Get Up!

Danielle Diew
11 min readOct 29, 2021


We’ve been down too long!

Black children

still separated

from parents

There is never

talk of repaying

or repairing

harm done

to any of us

regardless of how long

it has gone on

Or no matter

how heinous the crimes

We are the targets

Yet we 4eva

bare all the shame

and blame

How can any human

defend these racist behaviors

Then target me

for calling it out

by name

Even those we support

who claim to support us

the same

ALWAYS betray us

We’re still waiting for 40 acres

and a mule

and legislation to protect us

When we say

“We Matter”

Or for justice when our babies

are raped

Still nothing

Not even COVID relief

during a pandemic

Which is now reframed

to place the blame

of mass death

on us

because we don’t trust the people

who are actively


All of our community

Bodies, souls, minds, works, histories

ALL of us

wiped out of memory

with the push of a button

Algorithms rewrite


What appears to be true

is fake

What is called fake

is accurate

but no one cares

because people are traumatized

and easily distracted

by shiny things

The Black Community

continues to be

targeted and attacked

by those who declared themselves

our enemy

While many of those

who claim to be allies

garner our support

then abandon us

every time we are in need

Elite, affluent men raised me

I’ve experienced this my whole life

To them it’s merely a game

Called “life”

that’s why I don’t like the saying

The very people who are being offered support


In the end

Are the very people who have been actively



generation after generation

All bend to the will of hate

But that shyt ain’t in my DNA

To all those

Who promise to support


Abandon us every time

In interests of their own

Guess what

We always knew

We gave you ALL the opportunity

to do the correct thing

None of you did

How do you think God

will deal with such


We are constantly working

for ALL

While all

work against us


It’s 10.29

I’ve yet to receive a penny

of COVID cash relief

Or payment of my contract

Or my education credentials unredacted

Or even just reparation for the harm my own country

has done to me

while serving it

even under conscription

It’s 2021 and the world still believes

that America doesn’t conscript

or use children in war

Well I’m here to tell you


It’s 10.29.21

and I still can’t even get SNAP food relief

Why work so hard

to traumatize me

Why work so hard

to silence me

Could it be

that you fear the truth

protruding from me

My friends who remained loyal

Let me know


The worst part of it all

they had to tell me

through the most archaic

back channel ways


That’s how heavy the surveillance is

But I’m supposed to carry on

like I am seeing nothing

as I’m told that being “awake”

is what is destroying everything

O Lawd

The propaganda MK train!

I have yet to receive treatment

for the abuse I experienced

though it has left me





But for so many others

healthcare is free

For me

“it’s too expensive

we can’t let them know about you

it will ruin everything”

And I’m supposed to accept this

That’s not in my DNA

I am hurting

from injuries sustained

while serving my country

but the U.S. still claims

“We cannot verify your identity”

And I’m supposed to accept this game

The refugees who have been saved

Have all these things and more

Including housing

but mine is always


Out on a limb

Always dangling

Trying to survive

attacks from those in the same


Who seek only their own fortune

They have no commitment to anything

other than self

and what riches can bring

But I’m supposed to accept this

as my destiny

because evil men said so

That’s not in my DNA

Still forced to labor

for the country

attacking me

yet still forcing me

to sacrifice



it remains

And I’m supposed to accept this

without a penny

or recognition

or reparation

or repairing harm done

to my entire community

To none of this

did I ever agree

It’s not in my DNA

I will 4eva fight for justice

I don’t care what you think

Weakness is not in my DNA

I will never accept this

I don’t care what you say

“Yes Sir Massa’

Have it your way”

