“Good Men”

But are they really?

Danielle Diew
30 min readOct 30, 2021
Seeing Through

The first time I was forced to get pregnant I was nine years old. Not even ten yet but just before. They knew when my period was due to arrive because they monitored me so heavily they could tell what I ate every day and how my body synthesized the food. I didn’t get my period, instead I got pregnant. “We know how to catch the first egg just before your flow begins, Each time you release an egg your eggs deteriorate a little, we want to catch the first ones. We want to stave off the flow of your period but allow the release of your eggs and catch as many as we can.” I was between five and eight years old when the conversations were had. The technology was being developed as they experimented on me in an extremely highly classified epigenetics experiment. They found white men with the highest standardized I.Q.’s, wealth, families who came over on the mayflower, and political roots. Every man they sold me to for breeding made it into the white house. They used me, the children, the abuse, and any intel pertaining to it to blackmail these men throughout their entire careers. I watched legislation lean toward the direction they demanded, every time, year after year, decade after decade. United Nations So who truly is running the government? CNN

Don’t assume these men who are passing legislation on our bodies are clueless, some of them aren’t but have access to classified intel that has been kept from humanity. DARPA has been an obstacle in this process because the program that created the current agenda that is occupying America and instituting a coup came from that same DARPA program that I was enslaved to. When the CIA quashed them, I was simply sold to another “owner” under a “contract” that I have yet to get paid on. So was I enslaved or am I going to get paid?

Planned Parenthood I used to beg for birth control, abortion pills, abortions, anything. They were pedophiles forcing me to breed, and taking my children. To this day I have had no contact with those children. UNICEF I’m not even sure how many I had! I was never allowed to hold them, or know their gender. The men who trafficked me threatened their lives, my entire life. Even before he died, my “fictive” father threatened the “son” that I had with him. I didn't’ know the gender, he revelated it in a threat. In his dying days. That’s how I lived, in the U.S., all my life. But I’m wrong for being angry and blowing the whistle? I’ll be wrong then!

The kind of surveillance I have had to live under doesn’t even happen in the most highly classified and technologically advanced prisons. The idea that the U.S. government has no idea who I am is ridiculous. They knew me before I was born, there henchmen were instrumental in created that literal means for my conception. But I’m not supposed to talk about it.

Then men who abused me ran a very powerful research program. “We can do what we want, we have an infinite amount of money”. It was 1980, it was public school, I was five. The research program was run by D.O.D. and partnered with every intel agency as well as military branch. It fell under the MKUltra umbrella, and when it supposedly was “shut down” in 1985 they cleaned all evidence of it’s existence. The program did not end. The CIA took over and quashed all evidence. There is ample evidence of these activities on the CIA searchable database, but nothing that would tie any of it to individuals of course. I am just one of many.

The CIA has publicly encouraged DARPA to also come forward with it’s files, as well as other agencies. No other agency has. I don’t have a choice about talking, I am forced to. I am fully disabled, I have no income, no access to money or a means of making it, even food and clean water are difficult to obtain. My internet connections are constantly interrupted and I am hacked multiple times daily. I was homebound due to injuries I sustained serving this country, yet I still can’t obtain adequate healthcare. Legislation is being passed to help others like me, legislation is being passed to help countless others in similar situations. Yet pennies do no trickle down in America, systemic oppression does.

It’s 10.30.21 and I remain enslaved to the United States government who refuses to not only set me free, but to pay me for work that I have done for decades. The White House I have not received my education credentials which were officially redacted in 1984 through classified judicial process. There is evidence, even if only I was referred to as a number or an X. My controller said that I would always be known by those two indicators. But I am suppose to accept that this is not a holocaust? I grew up one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, some of my closest friends and adopted family members still had their nazi concentration camp numbers tattooed on their arms. they literally helped raise me. Now these were good people! They showed me love and told me about their experiences. I promised them that when the time came, I would speak out ON THEIR BEHALF also! Genocide is wrong, period. When I asked on my aunties why she kept the tattoo she said “We keep them so that we never forget what we have overcome and the suffering we endured. We are a strong and proud people, we have to keep the remembrance of our experiences alive so that no one forgets what has happened. But also to remember those left behind.” I don’t just cry out for Black America. I AM CRYING OUT FOR ALL OPPRESSED PEOPLE! ALL VICTIMS OF GENOCIDE!

