Go Back Into Your Cave
Reality Check Poetry
If the legislation you pass is so appropriate
Why don’t you live the consequences then
If the decisions you make
That destroy lives
Are God ordained
Why do you have to hide the truth
Of what you are doing
Behind lies, alternative fact, manipulations, rhetoric
Propagandized legalese
Dangerous dog whistles
If you are so superior
Why does that status requires exterminations
Of entire populations???
If you walk in righteousness
Why do you have to manipulate
Just to get your way
Which literally means
You are violating in the most heinous ways
If your violations have merit
Or are based in some form of constitutional legality
Why don’t your choices ever affect you or your cronies
In a negative way
In any way
Why fear equality or equity or diversity
If your law is the “correct” way
Insane people don’t know they are insane
Crusaders never know they are genocidal warmongers
They simply refuse to face their own delusions
Or cognitive dissonance
Why do you have to use technology that is both
Classified and advanced
To accomplish your agenda
Why do you have to apply tradecraft tactics
To get what you want
Against U.S. citizens at home in our own lands
If you are so “right” in what you are doing
Why do you use weapons, propaganda, lies, deceit, manipulation
Abuse, threats, schemes, theft, grift, molestation, kidnapping, rape
What about your agenda is correct
What about your actions are justifiable
If they are above board
Why are your actions done in secret
Why do you throw stones then hide your hand
Maliciously wounding targeted victims
Destabilizing their entire existence
Then go to church with your family the next day
Big smile on your face
Shaking hands with the priests, pastors, cardinals, bishops
Then proceed with your backroom meetings
Where you suppress the truth of your sins
Targeted victims forced to live the outcomes
Of your deviance
If you were legitimate
In any way
Why do you have to hide the legitimacy
Of U.S. citizens on our own lands
If you are within the rights of any human being
Why do you have to negate the rights of others
To lift yourself above ones you hate
You are transparent
Racist, xenophobic, deviant, arrested in your development
Even when you don’t know it
Those who follow you
Swallow your delusions
Worship your bloodlust and war mongering
Are blinded by your mind control tactics
But you call that justification
Claiming your “base” wants what you are delivering
But the honest criticism of your behaviors
To defend against your attacks
Is more of a threat
Than the terrorist organizations you protect???
Stop forcing people to think your lies are truth
See how they respond then
I won’t bow down to any percent
The 1 the 3 the 10
None of it means a thing to me
I see only your words, deeds, intent
The outcome of your sickness
I won’t bow down to your ignorance
Your violence
Your deviance
Or your commands
Who chooses to violate human rights with impunity
Against any human
What kind of creature does this with absolutely no precipitating factor
No reason to assert your ideologies over another human’s existence
Who TF does that???
But to particularly target those who are in a vulnerable state
Is that much more extreme
Utterly unstable
Clearly Godless
All the things you project onto your targets
In order to scapegoat
I have no dealings with such evilness
No amount of torture, abuse, hacking, slicing, or targeting
Will ever change that fact
Best to repair the harm you have done
Tell the truth
Reverse the damage
My sword of truth will continue to enlighten
The truth makes you free
I live it
You need to apply it to yourself
There will be no forgiveness
Without much repentance and correction of your actions
There will be no compassion
Without you undoing the damage you continue to inflict
Until you clean up your own mess
You are nothing but evilness
The sun will continue to shine a light on you
Even as you attempt to block it’s rays
The power cannot be escaped
If you refuse to adapt to human civilization
To save life, the planet, the future, humankind
Go back into your cave then
Go live the life you desire elsewhere
But no longer will your force others
To obey your sickness