Is that what you want from me

You’ll die waiting for that

It’s not in my DNA

I am human

Just because you say it’s fake

That doesn’t make it all go away

Your propaganda

traps us in a prison

Where we are perpetually tortured

In a hell created by evil

in an inescapable cell

Evil torments us


Saying day is night

and night is day

We survive it all

even as they die

but still it is proclaimed

that we deserve the torture

because someone told them that

one day

People claim to be Christian

But don’t even know

how Daniel survived all that heat

and walked through the flames

with the lions tamed

and ready to be at his beck and call

With angels at his back

shielding him from hate

I am She

Who’s Name Is What It Means

When I Rise

In consciousness

all feel it

because this is how I resonate

My energy scares people

I no longer care

We have no more time

to waste

As I Rise

All will know

once and for all

The reason I came

Once and for all time

the world will balance

Never again to return

to this despicable place

Black people are tired

our right to life

constantly being challenged

by people who don’t even understand

the most basic aspects of life

And we’re expected to look the other way

As they scorch the earth

and claim climate change is fake

Claiming the targets have corrupted the world

as they hoard all the resources

and institute their escape

People are so brainwashed

they believe racist entertainment

is the news of the day

“We’re going to use the same strategy

that cult leaders use”

They even implemented the same

“drink the cool-aid”


But we’re supposed to pretend like we don’t see

because it makes those harming us


and their deviance is all that matters

because America is run by

white supremacy

Punishing us for simply breathing

Shooting at

and murdering our children

in the street

State sanctioned and all

and they get rewarded with promotions


Called hero’s

and they truly believe

they are saving the day

They tell us to our face

“we’re doing what we need to do

for our people

for white people”

Then they deploy the military

to put down our peaceful protests

as they tell us

“I am so ashamed at how you have behaved”


We are protesting state sanctioned violence

and they send in the state

to behave violently

But I’m supposed to accept all of this

Even though I was trained

to blow the whistle on such corruption

and not to stop for anything

I’m supposed to accept being tortured

for doing the correct thing

That is not in my DNA

The truth is evil hides their demons

They suppress truth

They seek, kill, destroy

What could bring to light

Their chaos and ruin

It’s so easy for the elite

To simply say one word

Or send out a Tweet

Then suddenly

We don’t exist anymore

Not even in memory

Every aspect of our lives

wiped clean

by a hidden hand

and deep dreams

Nothing we do is our own

it’s all


always stolen

and reframed

as a new discovery

But we’re supposed to accept this

as our natural destiny

And to do so quietly

That’s not in my DNA

We are dominated

but hundreds of years

of exterminations

and oppressions




breeding campaigns

America is talking about

repaying harm done to people who

are refugees

and this is great

But U.S. citizens who have been here

hundreds of years

Building the nation

still can’t get human rights

or even a discussion

of reparations

Our own president

Who made it into office

off our sweat

Continues to deny our humanity

in total and complete apathy

And every time I criticize him

My home network is attacked

and I am blocked from posting

But I’m supposed to accept this

while being told that I “matter”

yet I can’t even get paid

for work I have done

Creations I made

This is insane

Whatever sickness that would expect

me to accept such deeds

I purge from me

If it ever was

it is no longer

in my DNA

Even those who amass riches

in spite of being in captivity

Still live in captivity

and among the elite

I think that’s tragic

particularly since they are so confused

by shiny things

That they don’t fight for their own liberation

and literally contribute to the downfall of ALL

while claiming the origin of the problems

belong to the most vulnerable

because we are so weak

What sickness

And I’m supposed to accept that this is how

things are supposed to be

We may not matter to you

But we matter to each other

So no

We don’t accept dying in a denied holocaust

We don’t accept that extremist greed

is more important than our progeny

We are expected to accept these atrocities


Without fighting back

Without saying or doing


We are expected to remain

in a docile state

But some of us are born

for more

Some of us are born

to fight tyranny




If you are any of those things

You made yourself my enemy

By harming me

Those I love

and the whole damn planet

Because you couldn’t stop


You project all of your evil

onto your targets


“It’s them, they did it

they ruined everything”

Like babies you constantly


As though you have accomplished

great things

By raping, killing, destroying,

weaponizing and propagandizing


You want me to praise

the same pedophiles

who molested me

But I’m wrong

for saying


For calling out the sickness

and lancing

it’s festering


Get Out!


