Forms Of Violent Attacks
These are my family’s experiences
Human trafficking of every kind
Repeated rapes
Repeated violent beatings
Domestic violence
Sexual violence
Mob assaults
Being shot at in front of police
State sanctioned attacks
Coordinated assaults
Paramilitary assaults
Mob assaults
Gang stalking
Cyber stalking
Energy weapon assaults
Assaults using classified technology
Using chemicals, drugs, medications, physicians, clinicians, first responders, academics, government personnel, social workers, case managers, and teachers to abuse us with impunity
Withholding medical care and emergency aid even in the most life threatening situations
Attempting to kill us, repeatedly
Denying my identity even in life threatening situations
Withholding pay, income, aid, support, services, care, and relief
Using white supremacists, psychopaths, and sadists to “handle” me
Forcing me to work without pay
Forcing us to work for low pay
Forcing us to receive unequal pay
Withholding benefits from us
Forcing me to create and stealing my inventions, creations, intellectual properties
Stealing our creations and giving them to white people who profit exponentially from them
Using slander, lies, deceit, manipulations, and coordinated counter intelligence operations against us
Abusing the parents of our families in front of our children
Telling us that we “deserve” this treatment because “god” ordained it and this is our “lot in life”
Using propaganda to manipulate society so that people won’t want to provide support, believing we “must have done something wrong”
Forcing me to submit to pedophiles who were abusing, selling, and torturing me
Forcing me to submit to domestic abusers who were violently assaulting me, claiming I made these choices myself and created my own circumstances
Forcing me to experience repeated extremely violent assaults claiming “victims recreate assaults in the mind” scapegoating the targets of assaults rather than the perpetrators
Never even pursuing investigations into crimes committed against us but using false data to claim that we are the guilty parties
Falsifying documents that follow us for our entire lives
Removing me from my family
Removing my children from me
Interfering with ALL family relationships
Using Ai to abuse us
Using “predictive technology” to abuse and control us
Telling us we continue to experience “negativity” because we are negative
Telling society we continue to experience “negativity” because we are negative
Using spiritual beliefs to abuse, manipulating information and beliefs
Propagandizing our spiritual beliefs and weaponizing the public against us
Telling us that we deserve to be abused because we are inferior genetically and “god” created life this way
Telling society that we deserve to be abused because we are inferior genetically and “god” created life this way
Disenfranchising us from our extended family and entire community
Torturing us in an effort to force us to accept a racist right wing agenda
Torturing us in an effort to accept a pedophile, sadist, psychopathic, libertine agenda
Torturing us in an effort to force us to accept treason in support of the insurgency
Increasing torture and abuse for refusing to accept a racist right wing agenda, pedophilia, rape, sadism, psychopathy, libertinism, treason, sedition, xenophobia, and bigotry
Propagandizing our fight for survival and human rights as “terrorism”
Abandoning me in the field
Withholding my credentials
Redacting not only my education but my entire life
Controlling every aspect of my life even down to the food I intake, how much of it, who I have sex with, and when
Forcing me to breed
Forcing me to breed as a child
Forcing me to breed with pedophiles
Forcing me to breed with racist, white, elite, pedophiles for political advantage and blackmail schemes
Forcing me into extremely dangerous situations with some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists
Using my background to manipulate, dominate, and control me
Broadcasting and streaming my abuse
Recording my abuse and making money on it for decades\
Creating popular songs, movies, TV shows, comics, and other media depicting my abuse as forms of entertainment
Using MKUltra mind control techniques on our entire family for generations claiming it’s fake
Forcing me to submit to nazis brought over under Operation Paperclip and other programs like it
Forcing me into EXTREME isolation where I was abused by nazis, extremists, and deviants
Forcing me to fight
Forcing me to compete
Modifying my body
Forcing implants
Forcing procedures on me
Forcing activities that knowingly would leave me disabled
Forcing me into suicide missions
Using me as a test dummy
Forcing me on missions that were extremely unethical
Forcing me into double binds