It’s time the worlds true leaders stoop up and took the reigns.

These men who abuse women, children, the vulnerable, targeted populations, the geocidal, they are not men at all. You cannot romanticize, and minimize a holocaust and think that it’s a normal aspect of human life. “We want you to deliver the message that deviance is human nature” they told me. They literally spent decades trying to force me to say that pedophilia was natural, murder is normal, and genocide is a fact of life. YOU HEAR PEOPE SAYING THIS ALL DAY EVERY DAY, BUT USING DIFFERENT LANGUAGE. Everyone should be paying close attention to people’s behavior. If you can’t see through the propaganda, then it controls you.

You can see that I refused to cooperate with such evil, so of course I have been tortured. Those who sold out and spout the disgusting rhetoric, all wealthy. The devil doesn’t touch his own. UN Human Rights

I was in a full blown paramilitary unit under the Department Of Defense and I was only five years old Human Rights Watch They gained access to me by implementing “Social Service” laws enforceable by police action. Once “regulations” were applied to our community then we were forced to go where they told us, do what they told, live how they told, get educated where they told us. I was forced into schools where I was being trafficked from the age of four onward, and the abusers installed staff to ensure that I never talked and always got the blame. I am now 46, the only thing that has changed is that Joe Biden now wants to implement the same DARPA programs except make them bigger. There has been NO effort to acknowledge the wrong, correct it, or repair any of the harm done by it. “You won’t get any help. No one will believe you” my abusers said. “The new government will be one ruled by science and data” they said. But they created the “science” and warped the “data” as well as suppressed all information that would prove their manipulations. The world is moving in a direction that will ultimately wipe out ALL and people are living it with smiles on their selfie faces not knowing what is about to happen UN Human Rights

The men who ran the program went on to become Vice President then President, and Secretary Of Defense. If I talk about it, I’m attacked. If I don’t talk about it, I’m attacked. What do you think I’m going to do? As angry as I want to be the whole step of the way because NONE OF THIS HAD TO HAPPEN, EVER! UN Women

But since America has a romantic relationship with rape, and I am forced to be publicly raped by exposing every aspect of every traumatic incident that ever happened to me then you will see what it’s like. I’m not sugar coating anything, you want me to talk! I’ll talk! But I’m telling the truth, I’m pissed, still denied my humanity, under nourished, fighting COVID AGAIN, and trying to manage disabilities while penniless. I’m going to show my AZZ AND IDGAF WHAT ANYONE THINKS! NO ONE HELPS! NO ONE CARES! NO ONE HOLDS THE ABUSERS ACCOUNTABLE! NO ONE TELLS THE TRUTH! WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN MY POSITION?

“If I can mold your body well enough that you won’t die in childbirth I can make it happen sooner. We want to make sure that your first egg release is captured, we just haven’t decided who the father will be yet. I want it to be me, but they won’t allow it because I am too old. He has to be in his thirties.” My “fictive” father told me this shortly before he raped me in the middle of the school day. I was in mandatory pre-K and Kindergarten at the time. The very DARPA program that was established to allow for this abuse is the same program being implemented and expanded legislatively. But I’m supposed to believe that I am safe? The Pan-African Alliance 🌍 Black Americans have no safety, we need an exit now!

While my classmates were learning coding, space travel, engineering, biology, I was being “molded” for breeding. But I’m not allowed to talk about it, nor am I allowed to have an emotion let alone an opinion about it. I get labeled “divisive” and banned for hate speech, treated worst than terrorists and war criminals all for talking about what happened to me and my family!

“She’s allowing it” everyone has said my entire life. THEY WERE TERRIFIED OF HIM but somehow I wasn’t? My thoughts and feelings never matter though because I have never been seen as human. “No one will help you” he said. I guess the thought never occurred to anyone that they shouldn’t listen to a group of racist, fascist, misogyny, psychopathic pedophiles. But I’m the unstable one? I knew it at four, but every adult around me who was paid tax dollars to protect me constantly allowed me to be molested and tortured. Why would I trust them or any aspect of the society that allowed it and has done NOTHING to prevent it to this day? It’s 2021, nothing has changed accept the death toll and the number of sexual assault victims. But I’m the crazy one for fighting it? Why don’t you want to?

