I like undoing
The work of
My fictive’s hands
He was/is an evil man
Energy doesn’t die
He has a ton of it
He’s ancient
He’s been here
Since the beginning
He wanted out of here
But he’s caged
Due to his evil ways
Has been longer than
Any will openly say
Everyone fears him
His energy
His frequency
But I’m grown now
Full maturation
I don’t fear him
And little else
I fear the loss of life
For others
The loss of spirit
In others
The loss of soul
In others
I fear people being programmed
When afraid
I lean in
He wanted out of here
The way I want out of here
Difference is
He was willing
To break spiritual law
To do it
I can’t
I won’t
He hated me for that
Called me weak
Treated me like
I needed constant beatings
To “kill my emotions”
So I could be more like him
Be him
He’s always wanted to consume me
He thought he was on the correct path
He learned the hard way
He couldn’t have been more lost
He’s done the same
To all who tethered to him
Particularly my twin
Trapped in the wrong dimension
But I can’t stay there
That’s what he unleashed on me
A hoard of unhealed
Power hungry
Elite men
Had I given in
He would have worshiped me
But I will NEVER submit
To evilness
Think I don’t know who I Am
I always did
I can’t escape me
I’m in my own skin
All occupiers having been
I’m not running from assignments
I’m listening to The Most High
Following guiding light
Up Jacob’s ladder
To the highest
On The Stairway To Heaven
I’m going
I won’t linger ever again
I’m on my path
Instead of devil’s childish games
Say MY name.