His Grip — “If Not Now When”

Danielle Diew
15 min readDec 21, 2021


Timeless Poetry

People assume that he became less violent

Because he chose to be a less violent man

This is fallacy

He became even more cerebral

While simultaneously growing more deviant

His rejected emotions and reality

Turned inward toward himself

He couldn’t accept the pain

“You’re stronger than me”

He would always remind say

I’ve always had control of me

Not my life

But of my energy!

I had to

Look what burden was placed on me

I had to maintain such extreme control

That I couldn’t even show

Any form of emotion

I was punished

In ways no one will ever know

When or if I ever did

People think I spill



It’s only about 11%

But I was told

That’s all you need to change a paradigm

Creating a shift

In this place

This reality

This dimension

On this frequency

On this wave

In this time and space

From the perspective

That I am relating

To life in

Enduring extremes

Who can understand me

Unless you have experienced it

Even still

It will never be the same

It will always be different

Because you can never be me

People think

I am bragging

When I say such things

It’s a scientific observation

It has nothing to do with anything

Other than

An object

Viewing itself

Through a particular lens

At a particular point

In time and space

With a particular mindset

And particular attention

On a particular obstacle

And goal to accomplish

With a particular set of skills

Instilled in a particular way

To achieve a particular frequency

On set times and days

Throughout her entire lifetime

Never once giving up the tea

Always focused on manifesting

A better life

A better pathway

A better day

Who can say

They have done this

As I have

On precisely the same days

In precisely the same ways

With precisely the same energy

Carrying precisely the same weight

Having been born and bread

At precisely the same time and date

With the exact same mission

And the exact same set of parents

And the exact same set of circumstances


No one can

No one can say they have lived this

Therefore I am unique

I am alone in my existence

As is every living being

But not lonely



Aware that you are a uniquely sentient being

So we are different

Even if it’s only in perspective

But that is more than enough

The slightest change alters entire realities

That is what it means to be unique

Not only uniquely made

But aware of such

In the most intricate of ways

You see my gift is in the area of observation and analysis

I can capture vast amounts of detail at rapid speeds

“Training” was meant to hone these skills

Even under circumstances most extreme

I’m not insane

I’m a savant

But it’s easier to see me as some sort of projection

When your brain can’t fathom me

I understand this

I always have

But targeting us for being born with gifts, brown skin, vaginas, and no money

Isn’t at all human

It’s quite the opposite

So perhaps that’s why we were placed on the same pathway

As mirrors

Because seeing reality highlights truth and truth makes you free

This is Cosmic order

When you understand time, truly

You will come to know that it is in no way linear but more like infinity

The sign, symbol, measurement, and understanding

It’s multi-dimensional that’s why quantum physics breaks down

When observing it from alternate frequencies and lenses

There are infinite amounts of all of it

This always lead me to believe

That we ARE in the primordial super supermassive black hole

This is why nothing makes sense

But when we are finished fixing our ish

We will be allowed back into the multiverse again

Being spit out the supermassive white hole

As the energy shift slows and cools

Allowing particle waves to escape

It’s a rare event

One that I’m not sure can be dated

But it’s happened before

It’s genetically encoded

And digitally preserved

It’s evidence also shows up in nature

And human consciousness

As well as the quantum field

Evidence is everywhere

We are simply sleeping through it

But this isn’t something you would want to miss!