1975, 1980, 1985, 1990… 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2020, on and on and on. The abuse never ended. Everyone who claims that there is no racism, oppression, or negative affects of any aspect of Colonialism and the toxicity of Capitalism is a liar. It’s funded by the sweat of my brow and the amount of money I generated with my vagina from the age of three and four until death. How many of us? “As many as the grains of sand on the beach” he said. He was proud of the toxicity he created. No one knows how many victims there are, so yes they have a vested interest in killing us off.

People didn’t believe that the DC Sniper was using that entire scheme to cover up his domestic violence murder plot, but it was. He was my abusers asset, he used him to test the operation. He was just one of many. But I’m not supposed to talk about it. Human Rights @ State

I’m not the delusional one. Delusional people can’t survive that kind of torture. The men who tortured, raped, and abused me my entire life didn’t allow me to have delusions. “They get in the way” they always said. Their family, friends, associates, co-workers, all allowed delusions. But anyone close enough to have dirt on them, absolutely not!

“We get more money when the victim is a distant relative through slavery” he told me when I was five. He was explaining the trafficking ring he sold me to. “We want to put you in a trafficking ring so we can take it over” he told me, I had just started “mandatory kindergarten”. Mandatory pre-K and kindergarten gave them unfettered access to me. If there were any other obstacles, they easily maneuvered them just like they do now with every piece of legislation that touches any desk in leadership. But I’m not supposed to talk about it. All three branches of government are hamstrung because of this same agenda, but I get attacked when I point that out. Other whistleblowers are being paid EXTRA to do the job they were supposed to do in the beginning, but didn't do. I AM FORCED TO BLOW THE WHISTLE THEN TORTURED FOR IT! But I’m supposed to accept this, and people are confused about what's going on in America? White supremacy and ethnic cleansing are what's going on. But like all selfish people, no one cares about our suffering only protecting what they fear may happen to them. We are dying now, not from fear but a geocide, yet irrational fear and xenophobia continue to be prioritized over our lives.

I have COVID. I’m trying to kick it, it’s hard. There are two gaping holes in my ceiling with leaking pipes and mold spewing all through the home. How do you think the mold and mildew will affect my health this time? I have been through this repeatedly over the last seven years. even while trying to heal from head traumas and blood clots. When I couldn’t speak, or sit for very long, walk without help, or explain what was happening. Here were are again, under the same circumstances. No money, no support, no aid, no access to resources, disbelieved, minimized, and ignored. So now I have to contend with the mold and COVID! But I’m wrong for complaining and could be kicked out at any moment for doing so.

“Wealthy men love power and it makes them feel powerful to have slaves. If your family was owned by theirs during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade then you are more valuable. We can request more money for you”. I was, at the time, demanding the highest rates than anyone else ever had. The greater my accomplishments, the higher I was sold for.

I was earning six figures with each encounter at the age of five, and every time I accomplished something new the price was raised. That money all went into the pockets of wealthy white men and their families. “You deserve it” my abusers wife was smuggled onto a classified prison base just to deliver that message to me in my disgrace. Naked, bleeding, abused, bruised, at six years old, but she’s a “child advocate”. All you have to be in white. “She has the right to express how she feels” he told me. Why is she in my life at all, why are you? “If you are going to be my wife she needs to know that she has control” and people wonder why I say what I do? THEY ARE ALL DISGUSTING! Why should she deserve the mercy she never showed me? Why should any of them? She could have ended it all. Not just for me but the whole planet, she knew this, we talked about it. She wanted the same things he did, money, fame, power, and the ability to harm anyone at ill, including animals.

What’s scarier is that his mother was a school teacher, she was the main reason for him being the way he was. His sister worked in the church nursery. She also had an incestuous relationship with him from very early childhood. “No one loves you like your sister” he used to say. It was funny to him but he meant it. He was OBSESSED with her! He NEVER felt about anyone the way he felt about her, ever! He was so obsessed with her that he went all over the world looking for a way to preserve her life somehow so that she never had to die. He wanted to be with her forever. When I asked why he wouldn't chose his wife he said “I’ve had enough, this will be the last lifetime”. He was sad about not finding a way to prevent his mothers death, he wanted that also. But if he could bring them back, he would!!!!!! What he intended to do with me was never up to me. “Slaves die with their masters if they will it. I don’t just want to be a master, I want to be a God. God’s are reborn WITH their servants.” And I was always supposed to accept this? I AM NOT NOW NOR HAVE I EVER BEEN YOUR PROJECTION!

