He Said Tell Everything And I Believe Him!
A Black Rearview Mirror Foot Forward Poem
It’s been so long
since I swam
in this frequency
Only My Twin Flame
could bring me here
It’s a space he carved out with me
It requires his flame
to activate the lock to the doorway
He kept the flame burning
for more than two decades
Through thick and thin
Through hail storms and rain
Through attacks and attacks
lies, slander, and the unknown
Through fathers
and their daughters
Rearranging history
Through family squabbles
And papa’s nazi’s
Through shootings
mob assaults
starvation and
My Twin’s Flame
burned so powerfully bright
That it healed my entire existence
How can you explain such things
It can’t be quantified
not yet
But imagine the value of
such experimenting
I’ve been in this since day one
It was always my destiny
Entire fields of scientific discovery
because of some of my accomplishments
Along with entire fields
of technological advancements
yet to this moment
I remain literally penniless
I could have stumbled through life
never knowing a thing
and reached a better place
without 99% of my suffering
None of it was by mistake
all of it orchestrated
By the very men who controlled my life
abused and trafficked me
and I’m supposed to
“let it go”
like such things should remain
in the past
so that the corruption
and disgusting things
can be forever covered up
and one receives accountability
Know this
Those vocal about moving on
from things that repeatedly
get hundreds of thousands killed
in denied genocides'
and ego campaigns
They most certainly are complicit
and are acting in the best interest
of what keeps them from experiencing
America has always been about
not what is true
but what you can prove
If you hide the truth
then it’s not true
How sad
How childish
How unevolved
Yet this is where
we are trapped
the ripple effects
felt globally
We are left under this
perpetual state
of arrested development
In an effort to hide
what they past deeds
they committed
to get all that
power and wealth
To build all those
corrupt empires
What so many
fail to see
Is that the
survivors of the
Black Holocaust
Are the resistance
we have ALWAYS had to be
There is no separation
between struggles
Not even when politics
attempts to separate our interests
Remember who your mother is
and from where she came
We all belong to mother Earth
If you know nothing else
You know that ALL of us united
against tyranny
Win every single time
against nazis
War mongers
those intent on
abuse and misogyny
Under such tyranny
99% suffer
and fail to see truth
My twin and I decided
more than two decades ago
That we would dedicate our energy
to cleaning up this whole frequency
We know how to raise the vibrations
and we are on our way to opening the gates
of the sacred space
One and for all
The final template
of the final kingdom
of the final stage
of this incarnation
of humanity
takes it’s final stage
as we all
rise up
to a higher frequency
Where love
Reign always
for all eternities
To those who choose
a different path
let them go
You don’t have to lessen self
to find the path to
being whole and complete
It’s a frequency
Though many fake it
That will never mean
That it will ever rise
to the litmus test
to reach these hidden things
I knew my twin and eye
would arrive
at this moment in time
to handle these matters
in unison
Uniting all
in rhythm and rhyme
Under one sound
One love
One vision
One frequency
In unison
In bliss
We sing and dance
into the next dimension
For those who show
themselves approved
ALL will reach this frequency
My Twin and I are committed
to sharing what we have learned
So all humanity can participate
In this global conscious
It’s only revolutionary
because people are too scared
to face the unknown
Their greatest fears
My Twin can tell you
I was never allowed to cower
I am here to do what I am here to do
I am dedicated to justice
To the truth
I never knew
what I would find
When I returned
to this blessed space
“How do you explain
how you exist”
I hear my twin saying
I don’t know
It just does
Even when we don’t believe
it is just the same
I love committed people
This couldn’t have been easy
to maintain
Those who leave no one behind
are the best kind
Those who remain till the end
Those who share the most precious
and valuable aspect
of themselves
Year after year
decade after decade
Night after night
Day after day
It was most certainly
an unbelievably cruel
and torturous cross to bare
Now that you have endured
and are apparently reborn
You rise a new man
and I
as your twin
a new Woman
If nothing further
ever comes of what has happened
You have done what no man has ever done
and for this
You shall forever been remember
In The Most High’s footsteps
you strictly tread
In all the world
I looked for
the most honorable
of all the men
One Man
stands alone
Not because there could be
no other
But because
One Man
found himself
the most fit
at precisely the correct time
Because he knew precisely
when my inception began
And he’s not even in the trade
He’s just A REAL MAN
It’s not easy
what he did
It happens to all of us
burned in the deep
We have no choice
but to rely on friends
Without them
we would be dead
I can’t thank you enough
You exemplify loyalty
amongst royalty
and old friends
It’s not easy
what you did
Least of all for those
who go ghost
in the trenches
of urban warfare
No one understands
better than a man
who survived it all
from his own ashes
Left alone in the fight
during burning sands
