Hindsight is 20/20 — That’s why I look back, to learn from the past. So should you!
I can’t fathom ignoring cries for help, I don’t care who it’s from! I’ve helped people who society deemed were worthless, and they made better lives for themselves. I WOULD NEVER, EVER ignore a person who was drowning and crying out for help, you just let me know you want me to die.
For people who have taken advantage, used, abused, abandoned, or made promises they didn’t keep to respond in such a manner lets me know that you were NEVER the person I thought you were! Ever! This is the saddest part of getting older, and looking back. Hindsight is 20/20 and boy is it up close and personal. All these years I thought you were the most amazing person, turns out you’re just another predator. Disappointing.
I tell the truth, I’m not interested in slander. I don’t destroy people’s lives and if you knew me, you would know that. If you are acquainted with me and you still can’t see me, I can’t relate to you. I’ve spent my life fighting other people’s battles because they were too weak, selfish, or abusive to handle it themselves. I know who I am even with amnesia problems. That doesn’t mean I deserve to be treated as less than, I never did. A friend is a friend, period until they aren’t. I have kept all of my promises, and you benefited in ways most humans will never fathom. If you feel like you owe me nothing, even just keeping your word to help a dying friend, then you were never a friend at all. I never would have thought you would turn into an enemy, I only thought you would be interested in cleaning up the mess you helped make! That requires strength, courage, determination, ethics, and integrity. Looking back on it, I see how you are lacking.
The irony is I never thought you owed me anything, I only hoped you will help a friend in danger. I never “expected” anything, I only had faith that goodness would prevail. I was wrong, and so are you. I can see why you have been so afraid, you turned out to be fake.
Perhaps this is the real reason you chose to make me your enemy. But where are the kids?