She was ALWAYS the love of his life and she was just as evil. She HATED me, except when she was getting what she wanted from me. ALL of them operate from the perspective of their disgusting, filthy, deviant behaviors and nothing else matters. Some of the first words he ever uttered to me were about how much he loved his sister and his mother, and he most certainly meant it in a sexual way. “There is nothing wrong with our relationships, society has it wrong. Just because society says its true doesn't mean it is!” That’s how he raised me, saying sick thins like that. But if I didn’t believe or accept it, why do they? What’s wrong with them that they are incapable of respecting the absolute most basic aspects of human nature, so much so that it doesn’t even register as reality with them?

It’s wrong, period. I don’t need a 2000 year old book, a preacher, a social worker, or a society to tell me that pedophilia and incest are wrong. I survived it at his hands. He should have been able to mentally adapt and understand the same basic aspects of humanity. But he couldn’t do that and he would rather die than to have the truth revealed. All of them in fact made the same choice. Taking their lies to the grave, repairing no harm but reinforcing the chaos they created. Leaving their deviant families to carry on their traditions. FINE PEOPLE? None of them were capable of being NOT being deviant but I’m not supposed to talk about it. Yet I’m inferior and unstable? What kind of mind would be willing to embrace such things?

The men who abused me forced me to achieve firsts, that no human or at the very least Black person had ever achieved before because it made them more and more money! “It’s chattel slavery” they told me. It was 1980, I was standing in the official office of the man who later became president. He molested me shortly after telling me I was his chattel slave, in his chair, and on his desk. Then he told me that I would be “gifted” to his son. But I’m not supposed to talk about it. I was just five years old experiencing those degradations daily, and the abuse never ended. He died several years ago, I am now 46 and I am still not free but I’m not allowed to talk about it. UNICEF

They wanted me to write about these things because in their world it glorifies them. I obviously didn’t want to participate. Now, I can't survive without doing it. But I’m wrong for being angry? I’m still penniless. Everything I created, earned, worked for, even the money made from trafficking me, all gone to white men and their families. But I am the one viewed as a disgrace because I was unable to escape it? Progressive Caucus

I’m not supposed to talk about it, I’m attacked when I do, and attacked when I don’t What would you do? Amnesty International It’s 2021 and we are in a full blown apocalypse and the torture continues. But somehow, that’s my fault?

I’m Pandora. But I still don’t matter. Library of Congress TIME

Aight Bet.

Liberation movements are born from extreme suffering. No one ever looks at the people who creates the suffering, people only exploit those suffering as “pitiful souls” who were “deserve” what they are experiencing because they are somehow “bad people”. That’s as far as it goes in western culture. There is no greater advancement of the self, it all boils down to what you can buy. Why? Because the engineers of western society are deviant psychopaths, everything they touch is toxic and America is fighting to preserve this system holding the entire planet hostage as they go. This is acceptable? Humanity can do a better job than just chaos, destruction, abuse, and lies.

I have been under long term care for several years. EVERY SINGLE LONG TERM CARE ASSISTANT that I have had believed that I was sick and suffering because I must have done something bad in my life to deserve it. But people wonder why my health declined under the health care system in America. CDC Flu World Health Organization Human Rights @ State I almost died repeatedly. Clinicians, physicians, nurses, techs, and first responders have all laughed at me during medical emergencies. I have been physically assaulted, repeatedly, during medical emergencies. IN FRONT OF WITNESSES at times. No one cares! There is NEVER accountability! This years before COVID but I’m supposed to feel safe now? It has happened many times throughout the years, in every state I have ever lived in. “It’s you!” people say. Yes, it is. That’s the whole point. But why? What’s funny about a medical emergency? This is the healthcare system, imagine other industries. UN Human Rights I almost died repeatedly under the U.S. healthcare system and they literally exist to aid, not harm. This is years before COVID. But I’m supposed to believe that I am suddenly safe, in an apocalypse where Black Americans are being purged with impunity? NO ONE CARES BECAUSE THEY AREN’T REQUIRED TO CARE ABOUT BLACK LIVES. PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY PRGRAMMED TO KILL US WITH IMPUNITY AND NO ONE BATS AN EYELASH! But I’m the crazy one for calling attention to it? No. I’m just strong enough to tell everyone they are sick.