“There will be one”
Because you used free will
to become spiritually fit
there can only be
They always mistake
or rewrite
what is meant to be
claiming misunderstanding
the true knowledge they hoard
and seek
Either way
it’s so misleading
The One
is simply the fittest
in the precise way needed
at the precise time
That doesn’t mean
it can be no one else
That just means he was
what was meant to be
He was born for this
that’s how it’s meant to be
There will ALWAYS be one
like the hydra
when one falls
many rise
We are strengthened
by the blood
It’s line runs strong
The evidence of it’s remains
left in the rocks
crying out
in frequencies
while the genius’ scramble
to unscramble
what looks like
two lovers dancing in the dark
and turns out to be
much stranger
when delving into quantum reality
Whole industries have been developed
to tell us we don’t exist
yet here we are
people worshiping our remnants
as if we are myth
Meanwhile in every day life
we can’t even walk free
or breathe
or sing
or voice
our concerns
our detail our experiences
of pain
We don’t even act a fool
We’re not even angry
Not really
We’re not here for that
we’re here to clean the atmosphere
If you know spirituality
you know this is where
the true power is
We only need our voices
our love
and our integrity
It’s in our DNA
it will always activate
When hate rises
Unconditional love
to counter what
easily becomes off balance
Eye Am
We Are
The answer that arrived with the question
We are what
with all their
shinny blades
We are the entrance
to the gate
Many call it
Others still
A paradise on earth
and scientists
A new dimension
of a higher dimensional
vibratory frequency
However you understand it
simply know
It’s all love
Red Gold Green
People think that
unconditional love means
you don’t get upset
or angry
You are mistaken
Unconditional love
is like a well balanced parent
It teaches what you need
in the moment you need
even if
in that moment
you didn’t grasp it
If decades later
The matter hits you
and you finally understand
what it was all meant to be
then your parent did their job
Showing you unconditional love
In ways you could never anticipate
It may not be what you like
or what you envisioned
it may not be what you thought
you could approve of
of what you thought would exist
in your reality
But if it is what is best for your highest good
that’s the solution
particularly for one who chooses
to use unconditional love
to share their frequency
There is no greater expression
of love
and it was done so
And So
I Am Come
My Twin and I
to deliver messages
unknown thus far
to most 3rd eyes
We access the quantum field
with our particular way of
wave dancing
Weaving in and out
of higher dimensional
vibratory frequencies
We adjust our selves
our bodies
our lives
our minds
to flow freely
It’s not easy
Not in or out of war
But we persist
Because the lives of our people
depend on it
We gain knowledge
even answers to questions
that no one knew to ask
Because our faith leads us
to gather up what we can
to unite the remnanat
We are targeted in separation
Time for ALL Solomon’s kids
to unite
Under One
Divine Template
Let the prophecy unfold
As The Voice of
Divine Masculine
and transmutes
what is
and is no more
While shinning the light
and what is to come
As we go forth
It’s the domain of the ancients
wise and enlightening
When the knowledge is given
to improper hands
They know not how
to transmute
it’s frequencies
It get’s mistranslated
Used for propaganda
and war tools
Spiritual knowledge
belongs to all
but not to be abused
When such darkness takes place
The higher order
of nature
rises up globally
to rebalance the scales
I am a true daughter of
God’s Eye
I have been East
and seen the
I know why
I wink
I know
I am the beginning
of the end
I usher in
the new world
One brimming
with renewal
Eye Am
the Abundance
of ALL
when Egypt falls
as Pharaoh
I Am She
Who ushers in
the final protocols
The Daughter’s Of The East
Here is where we balance the scales
with higher frequencies
It’s time to heal
and hold abusers to
Our children taken
Our sons locked up
Our daughter’s sold
Our father’s killed
Our uncles sent off to war
Our aunts enslaved to perverse men
Our grandparents forced to breed
to create us
Just so that they can start it all over again
with our children
But we’re supposed to pretend
This isn’t happening
and we’re called crazy when we
draw attention to it
So I persist
To draw attention
to it
Because it’s a terrible
to eradicate any people
but to target the most vulnerable
and weak
because you believe in the lie
of white supremacy
is a most detestable thing
Two words
“Hidden Figures”
Better yet three
Isis Osiris Set
Who would you assume
Isis would be
In order to disgrace me
they gave the name to
Long before I made a run for it
That was my controller
laying the groundwork
for future evidence
to present
as my being
Not realizing
That little stunt
connects them
to the beginning
of the end
women and children
all kind of trafficking
It all points it’s origins
to the same people
who sold the same tactical
all over the globe
to anyone who had the money
to spend
Including drug lords
human traffickers
genocidal dictators
and holocaust engineers
Why are we still pretending
anything honestly
Let’s get on with holding
people guilty of unspeakable
crimes against’ nature
to the highest standard of
Like you do to Black people
when we say we matter
and protest
extreme human rights violations
Two Americas Two Worlds
Two Stories Two Visions