Future Forward
Today I am feeling particularly thankful to be alive. I have so many barriers due to disabilities, social injustice, the symptoms of systemic oppression, they all take a toll. It’s actually an incredible feat that I am still here! It took a lot to get me to this place. Generation upon generation of strong men and women who were determined that I survive because there was something in me that needed to see the light of day. My children sprang from that! They are the next generation of incredible feats. They know this, they experience this reality daily. They walk in the world not being of the world, in parallel dimensions of multi-ethnic uniqueness wrapped into human analysis genius. These kids tap into themselves, into others, into atmospheres, into frequencies, into quantum realms, in and out all day with their genius abilities to analyze. They know who they are, and why they are here. They are determined to survive, thrive, and materialize their dreams. These kids are incredible feats! They are also, wonderful blessings.
I am particularly thankful to be alive today. I am particularly blessed to be in awareness of these facts of life that generally escape our notice daily because we are so engulfed in all that surrounds us. Few are able to take time out to ponder these aspects of life, some of us are forced into circumstances where we must. The world looks down on those who are differently-abled. But we are just that. We are the ones who adapt! When one aspect of our 3D body is injured, the other parts of our mind-body-soul matrix come together to bless us with new upgrades with enhanced features so that we can figure out how to navigate this game called life. Realists like myself don’t consider life a game, but we recognize when others want to play. We miss a lot, we are abled in different ways. What we miss, we more than makeup for with our enhancements. Those that knew me many years ago no longer recognize me. They don’t understand who I am, who I have become. I am still me. I have always been here. I always will be. That is what I have decided for myself, what looks different is how I present that to the world.
This is the first time ever, in my life, that I have been 1000% transparent to anyone other than the man who abused me my entire life. He was THAT controlling. He was one of the most powerful men who ever lived, his power came through influence. He was never the biggest, smartest, strongest, most agile, richest, or most evolved man in the room. Never. He knew this and he understood that anyone who believed this of themselves was foolish. There were few exceptions, it all depended on what room you were in. “The more exclusive the room your name is spoken in, the more elite you are,” he told me when I was tiny. He understood human nature and how to manipulate it to achieve absolutely any outcome he wanted. He never concerned himself with consequences, “In war, there is always collateral damager” he would say. He approached everything like war.
As of this writing, more than 99% of the world’s population has no idea that the planet is currently in the position he placed it in decades ago, intentionally. If you can get five people in the same room at one time to verify this then you are one of the most powerful people in the world. This is the kind of web this man knew how to craft, this is what he trained me to spot. This is what he trained me to analyze, he wasn’t playing games either. He understood that others view life as a game, and this is weakness. It can be exploited. If you are incapable of understanding the difference between a game and a simulation, organic or otherwise, then you will forever be confused about what you are playing at and why. He knew this, as did I. He made sure I understood. There were few people who could have these conversations in the 1980s racist right in the D.C. suburbs, he was lonely.
Everything that I am is an amalgamation of all that I have experienced, ever. Not just this current incarnation of flesh, but every incarnation of particles that continue to be recycled throughout all time. I am all that I am. We all are! It’s nothing to fear, it simply means there is no death. Not in this universe, not in the sense that we believe it to be. The truth is, in our universe energy never dies, it only transforms. This concept scares people to the extent that genocides are committed over the awareness of its existence. Wars are fought to suppress the facts, they have been for century upon century. But there are always those who cherish truth, regardless of how obscure, shocking, or taboo. Those people are my heroes! They understand that in spite of what chaos comes to the universe, the most valuable treasure available to all life is knowledge. To suppress it is to destroy life. Without knowing where you have been you can never know who you are and where you are going.
This reality was ripped from Black America systematically for centuries, and the world has turned a blind eye to it. In fact, not just Black America, but all of the African Diaspora. The destruction of humanity’s Motherland and the systematic elimination of her progeny became the most “Dangerous Game” that some people call life. Those who play this game enjoy the fight, the hunt, the conquer, the surrender. They become addicted to the process of seek, kill, destroy. They live their lives by their deviant impulses and they pass these patterns down from one generation to the next. Why would they want to change any of it? It’s all they have known for so long that it’s a permanent imprint on their genetic makeup. That is literally why the field of epigenetics exists, the man who abused me ran programs that pioneered the field. I’ve been learning since five, the current conditions in the world are the result of their decisions to manipulate the truth. In other words, life.
I didn’t reach this conclusion on my own, he taught me from his own extremely elite ivy league education complete with indoctrination into the highest levels of secret societies. THAT was how he raised me, in the midst of his entire very strange world. These people care only for their own selfish agendas and they cannot fathom anyone rejecting it. He couldn’t! He never stopped torturing me until the day he died, for turning my back on it all. It was the worst betrayal he had experienced in life, from his perspective. These people are worshiped by the masses, they arrange the world to be this way. They have simulated a kingdom that appears Godly, miraculous, magical, heavenly. The reality is they enslaved 99% of the planet doing it all day every day in plain sight as people slowly and systematically handed over every single right they had to be human. Hoping that they could get closer to them somehow. Not even recognizing that with every choice we make, we create the chaos or harmony we see in the world. We always focus on micro-level decisions as if Andre in the hood deciding to become a rapper instead of a school teacher or technical engineer is the downfall of the Black Community. As a rapper, Andre has freedom. As an engineer, Andre would be a slave unable to speak up when the company he works for threatens to withhold his pay for not creating racist code. It happened at the beginning of coding, it happened all through the coding of the internet, it happens today. There are NO ethics in coding or politics, assuming this is true is a delusion.
But those are the types of stories propagandized and distributed to the masses as the reason for the downfall of the planet. As if Andre has the power to do any of that, but who does? Those being worshiped for their shiny things, which they stole while everyone was focused on attacking Andre for being a rapper and talking about truth. This is just one example, every Black person has their own story. We all suffer the tyranny of systemic oppression, for any of us to make it out alive is miraculous! Miracles happen every day yet people miss them, focused on the distractions of the shiny things.
This is precisely what the social engineers who created the society we live in knew people would choose to live. None of this is a mistake, nor is it caused by Black, poor, or marginalized people. These are the target populations chosen for scapegoating. It’s hard to admit the truth to yourself after being bamboozled for so long, but the truth remains anyway. It’s not hard to figure out though, literally. It’s less than 1% of the world’s population blackmailing the entire planet by manipulating global resources and manufacturing genocides while amassing all the resources, wealth, and weapons scapegoating the vulnerable as they go. It may be a tough pill to swallow, but it’s the truth that must be realized before they take everyone down for their extremism.
It begins with dismantling America's obsession with shiny things! Lives are not toys and this, it turns out, is not a game. If you pretend that it is then Monopoly becomes reality, who is satisfied with enslavement other than the enslavers???????
Freedom, equality, and democracy are what I value! Future forward in a diverse democracy, that’s the most superior position the planet can choose, why accept less for the sake of a lie?
I am thankful that I can see the truth, that I am not caught up in the delusion that is “The Game Of Life”. I am blessed to be able to teach my children the truth and how to engage with reality. It’s not easy for any of us, but it’s necessary if we are to survive. To all those who do the same, speak the truth because they understand how valuable it is to do such things, I applaud you! You are the heroes the world needs! Keep speakin’ on in truth! One day the world will look back on these days and look fondly upon those who chose truth, others will be remembered as something to never embrace. If remembered at all.
Future Forward!