Since I have been triaging my own care, I am getting better. I can sit up, talk, walk, type, write, think, make decisions. For a while I could do none of this and doctors tried to claim it was because I was faking or had a low IQ. But America has equality? Part of the reason I write so much is to help myself heal. I have had more head injuries than I can even remember let alone number. Writing and creating art is therapeutic. But I’m denied even this. Cut off from art websites, hacked, creations ruined, files stolen, erased, writing altered. Vice President Kamala Harris Elizabeth Warren Cori Bush for Congress Speaker Pelosi Why? Do I matter? Am I Human? Am I American? Am I a citizen? Am I a former operative being denied payment for my work and adequate healthcare? Am I a whistleblower being targeted for telling the truth? Am I a survivor of sexual and domestic violence at the hands of wealthy, powerful, elite men who were empowered to abuse and traffic me? Am I a victim of human rights violations? Have I been targeted by those in authority and the minions they incited to attack myself and my children? But I am the dangerous one? I can be, I am trained to be. But I haven’t been, after ALL this. What does that tell you? If I were unstable, a trail of bodies would be left as evidence. No, that's not me, those are the people who abused me. Yet all anyone sees is my black skin and mental health problems. If you are incapable of seeing reality, that literally means you are mentally unstable. With or without mind control. Hell, they used mind control on me AND STILL COULDN’T BREAK ME. But people are walking around delusional simply because some said something one time that made them form an uninformed opinion, and people have to die in mass for it?

People don’t like the fact that I say Black Lives Matter and DEFUND? I can’t count the number of crimes committed against me, I can’t even remember them all. Never ONCE has anyone who has abused me, violated my human rights, or committed any crime against me ever been held accountable. BUT I AM WRONG FOR SAYING DEFUND? And I’m supposed to embrace the very system that is literally attacking not only me but my children????? I tell you what, hold the police and gang members who shot my son accountable and maybe we can consider dropping DEFUND! I’ve been EVERYWHERE you have, none of you have been anywhere I have. Remember that!

Black people are drowning in a world where emotional intelligence is watered down to “don’t get angry” and the same people repeating this mantra have no idea what multiple intelligence is yet I’m supposed to believe they are superiors and that I should submit to their oppression because of it? If you have to go out of your way to suppress me, you have already demonstrated your inferiority. It’s not your genes, it’s your “stinkin thinkin”.

I was defunded at birth, but I’m supposed to accept that this is the natural order? This is a result of the sick scheme that my abuser and his cronies came up with to hide their crimes and escape any form accountability for them while scapegoating the targets. ONLY THE DEVIANT EMBRACE SUCH SICKNESS.

“We deserve to be happy” is what they told me when they explained their agenda. You see, they already had many Black people helping them. All were quick to sell out, but I wasn’t. They couldn't understand why so they tried reasoning. As if convincing me that I am inferior and deserve to be abused and enslaved was ever going to work but that shows you how sick and delusional deviants are. Yet it's ALWAYS my intelligence that is “questionable”. What a joke and if you support pedophiles and psychopaths over their victim you deserve the same fate as the perpetrators of the crimes. When a Black kid is with a White kid who commits a crime, the Black kid is held liable. Why is it that the same laws can’t ever be applied to White people???

It’s times like these where people are forced to search for higher reasoning, that is if they are inclined to higher things. I am, you see who isn’t. Saying positive things, chasing shiny items, and denying reality helps no one. It pushes you further into delusion. I choose to stay awake so I can see the swords, darts, bullets, knives, hoods and skinheads coming my way or anywhere near my children.