Get Out Of Her Now My People

Anything that could cause you

to loose your senses

and justify

or hide

such disgusting things

is not Divine

That’s a cult

you have a mind controlled brain

You have been told

over and over and over



Yet you remain

and argue your position

I have no more compassion

for those

who have taken their seat

beside The Beast

that devours ALL



while raping

and killing


and promoting hate

While claiming those

fighting for life

are the threat

to ALL things

I’m tired

I don’t mean I need sleep

I mean I am soul weary

So tired of all the ego filled

Patriot games

My soul is older than you know

I have seen so many things

I have looked into

the eye of the devil

Held his private bits

in my hand

He lived once as well

He wanted to remember

what that was like

So he made me his fetish

“A real live doll”

he used to say

“My own little voodoo doll

in hand”

That’s the kind of evil

you protect

That’s who you call



He was only one of many

but all of them behaved the same

“No one gets me”

he proclaimed

He took me to his leader

Guess what

He was far worst than the devil

You see everyone reports to someone

Even the ones we believe run


He was cold

Though he burned of fire

He held within him

massive amounts

of energy

He was what people used to call

a big brain

Even his 4head was big

Mine used to look the same

It’s amazing

That people believe him to be

such a great person

“Very fine people”

even when they knew

he was raping and torturing

I was only a baby

“It doesn’t matter”

they have all told me

“This is the natural order of things”

they proclaim

They are sick

and these are your leaders

and you wonder why the planet

is on the brink

These men created me

not my person

my training

With constant trauma and hate

torture and torture and torture

endless torture

On and on decade after decade

Yet people say that I am the danger

because of what I survived

but not them for doing those things

Psychosis is rampant

as it would be under a propagandized state

of total insanity

And I’m supposed to accept this

as my responsibility

I am constantly targeted

Because of what I may do

in response to what they did

to me

What kind of rationality is this

What kind of creatures think

and behave in this way

I am trained in the Art of War

I have had the world’s masters

teach me for decades

You aren’t skilled in anything

other than hate

But that’s not enough

So you apply Ai

and program it to attack us at will

claiming we created the

“condition of human”

as if we were born with some


But we’re not supposed to see this

and if we do then we are behaving with

“mental instability”

I have taken vows that will never

be uttered verbally

But will be held

to the absolute highest

of accountability

Not only because I myself

hold myself

to accountability

But because those

of higher order

do as well

I have gone places

done things

seen things

experienced things

defeated things

no other human

has even seen in their dreams

I am unique

I am elite

Yet here I remain

a hidden figure

because my skin

and gender

and disability

make me more vulnerable to hate

repeated rapes

and poverty

In America

few care

and my entire community

suffers the consequences

as though we deserve being


Even people within my own family

think the same way

It’s not because their is any truth

to this colonized thinking

It’s because propaganda

controls all things

But we’re supposed to pretend

we don’t see

and remain asleep

so they can kill us silently

That’s not in my DNA

My creations stolen from me

My children stolen from me

My income stolen from me

I should pretend I don’t know these things

I have yet to receive the intel owed to me

about my own children

as I advocate for ALL

and we are constantly abandoned

because people don’t want to tell the truth

“They don’t like how it makes them feel”

We watch our own government every day

prioritize white rage

and delusions

over the existence

of the entire Black American community

The descendants of slaves

are the ones being ethnically cleansed

compare the numbers

we are dying in plain sight every day

As the government plays

spy games

But we’re supposed to pretend

that this is


This is their plan for escape

They are doing it in plain sight

for all to see

But I’m the one who is the danger

and inferior

for waking people up to

their genocidal games?

Question what you think you know

I assure you

the surprises will never cease to amaze

In experiential knowledge

and training


of metaphysical things

I remain

Meditating and manifesting

what is most valued

An end to all hate

I have had the privilege


Speaking life into being

I have been blessed with many gifts

they become my abilities

I have given ALL


Even when I was on my last breath

or drowning

strangled on a leash

I am a woman

on a mission

Truth, justice, diversity, equality

This shall be the new way

I am authorized

to act in this capacity

But you will never hear one

make this claim

It matters not

What I am blessed with

in my anointing

is mine

Who can take it from me??????

You have tried

4 more than 4 decades

It hasn’t worked yet

Move on

Try evolving

Try thinking

in a new way

I’m about my father’s business

Which one you ask

I guess you have to figure that out

Red Gold Green

One Love

Onward, Upward,

Danielle proclaims

It’s literally

2:44 am

What do you think


synchronicity means

All enslaved

Shall be released

All enslaved












Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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