Genetic Material
It’s one of the most valuable commodities in the world and has been since the 1970s. The general public wouldn’t necessarily be aware of this, nor would the public understand its proximity to abortion rights. But it’s not a difficult concept to grasp.
“We are going to end death forever,” my handler told me. He believed that he was a God and he thought that acting as one would create the legacy of one. “Experimentation on most genetic material is illegal on U.S. soil, we can get around that with underground bases, other countries, embassies, international skies, and waters.” There is a reason this experimentation goes on outside of the grasp of public consumption. There is also a reason why my voice is constantly blocked, obstructed, minimized, denied, and scapegoated. Because of what I know.
“The greatest thing you could ever do for your country is to have children,” he and his partners told me. I was five, six, and seven years old. They force us to have them, even when raped, they refuse to allow us full authority over our own bodies and over the children we give birth to. They obstruct our ability to gain access to justice, human rights protections, stability, or autonomy. Every decision is based on how the patriarchy will thrive and everyone else barely survives. They elevate those whom they deem “appropriate” for support while oppressing those they want to dominate and control. They make an incalculable amount of money off our bodies, babies, labor, lives, and genetic material. We NEVER see a penny of it. We remain trapped in some form of enslavement whether it be debt, institutionalization, poverty, disparities, brutality, homelessness, food scarcity, bigotry, and trafficking. Yet we never, ever gain access to any of that wealth or the resources, including research and technology hoarded by the 1%. The expectation is that we accept this silently, as well as whatever else they want to throw at us. We are labeled with all forms of slander and targeted for attack when we don’t bow down to the abuse, regardless of what form it comes in.
We know that the far right is xenophobic, no adult human is confused about that at this point, not anymore. What people fail to grasp is that their extremist behaviors, xenophobic pathology, privilege, and access to unlimited funding are what drives them to do abhorrent things like weaponizing a pandemic, deploying an insurgency, triggering multiple depressions, and stripping American citizens of the most basic rights of humanity all while telling us we don’t matter because they are superior. If we draw attention to any of it, then it’s called fake.
Obviously, every step they make, every action they take has the most damaging consequences on Black America. Even stating this very obvious fact gets us banned, shadowbanned, targeted, harassed, stalked, attacked, bullied, censored, muted, silenced, and otherwise abused. Yet we continue to be told that all of these matters are just fake news from “the far left” and full of conspiracy theories. But what if I have lived it my entire life? No theory, all fact.
I have NEVER had control over my own uterus, body, life, movements, money, documentation, decisions, what I learned or was exposed to, or who I would interact with. Yet I have been told the entire time that this is how it is supposed to be because it’s “the natural order”, that it’s “natural selection”, that it’s “God’s will”, and that I “deserve it”. This from so-called “superior people”? What kind of a human would even think this way about a tiny child, let alone SPEAK this way to a tiny child, then proceed to treat a tiny child in that way with zero care for the consequences. They have never been held accountable, we all live the consequences of that every day.
I have said it many times before and I will say it again. America has been focused on the mythical “super predator” when in actuality the “apex predator” was taking control, infiltrating and dominating every space, resource, infrastructure, and ideology. All while America was distracted buying things, posting selfies, and chasing “celebrity” approval. Those same extremists are now threatening the entire population if we dare “wake” to the cultic, fraudulent pyramid scheme, attempt to defend our rights, and attack us when we fight back.
Instead of looking at the actual predators, America has been busy scapegoating the targets. Yet everyone is at a loss for words as to why conditions have deteriorated so rapidly in so many parts of the world, simultaneously? This is no different from a “hostile takeover”. Remember when America decided to treated “corporations” like people and provide them with “rights” they wouldn't even recognize for humans? We are all suffering the consequences of that right now. It is not now nor has it ever been just a hostile takeover of America, this is a hostile takeover of the world.
Ask those same proponents of so-called “pro-life” legislation how many times they themselves have utilized abortions. I was never allowed, not even to use birth control or to get my tubes tied. I have been trying since I was told I had no power or authority over my body, I have been denied every time. What about the ones whom they didn’t want to be able to give birth? How many politicians have forced a mistress or a victim to have an abortion? “We just give them an abortion pill, sometimes they don’t even know we have given it to them” my handler would say. When I asked for those pills, I was denied every time. “We decide who will have children and who won’t” he always told me. This to a tiny child, as I was being molested, raped, tortured, trafficked, and enslaved. But I’m supposed to believe that this is how life is meant to be and accept it, silently, without fighting back?
These changes in abortion laws have never had anything to do with politicians being concerned with God, the bible, or babies. Most of them don’t believe in God, why would they behave the way that they do knowing that their own so-called religion condemns it all? It has everything to do with them using social engineering to recreate the world in their own pathological image. “We will be able to extend our lives forever” the scientists would say. They were working furiously to discover life extension breakthroughs. If you look closely at the field, it’s one of the leading growth industries not only in America but in other parts of the world. Why, and why now?
If you aren’t among the 1% you don’t get an invitation to the life-extension party. You don’t even get to have access to the awareness that any of this has gone on for decades. You won’t even understand it or recognize it when you see it. So you will never believe that “passage” on the life extension boat has been sold to the 1% for decades as they proceeded to take what they want and leave the 99% behind to suffer the collateral damage. There was never care or concern for consequences or the ability to actually clean up after their mess. Repairing the harm done is not their priority as they pretend to be “philanthropists”. That is literally a clever disguise for “hoarder of wealth and resources” all while hiding money and evading taxes. The 1% have their own agenda, language, air, frequency, and future. They care nothing for what the rest of us go through, obviously.
Extremists have had their own agenda so long that people don’t even recognize it when it slaps them in the face. Everyone has adapted to it, embraced it, accepted its place within humanity. Not even the lower ranks of their own community have awareness of their actual agenda, they simply use them as patsies. Those in charge are never even known let alone held accountable. America has no way to even know what extremists are truly doing let alone how to stop it. When the intel is revealed, they reject it as “offensive”, “divisive”, or “conspiracy”. Cronyism more than anything is killing the American democracy, it’s always gone on they are simply amping up the process because they know time is short. Why, two words, “climate change”.
Climate denial was strategic, so was a race war. Everyone is too exhausted and ill to truly recognize what is happening, those that do are deemed “mentally unstable.” But honestly, it’s not rocket science, anyone can see the truth if they want to. It simply requires attention. Their agenda is just getting started, it may have been decades in the making but strategically the war has just begun. This is the new forever war, Americans attacking Americans on U.S. soil while using the government and tax dollars to do it. It’s always gone on, every marginalized group in America can tell you every detail of how. What’s new is that now, protected classes have narrowed.
America is under occupation by far-right extremists. The fight to “Protect The Homeland” is only just now getting started because by design, the targets of the agenda are only just now beginning to “wake” to the devastation. They are centuries ahead of everyone while we are still stumbling in the dark to see what’s truly happening. Now more than ever, legislators must take action to protect life, democracy, and infrastructure. It’s literally the number one job of Congress yet it hasn’t happened in decades. The infiltration of the far-right is so deep that every single branch of government continues to be hamstrung, all but the 1% are suffering because of it, and there is no end in sight due to strategic failure.
America can, America must do a better job, the planet depends on it. We ALL depend on it.
Our bodies and our genetic material belong to us, individually, not collectively. We don’t owe you babies or abortions, we owe you nothing. You owe us the respect of our boundaries and human rights. Until all are all, no justice no peace.
The White House United Nations #generationequality