Damned if I do, dammed if I don’t. We are required to trust the people actively killing us to save our lives. Human Rights Watch This is in no way a political issue. This is a humanitarian crisis that continues to go ignored by the entire global community BECAUSE WE ARE BLACK DESCENDENTS OF ENSLAVMENT and some of us have yet to escape in 2021! Amnesty International USA

Our voices are so heavily suppressed that our entire existence is considered a myth. We are reduced to the “images” seen on TV and social media, and that is obviously not a reflection of reality. If anyone does listen to any aspect of our experiences, it’s from the perspective of those who have a vested interest in watering down or eliminating the truth. But we’re supposed to accept this. Trillions upon trillions of dollars go to suppress our ability to emote and express, but we’re supposed to accept that God wanted life this way. I reject YOUR GOD! I serve no God. The God I know doesn’t require obedience, or service. The God I know reveals truth and empowers people to tell it so that humans can find happiness. Why doesn’t your God do this?

“I’m going to mold your body to fit me. I’ve never had the opportunity to do this before. All my friends say it’s wonderful, it’s a dream that I have always had but I couldn’t make it happen because of the security problems. This will be my first time. We’ll have lots of firsts together.” If you don’t understand what it means to mold a child to fit a grown man, he meant stretching my vagina to fit his penis. Yes, it was excruciatingly painful, it took years, no one cared. When it finally fit, I was almost ten, he has lost total control an felt like the victim. “It’s cruel of them to separate us now” he used to cry and say. People think pedophiles are “charming” because they tend to have more emotions than the standard psychopath. That’s only because their emotions were manipulated in early childhood, whereas the more violent fixated individuals were more stunted. He was a combination of both and he learned how to mimic normality by interrogating people like me.

“I don’t get to keep you, but I can have you to myself for a while. Once you get pregnant I have to let you go.” I was five years old when he told me this, it was the middle of the school day. Just like every other day, he pulled me out of school to enjoy himself at my expense. Obviously a grown man can’t fit inside of a tiny child. “That’s how you know it’s wrong” I told him at 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 45. “That’s just a complication, we can get around that. You have a high tolerance for pain so you can get through this and heal yourself” he said al the time. He never cared about the pain he caused me. But in the end, when he himself was being abused and neglected he reached out TO ME for help! He didn’t ask for help, he manipulated, attacked, controlled, abused, demanded. I didn’t even know wtf was wrong with him! I didn’t even know he was suffering and needed help. Where was everyone else? “I understand now that what I did to you was wrong. I couldn’t feel it before, now I know.” He learned, but it was decades, multiple genocides, many babies, and a whole holocaust too late.

These people never cared anything about life, they care only about creating separate classes of existence on this planet. Predators, and prey. “There are only two types of people, those who prey and those who get preyed upon”. They were wrong. I think it quaint that there is a new kind of passport that indicates if you are male, female, or X. The timing couldn’t be better. The predators will come to know that some prey, aren’t prey at all. I can prey when I need to, but I only prey on super predators who hurt innocents. I break no laws, commit no crimes, tell no lies. Who has a problem with it? Say it in the light of day if you’re “right”.

“I am a narcist, a pedophile, and a psychopath. I need supply. I don’t want to have to sneak around in dark corners and underground bases. I’m tired of living this way. I promised my Mom I would find a way for us to be free. I'm going to five her that!” Just before she died, he had come to understand her a little better and for the first time realized how sick she was. He didn’t talk about it often, few words. But I have only seen him truly wounded under certain circumstances and it was always a betrayal of the the heart that did it to him. He even saw his sister getting married as a betrayal because he was no longer her number one. he had t share her. “Do you still have sex with her” I asked him when he first told me about her. “When I can”. I am only now just realizing how deeply obsessed he was with recreating his experiences with her. I remember living that but I didn’t truly understand what was happening, how could I. Those two women molded him, so he wanted to mold me. “You’re overreacting! It’s not that bad! You just have to change your mindset” he always told me. “You’re thinking negatively, if you just think positively it won’t hurt”. He even trained my mom to say the same things. But I’m not supposed to talk about it. The problem is not how I view pedophilia in a painful and disgusting light, the problem is pedophiles believing that it's okay to molest me. Why is this confusing?

“I don’t want to have to kill people because they found out. Or lose control and kill someone by accident. If I have supply there is less chance for me to kill.” That was his answer as to why he was forcing me into lifelong enslavement, and just like that pedophilia became my responsibility.

