Hacked Again! It never ends.
Posted by Danielle DiewAugust 31, 2021Posted in Surviving the System Hacked Again! It never ends.
Before I could even begin writing a post my laptop was hacked. You said I look desperate and thirsty? I’m not the stalker, just the person asking for justice for being stalked!
Just by attempting to log into a website, my wireless connection was terminated. Why? Who am I endangering? What are you in danger of, getting caught for crimes? Maybe you shouldn’t have attacked me. If what I am saying is untrue, why all the threats, force, coercion, attacks, hacking, cyberstalking, stalking, gang stalking, abuse, violations of my human rights, and bullying?
Propaganda is profuse in America, it’s considered “freedom of speech” and people pointing out the lies are called fake. But they are still able to communicate freely, including war criminals from across the globe. If I am lying then why would I not be treated like all of the other liars???????
If I am dangerous, then why am I only speaking out and blowing the whistle on pedophiles, rapists, those guilty of treason, insurgents, and corrupt leaders who are engaging in acts that are destroying democracy and lives? Particularly marginalized lives, with the heaviest impact on Black lives? I am blowing the whistle on situations I and my family have personally have been involved in, situations that I have PERSONAL experience with? I don’t even mention names, if you weren’t involved or you didn’t do it you wouldn’t know what or who I’m talking about. (Perhaps with one exception, but he was already publicly exposed).
So why am I the constant target? Why am I censored? Why am I treated like a terrorist? Why am I treated like am I mentally unstable for telling the truth? Why am I slandered? Why am I being kettled? Why am I being surveilled? Why are my family and friends of family being attacked? Why have we been the only people experiencing consequences for the abuses of others yet the abusers experience none? I’m crazy for standing up for myself and my loved ones? I would be crazy not to!
Anyone targeting me is either getting paid, a bigot, or trying to hide their crimes against nature, humanity, democracy, marginalized people, and Black lives. You’re just angry that I’m telling the truth about how you have trampled over our inalienable, human, constitutional, and civil rights. Why wouldn’t I tell the truth in the face of EVERYTHING we have been put through?
I fought hard to get to this place, I was NEVER allowed to have any kind of freedom. I had to fight my way through a toxic system that labels me “inhuman” and treats me as such. Don’t get mad because you didn’t think I had the strength and intelligence to make it here. My body may be broken down, but my mind and spirit are not. I’m not letting my freedom go for anyone or anything, least of all a bunch of deviants! You won’t stop me. You are angry that you know this is true. You are furious that I know how to call attention to your crimes, perhaps you shouldn’t have slandered me and created chaos in my family. Perhaps you are simply afraid of experiencing the same consequences you brought on me by lying. Your fear is your problem.
No one likes their dirty laundry in the street, but you had no problem airing mine, whether true or false. YOU WERE HAPPY TO COMMIT THE CRIMES against me. You bragged about it, laughed about it. You use social media to spread lies, you attempt to block my human rights through shadowy judicial process. You obstruct any and all resources from reaching me. You prevent me from reaching out for help via any means possible. You constantly paint me in a light that is completely false and solely designed for my downfall and your elevation. Why wouldn’t I defend myself? You assumed I was the projection you made me out to be, you were wrong.
You can’t take the heat when the truth comes to light? I was raised in the fires of hell, this is nothing new to me. If I were lying, I would have caved by now, correct? If I am lying, why is my information consistent and the criminals inconstant? I’m simply recalling experiences, that’s easier to do when you tell the truth even WITH memory problems. I simply state what I do remember. That’s not so easy to do when lie scheme and manipulate, now is it. If I were fake I would not have been able to maintain my integrity under the most extreme circumstances. You’re privileged and keep even keep your lies straight.
My training will sustain me, will yours? I’ve been places, done things, achieved things no human ever has before. I don’t have to pretend, posture, lie, attack, bully, stalk, or slander. I simply have to be me and tell the truth, that’s all I need. You hate that you can’t do that. You hate that you have to pour money, time, energy, effort, and resources into making me appear to be someone I am not and all I have to do is be me. You hate that I am real, authentic, because you can’t be. That’s where treachery leads you, someone should have taught you that. You hate my honesty, I loathe your predation. Which one of us is wrong?
You call me inferior. Yet I continue to survive everything you throw at me with little to no support or resources while being tortured the ENTIRE time. Through it all, I maintain my oath to protect life, the constitution, and democracy. You are putting all of your resources into dismantling it all. Through it all I maintain my integrity and ethics, you use resources to feed corruption that leads to abuse on pandemic levels. I call out wrongdoing against the most vulnerable and marginalized populations, you praise it. I fight for justice, you fight for injustice. I fight for equality, you fight for oppression. I fight to protect life, you find to destroy it. Now which one of us looks like the patriot?
My handler may have done a lot of wrong, but the one thing he did right was my training. I will not go silently into any night! #NoJusticeNoPeace
This post was hacked.
It’s 8/31/2021 and I have yet to receive a penny of direct COVID cash relief from any stimulus package. I am totally and permanently disabled and have yet to receive a penny of Social Security though I was declared disabled by the agency years ago. What disability insurance I did receive was cut in a scam, due to my severe medical conditions I missed all deadlines for filing appeals and participating in the class-action lawsuit. All but one supportive service has been cut while I have been in long-term care, the other has been extremely unstable and even very unhealthy. All public assistance has been cut with the exception of medical (which I am only now finding out was never cut, though I was told it was). Only one person in my home has received one stimulus check but no unemployment or any other relief or aid, not even the child has received a penny. Remember all of those declarations of “Big and Bold” legislation that would “end poverty for children” and “cut poverty” for adults by massive percentages? Remember when we were all told that “Trickle Down is over!” None of it is true, and it never was. I have even been denied the ability to apply for local and state COVID relief or access the IRS website to track down my payments. “Your identity cannot be verified” is what EVERY response says. I am a former paramilitary operative, my father was a soldier and an operative. My family has had some of the highest classifications for decades, but I’m invisible during a pandemic, insurrection, genocide, and depression and I’m the one mentally unstable for being angry and blowing the whistle? If you believe that then YOU should get that checked out, immediately, it sounds serious. #HonorMyContract and we won’t have to have any of these discussions.
If you were capable of surviving what I have, doing what I have done, knowing what I know, then you would be doing what I do because you too would have had no other choice.