He’s Been Helping Them Traffick Me Since I was Born
He was nine, he made his choice to be a demon when I was born.
He was offered the ability to keep me for life and do as he pleased. He dedicated his life to it. He’s “chosen" alright! He was the person the fictive chose to trap and rape me from the crib to the grave. None of these are divine people or choices. They were all given the opportunity to make better choices, not a single one ever did.
Like all the other handlers DR hired to abuse me, he had a mother who was lustful, obsessive, unstable, deviant, incestuous, psychopathic, greedy, violent, manipulative, envious, arrested in every way except in areas of aggression.
There they exceeded expectation, particularly in extreme ways. He liked that type, easy to get anything he wanted. Like the women in his family. He made it a goal to use WW2 tactics, classified weapons, tech, and trained operatives to destroy EVERY human in my bloodline globally. ( I’m literally being hacked right now, s/o Jassmine). I have lived this since the crib. These people take vows to destroy us because of our ethnic identity, race, cultural heritage, history, genetics, and spirituality. It is the end of our ethnic cleansing and I am being dubbed a “threat” for speaking on it and defending myself. United Nations UN Women Women Who Code CODEPINK Forbes Russia Medium Russian An Injustice! Voices Washington Post The Pan-African Alliance 🌍
Before I was anything DR turned me into a soldier, four years old. I’m not going to surrender my rights because leaders are corrupt, deviants roam free, and the treasonous are abusing power. I’ll rise to the occasion, or end here fighting. But I WILL NEVER EVER BOW TO A DEVIANT, RACIST, JUDAS, OR MASS MURDERER. Truth be told I look down on those who do. Not those forced or threatened, those who choose it.
DR weaponized vice easily, he preyed on insecurities. He went around the world developing a
massive network to protect the most
disgusting filth on the planet while they preyed across the Earth. Western leadership actively participating.
Instead of holding the predators and their accomplices accountable, the most deviant predators are free to do as they please and people think it’s funny. People use the consequences of their attacks as an excuse to escalate violence at every level, leadership is guilty. TIME The Economist The Washington Times Refinery29 US INTERPOL SWIFT RESPONSE How much are these genocides costing The People of Earth? How much does supporting the system of oppression cost Earth? Enough that it has less than two years to recover.
The level of apocalyptic threats that face this planet are a NEW AXIS OF EVIL THAT REQUIRES INTERVENTION NOW.
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