A whole shyt load of “very good” people got paid to make me supply, but I’m not allowed to talk about it. This was the biggest program of it’s kind at the time and the most heavily funded. It was highly compartmentalized and most never knew what was really going on. But those that did numbered into the thousands! Those involved in the running and maintaining of the program, way more. People underestimate how many deviants exist in the world. My abuser made sure he sought them out an rewarded them for their deviance, gave them clearances, power, authority, jobs, money, immunity and impunity. American white men have always had free reign, that's why they don’t want to give it up. But know this, the men who engineered you world trained me to bring it down. Why? “We go too far. If it doesn’t stop we crash it all.” Even they feared what I would become, yet here I am.

The men who abused me created the Industrial Military Complex to protect them and hoard money and resources. If they themselves are not deviants, they must vow to protect the deviant system and that is the ONLY way wealthy people prosper in America. Follow the money! If you do not feed into the toxic system, you cannot acquire stability let alone wealth.

When the “right people” talk about “morals” and preserving their “way of life” it has nothing to do with anything decent! They want to preserve their ability to rape, molest, abuse, kill, and kidnap at will because in their minds they are the victims and they matter. But no other perspective is valid. Minimizing these extreme deviances literally nourishes them. They aren’t intelligent, they simply know how to use words to manipulate weak people.

Everyone knows the men who abused me because they are that well known. The men and women they trafficked me to, the same. The entire planet knows them all. These are the best of the best of the best of their civilization and the most they could accomplish was the loss of human rights, the destruction of the planet, the raping of the planet’s women, children and even a large percentage of men. Torture, war, famine, starvation, trauma, disease, and dehumanization. They couldn’t even get to the moon without us and they still lie about it! This is the legacy of white supremacy, but we’re supposed to embrace this as “natural order” as we are raped, bred, our children stolen, and we are enslaved?

That’s not in my DNA. I must be a descendant of those who ran the underground railroad because all I think about all day every day is freeing ALL enslaved, everywhere! I always have, it’s what I was born to do. Why doesn’t everyone think this way?

Some love my abuser, most hate him. He was pure evil, and so were all of his cronies. The only thing that mattered to anyone was that he had money, and power. So it was ALWAYS my fault, even at 3, 4, 5, and 6. If those with white skin, money, power, and influence couldn't get around him then how was I going to? I never did, he died I just tried to make things as difficult as possible for him to gain “supply” from me or anyone for that matter. I don’t toss others aside to save myself, when I work to figure out solutions I look to solve the problem for ALL. Why doesn’t everyone think this way?

Any leader in the world could have held them accountable, that’s how far their reach was. Still, even though most are dead, even when the international courts tried and failed, still no one holds them accountable. But I was supposed to be able to do it alone, enslaved?

I’ve done more to protect the world than anyone else has. NO ONE STOOD UP TO HIM! I DID!

I survived all of that hell to get the intel I needed to bring this whole slave ship down. Tortured, raped, molested, strangled, beaten, abused, bred, kidnapped, children stolen, every abuse under the sun survived. U.S. Department of State So I’m sure the U.S. government wants to deny that they allowed people in their employ to force me to endure all of that just so that I could tell the truth now!

But the bottom line is this, my training is real. Denying this fact doesn’t make it go away. Either the world wakes up and balances the scales for ALL, pouring ALL resources into ALL of the most vulnerable populations prioritizing kids, the most marginalized, the most venerable, the elderly, and those with health problems. Releasing kids from cages, stop separating families, stop jailing and killing innocents, and release non-violent offenders of marijuana charges. It’s not hard, the solutions are so simple, they are everywhere! What’s hard is facing the bully, but until we do they never stop.

As the “right” escalates, so will I. Truth will continue to pour out of me like the raging waters of Niagara Falls.

I continue. Period. The funny thing is, not only is it my training, but it’s my duty! Who can stop me from doing what every true patriot should be doing right now to protect life, democracy, the constitution, resources and loved ones during an apocalypse? Keep in mind how far three of the most powerful men to ever live had to go to in order to suppress me. They didn’t just develop weapons to combat what I might become, they developed entire industries.

What’s more, I don’t even have to do one deviant thing to accomplish bringing this evil down. All I need is truth! I don’t care if the entire planet is against me, I will stop this. Period. Ask intel how many times I failed a mission. I take it upon myself, I don’t need permission. If you knew your rights, you would be able to do it as well.

