Harsh Realities — What Barriers Do To The Every Day American Becomes Hell For The Marginalized

Danielle Diew
8 min readOct 19, 2021


It never had to be this way!

It’s crazy what I have to go through just to fight for life. I feel guilty, like I am doing something wrong. But that is because society has programmed me to believe that if I “snitch” on someone harming me then I am unworthy of life. That programming began at birth, my handlers used torture to reinforce it. Every human is under some form of mind control. Humanity doesn’t teach people how to be self willed living beings. We are all reaping the consequences of not only the choice to follow man into darkness, ignorance, and hate. But because even when we do see, we don’t stand and fight. We acquiesce to what is perceived to be the greater influence. For this mistake, millions have died in this one genocide alone, but how many others have taken place??? Let’s make truth happen again. It’s long since been time for this global holocaust of ethnically cleansing the planet of melanin to end. If America doesn’t face the “white superiority elephant” in the room, we will not be able to comprehend the kind of chaos that is to ensure. Money will not save anyone or anything. “We go too far” the engineers of this agenda told me with their own mouths. “We need you to stay behind and sound the alarm, otherwise none of us will make it”. You think money will save you and I assure you it will not! They both had ALL the money and power in the world, both died leaving the mess created behind for other’s to clean up. Do you think they cared? They could have done more, they chose not to.

My handler’s said that “humanity is a scourge that needs to be cleansed. We needed to figure out a way to deal with the human problem, so we did. We derived the idea from Europeans and their Gy*** Problem” agenda. The parallels are staggering, simply compare. Black people aren’t allowed to settle down anywhere, we have no where and nothing. Statistics about our movements, living conditions, survivability, the means by which we die, access to clean food, water, housing, and the ability to earn a living wage are all suppressed where Black, Brown, and marginalized lives are concerned. Where other populations have been given protection, like the Asian Community, the Hispanic Community, The Native American Community, The LGBTQI Community, and person’s with certain medical conditions (that I cannot name for fear of being accused of hate speech as has happened not only to myself but others within the Black community). But even though across all spectrums, the Black Community suffers the most death, damage, and loss we still have no protections to help us survive any of it. In fact, we continue to lose rights, support, and access to resources daily. This is true for me personally. This is true for my family. This is true for my entire community. This is true for all Black people in some way or another. We experience these losses BECASUE we are Black, not coincidentally. We are targeted for being Black, not coincidentally. We are being eradicated because we are Black, not because we are inferior and can’t figure out how to avoid it. WHAT CAN YOU DO AGAINST ALL THE WEALTH, POWER, RESOURCES, MONEY, AND MOST ADVANCED TECH IN THE WORLD? It’s literally a miracle that any of us survive at all!

The “problem” became the “solution” that nazis and allied extremists have used to ethnically cleanse populations globally. When white ethnic minorities are attacked, they are saved. When I was in combat in Europe, this is precisely what I was deployed for. The victims were given special status, brought to America, given homes, jobs, services, aid, education, any support you can imagine. But, the hidden figure who helped free them, have remained in impoverishment and enslavement. Not because of any choice or mistake that I made, but because the same men who created the agenda, designed the insurgency, aided the coup, and engineered every geocide from Vietnam onward decided that was the best way to control me. NO ONE CARES! UNICEF I have been locked up, beaten, molested, raped, tortured, trafficked, strangled, poisoned, drugged, experimented on, forced to fight, forced to kill, forced to hide, forced to come out of hiding, forced to aid the men and women who enslaved me. But all along, no agency, organization, governing authority, or agency with power to provide assistance ever has. When will my life matter? When will my children’s lives matter? When will Black Life actually matter? UN Human Rights

My handlers told me this from their own mouths in 1980 when I was five years old that the America was going to face genocide! They never told me when, but they gave me signs and guideposts to look for. “You need to see the signs and sound the alarm when the time comes” they told me. THIS is what they programmed in me. Yet I continue to be treated like the enemy for doing so. United Nations

I remember so well when this conversation happened. These types of things are very difficult to erase from a mind. I had been dreading seeing him because I was so disgusted by everything. But I decided that when I did see him I would question him. He had me brought to his office the way he usually did. He liked to look out the window as he talked to me about the world. I always felt like he was Satan talking to Jesus on the mountain, he was certain to present it that way. He liked the power he held, that’s why he used that code name depending on the role he filled.