Forcing me to constantly achieve the impossible then giving credit to racist right wing persons who had no connection to my achievements
Forcing me to us weapons
Forcing me into war
Forcing me into battles, excursions, maneuvers, and actions
Forcing us into EXTREMELY dangerous situations without support, aid, income, housing, medical care, or any kind of back up
Forcing us to comply with extremely harmful and dangerous engineered operations that scapegoat us for the consequences
Always scapegoating us for every consequence
Weaponizing all medical conditions, mental health, vulnerabilities, disabilities, abilities, weaknesses, and strengths against us
Manipulating medical records
Manipulating court records
Using the judicial system to illegally attack us
Using the family court system, the social work system, and the social safety net system to attack, abuse, destabilize, slander, stigmatize, and oppress us
Using the school system to abuse and oppress
Using jobs to abuse and oppress
Using economic attacks to abuse and oppress
Using law enforcement at every level to abuse and oppress
Using state sanctioned intelligence operations, agencies, and supporting systems to abuse, control, dominate, and manipulate us
Threatening loved ones
Forcing us to endure extreme situations where the outcome is most likely death
Using files, data, intel, and information from our lives to aid a racist right wing agenda
Placing barriers against us so that we cannot participate in society
Blaming us for circumstances engineered by abusers
Refusing to hold any abuser accountable
Refusing to allow us access to justice, health care, healthy food, or a healthy and stable living environment
Refusing to allow us support systems
Forcing us into abusive situations where we are totally and completely isolated
Withholding valuable and life saving information from supporters
Blackmailing those who love and support us
Holding us hostage to the whims of psychopaths and abusive Ai
Using information gained from these engineered experiences as “data” for pseudo-scientific experimentation and propagandized intelligence
Exploiting every aspect of our lives, bodies, genetic material, minds, creations, and abilities
Escalating during COVID even while removing the few supports we had
Forcing us to fight when we simply want to live life
Forcing us to perform whatever action they want to see an outcome to
Forcing us to live enslavement generation after generation
Censoring, muting, silencing, and shadow banning us in real life as well as on the internet and social media
Creating new algorithms to control, abuse, manipulate, and control us as well as perceptions of us
Enhancing threats against us
Amplifying hate directed us
Targeting us for the color of our skin, our neuro-divergent abilities, intellectual abilities, physical abilities, spiritual beliefs, empathy, and disabilities
Leaking our personal information to the public
Allowing coordinated systemic attacks and doing nothing to protect us
Targeting us for supporting DEFUND though no effort is made to protect our human rights
Exploiting and abusing our inalienable human rights every day of our lives and telling us it’s fake
Forcing us to endure systemic oppression every day of our lives, for every member of our family, for generations, claiming it’s fake
Refusing to allow us to escape
Refusing to allow us to gain safety
Attacking those who support or aid us
Attacking the careers of those who aid and support us
Rewarding those who abuse and attack us
Targeting us for our spiritual beliefs
Using our spiritual beliefs against us as a means of discriminations and further marginalizing us making us vulnerable to more violent assaults
Weaponizing the public against us using myth, stigma, and propaganda
Holding us accountable for the crimes committed against us
The list goes on and on. At no time has anyone been held accountable for abuse. Every day of our lives we continue to be exploited, not just by society but by racist white extremism occupying even the highest places in government. No one cares. Those who do are either too afraid, too weak, or too powerless to help. Every day we are told none of this is happening, it’s all fake, we are safe and equal. We are just one family, some of this happens to every Black family, and many allies. But protections are still denied along with reparations, justice, and the possibility of even rising above any of it. When we manage to make any gains, we systematically attacked and all gains removed.
“I would die for America” people say every day.
True patriots LIVE every day for truth, keeping their oath, fighting for the CONSTITUTION, life, human rights, and diversity regardless of socio-political status, religion, political affiliation, spiritual beliefs, race, or ethnicity.
UN Human Rights The White House Progressive Caucus Amnesty International Human Rights Watch