My two “fictive” dad’s are now dead along with a whole host of their cronies. THEY ALL had to make contact with me before going! They were terrified of me for a reason, it’s called Karma. People think it’s funny to hurt others, I never have.

Life in America always happens at the expense of Black and marginalized people at every level. Where is the beauty in that? ALL can prosper, there is no reason we should not. It has nothing to do with working hard and everything or do with tearing down the toxic system of oppression that is violating the rights of every human being on the planet with impunity. Raping Earth of her resources as they go.

Freedom isn't free but the calculated costs are never disclosed. Chad, Jake, and Tom are talked about. But Malik, Drake, and Tyrone don’t get @ mentions about how much they had to sacrifice to save lives! David, my actual father certainly didn’t so I, Danielle, didn’t grow up with the need to be validated by those I knew never would do so. I grew up with a need to survive. David’s life was much like mine, the life of an enslaved outcast. I stand not only for me, and for my father David Coleman, but for all the others like us used as fodder for a corrupt system of oppression that seeks, kills, and destroys with impunity as the world watches in weakness and fear doing nothing to stop it.

I will make sure this ends with me!

I will never accept enslavement. I’m supposed to accept this as my “lot in life” as those who intentionally commit multiple genocides are lauded as a hero? Those who rape, molest, kill at will, break every law, and target the most vulnerable to prey on are “very good” and “very fine people” while those fighting them are “terrorists”. I have higher standards than that and I won’t let anyone lower them. If you chose that path for yourself, you are sick. If you support systemic oppression and any aspect of the system that harms, you are sick. Period.

“You will walk in my shoes then! Let’s see how you handle it!” That’s what he told me when I was five years old. With him, every time you reached a new plateau, you were expected to do that and more every time after. He treated me the way his mentors treated him and he expected me to turn out the same. Everyone he knew was the same. I didn’t because I am not. That only made him more obsessed.

At five I could have a battle of wits with him, he loved it. But to me it wasn’t a game, I was fighting for my right to live. When I criticized his pedophilia and psychopathy he got angry. “You think this is easy? I’ll show you how hard it is. Let’s see where you are in forty years!” He intended to break me, he just couldn’t. In the end he conceded “I was wrong”. Those were his last words to me, his last memories, his last energy exchange. The end of a sick entanglement that I should have NEVER been associated with in any way and if any world leader had done their job, I wouldn’t have. The end of a sick agenda that he created just so he could hide who he truly was.

I know leaders out there who are already doing a better job and with more, will do much more. That is where my loyalty goes. If you work to preserve life, truth, the planet, sustainability, democracy, equality, equity, diversity, then you have my respect. Everyone else will get hit with truth! IDGAF if you call it cancel culture, culture club, Club Nouveau, woke culture, sleep culture, broke culture, poor culture, IDGAF culture. Call it what you want, just know I’m coming for any azz that bullies. Particularly those who abuse, who aid abuse, who sell out to abusers, or who ignore abuse.

The last imprint he left on the digital world, through back channel comms that will be preserved for eternity was that he was wrong. That was his WROST nightmare. To be seen as or proven wrong. In my entire life, I am the only person to stand up to him the way that I did. Not even his cronies who had more money and power could, he had too much dirt on them. My dirt was what they did TO ME, not what I did wrong. As I said, integrity matters.

What does all this tell you about who I am? Even as I handed him a new azzhole daily, on his death bed, he encouraged me to do more. Why, he got off on it! That’s your hero. He tortured and took “on top of his mistress” until he drew his last breath. It was literally his death plan and he forced me to live it, as he tortured me the whole step of the way. Of course I will tear down everything he ever built, and anyone who helped him! After all, it’s what he and his crony trained and ordered me to do. Karma is real.

He was always wrong, he just wasn’t evolved, mature, or conscious enough to admit it often. But people still worship him, his lifestyle, his teachings, his money, his family full of child sexual predators. “We need you to stay behind and clean up the mess we make” they told me at five years old. They just didn’t understand how I would do it and I refuse to comply with their deviance, so I purge.

You’ve torture me for 46 years, you should know that it doesn’t work!!!

These are the superior people? I was five when I saw through them, what’s your excuse?



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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