Forgiveness And Healing
Whole Picture Poetry
The idea that I am supposed
Move on past prolific
Torture and pedophilia
Is just as sick
As the original sins committed
Why would any human
Suggest anything like this
Particularly when
There has never been
Any form of justice
I can release
And forgive
Not for the abuser
Or those who support them
But for my own healing
My own energy and stability
It has nothing to do with the abuser
Or the failures of society
This still needs to be addressed
Even in forgiveness
Because being a whole
Means that you confront the issue
You don’t ignore it
You don’t “move past it”
Pretending it never happened
That is the epitome
Of toxicity
That is the definition
Of what abuse is
You don’t even want to stop
You just keep feeding your sickness
Yet you expect your target
To forget what happened
And you triangulate people
To aid in your propaganda campaign
Assuming your attack of me
Will make you look not guilty
How far do you have to take your sick deeds
Forgiveness is an internal process
It has nothing to do with forgetting
What happened
If I love myself
And understand mental health
Then I will confront the lies
Even when forced to do it in the light
Of day
Where everyone sees
Inhibiting your ability to manipulate
This is what love is
Doing the correct thing
Loving starts with self
Long before you can love another
You have to know yourself
Love yourself
Understand self
And what it means to do so in health
With wholeness
And empathy
And sincerity
When you have mastered you
Then you can begin to share you
With someone else
The good
The bad
The ugly
All of you
Relating to
All of me
If love is real
You see this truth
If forgiveness is real
It is whole and complete
You can’t gain healing
Outside of self
It requires facing what’s within
You can’t learn how to do anything
From someone who hasn’t done it already
People get so angry with me
Just for telling truth
But the truth will always be
If you confronted you
Understood you
Became whole and complete
Then you wouldn’t be focused on me
Particularly if
I have done absolutely nothing
To you
Or anything related to you
You are merely projecting
There isn’t an entity anywhere
On any dimension
Or any plane
Who can tell me how to be me
When you understand that this reality
Then you begin healing