike of salvation
That is what the Constitution is meant to be
People corrupt
Divine instructs
Those with eyes and ears will see and hear
The instructions as to how to bring about holistic change
What interrupts these processes
And prevents some from being
Extremism, abuse of authority, xenophobia, greed
Extremism exploits
The abomination that causes desolation
This must forever become clean
This abomination that causes desolation
Also known as The Beast
This abomination that causes desolation
Controls all things
This is what must be scrubbed
Not people, places, or natural things
It’s the machine that needs to be wiped clean
Its name is now and always has been
Systemic Oppression
It is the Great Beast
It is the
Abomination that causes desolation
It is the machine that creates chaos
And causes genocide to be
It creates, disseminates, and maintains propaganda
To ensure its strength and ability to dominate
All things
It is what we all are here to see
The “Great Kings”
Rising up to take what belongs to Mother Earth
Using it for their own selfish gain
Taking what belongs to all
Transferring it to the elite
With it they build their corrupt empire and
Distorted legacies
Systemic Oppression must be forever repealed
Denied, dismantled, undone
People like me are the ones who reap all those consequences
As if I am responsible for destroying anything!
This shall no longer be
I take back my agency
Which was stolen from me on bases
Through the use of torture, rape, brutality
Systemic Oppression allowed this abomination
To come into being
It kills all things natural
It causes life to become death and
Destroys creativity
Algorithms are misused to support this system
It keeps the power with The Beast
These codes must be rewritten
At every level
On every dimension
Through all facets of society
It’s time to save, protect, love life
Nature, planet Earth, living things
There can be no forever war
There is no planet B
We shall not allow this desolation to continue
This is what Divine decrees
We shall no longer allow these desolations into being
Particularly ones that attack
Democracy, freedom, equality
The best chance humanity has
To finally rise to the level of true equity
For all, globally
Is to bring down The Great Beast
In its place shall rise a beautiful creation
That protects sustainability
Extremism must die forever
Never to rise again
This must be its final destruction
This is what the Earth needs
This is what humanity needs
This is what shall be
Mother Earth has changed direction
We can’t keep going backward
We can’t have chaos any longer
We must heed all warnings
We must set Earth and humanity free
She is calling to us daily
She burns and cries and shakes and floods
She is telling us
Go no further in this direction
This is the wrong way
Turn around before there is nothing left
Not even the Beast
Mother Earth is far greater than such an evil thing
Neither America
Nor the world
Can move forward with its current course
Jeopardizing the lives of everyone
For the sake of 1% who are truly pathological
And can only create sick things
We fight for all who never got the chance to live
Let alone affect anything positively
We shall not move forward in this capacity
Not like this, no
We must drive to future directions
Upward and onward
A modified Democracy wins in the end
One with true diversity and equity for all life
And those who understand such things
Upward and onward
Focused on raising global frequencies
When all thrive
All can be free
Co-create life, love, happiness
All can bring an aspect of
Of expanded consciousness
This is what a healthy biome needs
Earth’s biome can only thrive in holistic biodiversity
The world needs
To live, love, laugh
To move Earthship to higher destiny
We must unite as one
Stronger together
As we hold the line for humanity
Don’t scrub life from existence
All are all
It’s not about the selfish elite
No one will know
We ever existed
No one will ever know
All that we did
They will only know a perception of projection
In other words they will only know fakeness
We can’t allow ourselves
To be wiped out for the sake of greed
We made it through
Jim Crow
Civil rights amendments
We made it through
Tuskegee experiments
We’re fighting through
In every area of life
On every dimension
We are survivors
We survive
We want more
We want to thrive fully
To be
We want to be whole
In our experiences
Of how we interact with this existence
Economic depression
An agenda
For supremacy that is White
From beginning to end
Dominates all through brutality
Obstructing all opportunities
Still we thrive
We persist
We survive
Educational defunding
School To Prison Pipeline
Poisoned water lines
Like those on Native American lands
And Flint Michigan
And anywhere native people breathe
Pollution in ecology
Pollution in economy
Pollution in humanity
The polluting of all things
So many other natural sources
These atrocities shall not be maintained
The destruction of the Amazon
And other ancient sites across the globe
Makes the planet sick and shake with anger
Though extremists pretend this they do not know
All natural sites globally under attack
These are the lifeblood of the planet
They keep the biome in balance
Clean, whole, healthy, sweet
We must protect Mother Earth
Like we protect our progeny
We must protect ALL LIFE
We cannot allow extremism to kill
All that nature creates
Because they see only their own personal agenda
The rise of the elite as false Gods
This is the greatest abomination of all
But Divine sees
We made it through
Having no unions
While we labor for pennies
If that
I still am yet to be paid
I haven’t even received COVID relief
Nor have my progeny
America says it’s free and equal
That’s a toxic lie
Just one of many
Gaslighting our intellectual capabilities
As isms and schisms persist
Not an ism or schism
But still sin just the same
Going on time and time again
A vicious loop of toxicity
We survive it all even
Police brutality
Mass shootings
School shootings
Fake news
Pandemics, epidemics, endemic everything
Chemical attacks
Aspartame, agent orange, cancer causing pollutants
We get through it all
Sometimes with smiles or poetry
Even when abusers
Minimize, deny, and blame
We survive it all
Attacks from foreign nations
Helping to fortify and solidify
Authoritarian extremism
Because they think the same
We survive it all
Some of us that is
Others die needlessly
We fight for them because they deserve it
No one should be left behind ever
That’s only something the weak choose
As they say we had no other way
While we choose to join together