I was standing in the big guys office, he was reclining in his chair looking out the window. I was trying not to cry because he told me it made me appear weak and he would have to crush all weakness in me. But when I asked about the coming geocide that would kill off so much life, he still expected me to remain emotionless. He NEVER showed any emotion around me unless it was positive or neutral. He wanted me to think of him as an absolute ruler, like a God. So he presented himself that way to me at all times. I was to obey his word, period, “we were both born into our positions in life” was his explanation. I was always just supposed to “accept it”. Why would I?

He often liked to end our conversations by raping me on his desk or sitting me in his lap, in his chair, at his desk. He LOVED his desk! It made him feel powerful. He showed me different things that he kept in it, including the hidden compartments. His way of grooming was to garner trust, he could “save me” from the others. His chair, and his desk were his favorite places to abuse me other than his boats. But I’m not supposed to talk about any of that because the lie of white supremacy must remain in tact! Why would I accept this?

This was their explanation to me at five years old as to why I am was being forced into enslavement. “This is the hand you were dealt, you were born into it. It’s your lot in life. It’s best to accept it and not fight the system, it will crush you. This is a fight you can’t win” they told me. They made sure to prove those beliefs to me every opportunity they could created, which was constant, for 46 years. It was their own insurgency that provided me the means to begin escaping, simply by telling the truth.

You see I was forced to hide their secrets my entire life. When a split second opportunity came for me to tell the truth and open the door to a means of escape not only for me and my children, but for everyone. SO OF COURSE I TOOK IT!

Yet I am punished, daily, for not only fighting for my own survival but for fighting to protect my children, my community, my entire race who is literally being ethnically cleansed right here on U.S. soil in plain sight, all day ever day and people are still calling it fake. We have been given no protections against the insurgency that has declared war against us for saying “we matter” and standing up for ourselves to defend against ethnic cleansing. We continue to be told to wait, be quiet, calm down, not so loud, don’t do so much, change your tone, change your attitude, change your behavior, change your beliefs, change your life, change everything. But there is never a change that sets us free from systemic oppression or any other form of enslavement like human trafficking and the school to prison pipeline. Society polices just as heavily as police, so in this toxic system we are born “criminals” and we die “monsters” and the whole time we are simply humans being brutalized and hurting from the trauma we experience. I am trained to observe, analyze, and report on these issues, that is why I do. The average Black person is not! Most of us go unheard, unseen, unknown, unanswered, unacknowledged, unfulfilled, deferred, defunded, and debunked. THIS is what cancel culture is.

So we are perpetually stuck in a hamster wheel of constant extreme effort that yields little to no results. When we do yield results, the fruits of our labor are stripped from us and credited in such a way that maintains the lie of white supremacy. Truth is suppressed along with our voices and our lives. We continue to suffer and die at apocalyptic rates and this continues to be seen as a “political issue”. Where is humanity? We’re supposed to accept this as our “lot in life”? Well, we would in fact be mentally unstable if we did.

It’s 10.19.21 and I am still not considered human. Most of the time, I can’t even connect to a hashtag for the word human or @ a human rights organization. If I am able to click on an @ it is disconnected by the social media company. I am unable to use telephones. I am hacked so I cannot often send messages or even access websites. I have limited mobility, and severe disabling conditions that limit my ability to move about the world freely. If I had adequate health care, I would be healthier and able to do a lot more but I haven’t had access to that in years! If I had adequate healthcare I might possibly be able to work. But I am kept in this position of total powerlessness because THIS is what my abusers wanted, still want! They are wealthy, so they ALWAYS get what he want! Look at the world as a result The White House

I am a human being, but never in my 46 years have I been seen or treated like one by the United States Government. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Terry McAuliffe Do Black Lives Matter? Do I Matter? Do We Matter?

Tim Kaine Elizabeth Warren Cori Bush for Congress Chuck Schumer Speaker Pelosi Barack Obama Al Gore

I wasn’t able to access # and @ so I couldn’t tag the agencies I needed. This goes on all day every day! UN Human Rights UN Women The White House Progressive Caucus



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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