Google, don’t you ever get enough of oppressing marginalized people?
Algorithms can make you appear however they choose, and they most CERTAINLY are intentionally designed to do it! When the coders are racist, they create racist code. How many Black people in Silicone Valley? How many Black people in Ai? How many Black people were involved at DARPA when they were creating the code, classified programs, R&D programs, and STEM programs that created BIGTECH? The answer to all of those questions is 0–3%, we have no access to the very mechanisms that dominate our lives.
There is no transparency, no oversight, no accountability, no access to justice, no consequences for offenders, and no way to maneuver around the algorithms that prevent us from gaining access to the ability to earn a living. We are treated worst than terrorists who are murdering Americans at this very moment, because of the color of our skin, the consequences of economic attacks, and for being among marginalized populations. “No one will ever help you” my handler always said. It’s 8/29/2021 and I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID cash relief from any of the stimulus packages. I have consistently been denied and withheld all forms of public assistance. My housing is in severe jeopardy, and I have NOT had access to adequate healthcare for several years. My abusers and traffickers continue to threaten my life and persist with attacks via. their cronies, and I am slandered as “divisive” when I report these violations of my inalienable rights. At the same time, those abusing us are free to access funding, relief, aid, stimulus money, healthcare, anything they desire including free access to the internet and freedom to move about the country while I am denied all of the above. I continue to be monitored, stalked, hacked, censored, muted, and silenced for complaining that I am slowly dying in pain, alone, with no aid and no one cares. If you believe that any part of these abuses are okay, you are a psychopath.
Which one of us is crazy? America is angry because I am telling the truth about the atrocities they commit not only against me, my family, and countless others and I’m supposed to accept this. No thanks! I actually value life and my integrity won’t allow me to participate in genocide.