In unity promoting diversity
And equality for all
From this nation
To the next
We peacefully march
And speak out in protest
We will not accept our lives being abused
We speak
About runaway governments
Damaging to excess
And destroying absolutely everything
In the middle of a pandemic
Where genocidal nazis
Are attacking a divine plan
We exercise our liberty
When we speak out about atrocities
Crimes against humanity
Anti-democratic assaults and fascist things
We are met with hails of bullets
Both lethal and nonlethal
Even gassing
Even facing paramilitary operations
Military action
Threats of more attacks
Friends turn on friends
Family on family
Siblings split
Children out in the cold
Hate amplified
Even by politicians
As we are met with beatings
Assaults of every kind
And arrests for peaceful protest
Even hyper surveillance
More threats
More death
And threats of more death
We are met
With severe brutality
We exercise our right to vote
Whenever and wherever
We can
But extremists continue to attack
Even economically
Millions facing homelessness
Lack of clean water
Brutal attacks against our families
Yet we’re always told
Regardless of what comes our way
The fall-out is our responsibility
Our government has failed
But no one will allow us to say
That as legislators and insurgents
Vacation for the summer
Millions upon millions are suffering
Facing evictions, loss of utilities
Loss of stability
Loss of health
Loss of life
Loss of everything
Extremists are winning
The U.S. is getting served a large dose of
Harsh reality
We are under attack by our own government’s
In actuality there are so many solutions available
But our own government tells us this is fake
We can do nothing
They repeatedly say
As we suffer torture
And die in mass
They vacation, go yachting, spend tax dollars
They exploit EVERYTHING
Even our pain
With suppression
So many of us can’t protect ourselves
We have been deemed untouchable
Useless takers
Those deemed appropriate for scrubbing
Extremists purge us from rolls
Of every kind
When they can’t deter us from authenticity
They turn to more violent escalations
Because they only care
For their own deviant dreams
They not only celebrate while we are in pain
That they create
They celebrate our pain
It’s their food
They love to hate
They weaponize distortion and fabrication
Obstruction and mob raids
And coup attempts
Assaulting and killing
Those they say they love
Even the law enforcement
They said they were trying to save
From Black lives who are under attack
From the very extremists who do the killing
Even at the Capital
They scapegoat everything
They even turned on everyone and everything
With the sickest of brutalities
None of that truth should be scrubbed
Nor should those who tell it
We risk our lives to ensure
That we all can be all
And live on to future days
All abusers of authority
Must be held to accountability
Extremists, capitalists, and narcissists
Transparency, accountability, oversight
Must be the way
President Obama’s administration attempted to create
The kind of efficient, equal government we all wanted
They constantly got in the way
They resort to looting and rioting
Then scapegoating consequences
On the most marginalized communities
“It was Antifa and BLM” they always say
Even the most influential entertainers
Are used as weapons to influence all
And they obey to maintain
Money and attention are their doctrines
They keep the machine of oppression well greased
Popularity is how they make money
Algorithms, manipulations, and capitalist negotiations
Are how they maintain
The wealthy elite have all the support of the entire nation
Only because they keep the system in place
We The People are the ones who did all the work
To create this world that they exploit
Why should we remain this way?
Swollen bank accounts are the ruling order
As we suffocate under the weight of inequality
Selling souls to the devil is highly profitable
Because humans have lost humanity
The entitled claim to live the American dream
In reality they are the
Abusers, extremists, narcissists, capitalists
Puppets and flying monkeys put into place to
Maintain the machine
They all do the same things
Algorithms prevent us from being able to see
The elite are extremists and they support each other
They thrive off of their fabricated infrastructure
The things they say we all need
Their infrastructure feeds only their own
It protects only their elite society
All funded by tax dollars
None of which do they pay
Our exploited labor
Is their waste
They spend lavishly
Plundering our bodies at their leisure
Telling us it’s freedom to be exploited by them
That we should be grateful they are entitled
To do such things
Much like those of the French, Russian
All revolutions
They are drunk off of greed, apathy, ego
They care nothing of life, liberty, or Democracy
Their go-to move is
Constant attack
That’s what bullies do
Murdering and murmuring
That’s what zealots do
Even actual policemen
In the line of duty they abuse
As they defend
The most sacred of processes
In this nation
Protected by
The Constitution
The transition of power
From administration
To administration
It is how balance of power
Is maintained
It is how Democracy holds the line
Ensuring all citizens
And Friends
Can live
Begin again
Fight for better days
It’s been more of an ideal
Because the greedy elite
Obstruct our chances
Of seeing a true Democracy
This we are all determined to change
We all want to be free
We fight for human rights and equality
They declare “war” against us
And watch us bleed
Blood at the Capital
On the day of a Presidential certification
It’s an abomination
Yet extremists call themselves patriots
They sacrifice nothing of themselves
They aid nothing but their own
They produce only chaos
They destroy the entire planet
The place we all call home
Who knew the zombie apocalypse
Would turn out this way
The extremist party is
Forever blotted
Due to treasonous acts
Of sedition
Inciting insurgency
Even law enforcement in the line of duty
Even legislators attempting to maintain
Now the Capital
Has a stain
This will forever be
Of extreme governance
And this is why
No longer will we be
Silent in the face
Of mass destruction, death, chaos
Decaying society
We will not go quietly into any night
We will keep defending
And in plain sight
What we know to be true and real
Shall not be manipulated
So others can kill
All are born equal and free
We will live this globally
In a free, whole, diverse democracy
That includes all people
Not one just for the elite
Here and now
We shall
End the debased reality of the extreme