He Paraded That Thing Around As If She Were Me
He knew the impact it would have
The entire world has turned against an entire empire because of choices he made. Intentionally. He was warned the entire time and never cared. That thing he parades around, pretending to be me, is a filthy predatory exploitative violent deviant creature like the rest. It has to pretend to be me, it has no redeeming quality of it’s own. THAT is who he told the world was me. THAT is who he gave my identity to when I was still a tiny little girl. THAT is who he told the whole world deserved my accolades. He claimed I don’t deserve to benefit Fr m the work of my own hands. “She has a father" he told me my entire life, that was his excuse for assuming my identity and giving it to him who became her who became me. THAT is who he told the world deserved my payment, for all MY hard work. Along with all his cronies. It didn’t matter that I was taken from one father, given to another, and he also was taken. It didn’t matter that I have been enslaved from th crib and needed help to escape, which was his ENTIRE job.
This creature he parades shamelessly pretending it’s me is not the same species, race, ethnicity, or gender. it doesn’t have my education, training, experience, morals, ethics, genetics, or spirituality. It’s not even human. It even gets surgeries to look like me. It’s a filthy deviant yet I’m the one punished for being the target? UN Human Rights Human Rights Watch The Pan-African Alliance 🌍 The Africa Report
DEFECT. Medium Russian
All Black women globally have been disgraced by his behavior and he sees nothing wrong with what he did. He acts as if he is justified because they believe their deviance is more important than our lives. He allowed that creature to destroy an entire template, an archetype. Because he is self loathing and embodies the racist thinking of his predatory family. All of us suffer for it.
He allowed that creature to rip my children apart before the entire world and blame them, me, for her targets. He protected it as it did the damage to generations of my family with absolute tyranny and impunity. There will NEVER be an excuse. NO I WON’T JUST LET IT GO AND MOVE ON. FOR ETERNITY I WILL ENSURE THAT YOU ARE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. THIS IS HOW KARMA IS CREATED. YOU CHOSE YOUR JUDGE AND EXECUTIONER.
Anyone complicit, RWYS
So Be It