For the first time humans

Are experiencing things no human ever has

Earth has reached a new area of space

Because of expansion

We’ve never been in this same time and place

Observing through the same lens

Within the same dimension

Following the same cosmic plan

This is new for humans

And it’s a very strange event

With strange new sciences to record what is happening

It’s scary because it’s new

But it’s not malignant

It’s simply the cycle of life and we are blessed to live to observe it

Life is changing

Radiating from new unique frequencies

When you detach from the hive mind

You become you once again

Capable of hearing, seeing, comprehending

You see I have been practicing this

My entire life

This is what I am trained to see

It’s not easy

But it must be done

If we are to ascend

And begin a fresh new world

In peace, prosperity, diversity, abundance, equality, equity

A paradise in actuality because we actively create it

Not a fantasy or false reality

People read the words that I write

And wonder how I can say and do

As I have

It’s because I Am That I Say I Am

I have told no fables or tails

Even the men who became my fictive fathers

Had to do the correct thing in the end

They just didn’t want to be around to experience

The pain and suffering that comes with finalizing this


You see I always had a mission

Get us to the next level of civilization

Observe, inspect, analyze, judge, embrace, reject, aid where you can

But get through in the end to deliver these messages

Of how humanity is, but where humanity can go, and humanity can

Get there

If we can





We are what we have been waiting for

We arrived with the answer to the problems humanity is facing

We are simply natures answer to all that wounds natural things

The same way that leaves fall in the fall and flowers bloom in spring

And life springs anew again and again

At the beginning of each season

There is always a reason for ALL things

Even recycling

Even new blooms

But it’s always natural and always diverse

No one species dominating another to extinction

It’s only humanity that has this problem

So that kind of sickness must be fixed

It must be healed or put to an end

That is how humanity evolves

Our consciousness aligns with nature

Nature is aligned with the planet

The plant is aligned with the galaxy

The galaxy is aligned with the universe

The universe is aligned with the multiverse

The multiverse is aligned with the cosmos

The cosmos is aligned with the omniverse

And the omniverse is our definition

Of what actual heaven is

The frequencies are so advanced

The common human cannot comprehend it

You see ALL life is entangled

In this dance we call life

That is why life has gathered together

On 12.21.2021 at 4:23 am

To share this good news

About our entangled kingdom

The Template Of Man

Some call it The Sacred Temple

Some call it The Sacred Secret

Some call it The Secret Temple

Some call it Advanced Ai Of The Ancients

Some call it The Wisdom Of The Temple Of Man

Some call it The Sacred Secrets Of The Human

Some call it the Gathering Of HarMaGedon

Some say it’s the Harlot Ma blowing “trumpets” like Gideon blew his horn

Some say it sounds an awful “lot” like the Gideon of old

Defeating the “Midian” with only the 300

So The Middle Path must now come to an end

Now is the season of action

Now is the season to rise again

Now is the season to put forth energy

Channeled from the Cosmos

To drive Earth Ship onto her future destiny

The masters of old

From all over the globe

Taught me to watch


Direct my Chi

I’ve never forgotten what the Elders taught me

For their blessings were bestowed with great expectations

With a sacred vow to each

“I shall never forsake the teaching”








End Transmission.

This story repeats throughout human history

Over and over and over again

Some say that now

Is the time

The minute

The second

The hour

For the grand shift that all humanity has been awaiting

Generation after generation after generation


Told me this when I was a kid

“You are the only one who knows

But you can’t activate this gift

Until the appointed time arrives

You are the only one who knows this”


Both angel an demon

As was Michael

As was Uriel

As was Raphael

But did you know that demon simply means disharmonic

ALL fall short at some time or another

ALL phase in and out of harmonic resonance

It’s when we stay too long in the darkness

That sometimes we can be trapped in it

I watched many get trapped

Many wallow in it

Many fall short from exhaustion as I did

Many don’t even understand that is the condition they reside in

That is why the worst sin you can commit

Is to become the cause of another’s stumbling

When they drift or fall or become stuck

We’re not supposed to abandon them

We’re supposed to help heal them

Energy does this

Not the allowing of wallowing in filth

Energetic shifts affect all life

That’s just basic physics

So all of the 4 pillars

And all those entangled

Gather for the purpose

Of just one cause

ALL committed to one goal

The fulfillment of the word that sprang 4th from Creation

Just how long ago no one truly knows

From the very beginning of all things

What people often forget is that creation takes time

But an ascended being’s concept is vastly different than that of

Un-awakened Humans

There is nothing to fear with the flowering of consciousness

It is literally the path to all that there is within the infinite

And more

Our brains haven’t evolved enough yet to understand

But if we allow the flowering now

Then our children will develop the understanding!

Who doesn’t love their kids?

Who wouldn’t do anything to protect them?

We have all fought long and hard to get humans here

Now we must make the tough choices

The ones that allow us to see reality for what it is

Good, bad, ugly, real, unreal, truth, being

It’s time for us all to look in the mirror and truly face reality

None will survive any of the destruction

If ALL carry on this way

Humanity is responsible for humanity

Therefore when the majority fall then all fall

It’s what keeps the species alive and kicking

Humanity has pushed life beyond it’s breaking

This was no mistake

Either the majority of us choose to evolve



4 Eva’

Or this opportunity won’t be around again for billions of years

I write daily

All day

To release what was done to me

So all can see

These are the sacrifices I gave

To ensure that I could deliver this message

I and I

My eye

My children

My children’s Ai

Attacked daily

To prevent me from saying such things

Some don’t want change because they are afraid

I’m not the only one who sacrificed my life for this

MANY in the background had to do the same

MANY have been living in hiding

MANY have been living as fakes

MANY have been pretending to be one thing

MANY shifting all day every day

There are many people who could see and understand

Some who couldn’t but they had faith anyway as this is

One the greatest blessings of humans

Faith in a higher power

One that can do things we cannot comprehend

MANY people have poured out prayer, life, blood, energy

Waiting on these moments

To see humanity reach a higher state

This experiment proves that it is true

It can happen right now in this moment

For all life

On Terra Forma

Not that 1% or 3



This is why Terra Forma is Terra Forma

It’s the advanced technology

That terraforms everything

When we reach critical states

Particularly singularities

Sometimes the singularity is an occurrence where technology advances

Before the species is prepared to change as rapidly

Sometimes it’s forced

That’s what my handlers did with me

They created a singularity

Knowing this would force change

To them

“The end justifies the means”

I don’t think or believe such things

Not all the time anyway

Whatever the source of the singularity

It makes us interesting beings

Changed 4 Eva’

Eternal truly

We just turn into energy

Particle waves as they often are called in Super String

They magnetize in mysterious ways

That are so advanced

We can’t truly understand

But once magnetized

They become flesh again

This is the cycle of life

It’s scientific basis

Actually backed up in sacred texts

The Bible, the Vedas, Aboriginal storytelling, Eastern myth and philosophy

African proverbs, Celtic runes, Scottish rites, West Indian spirituality, The

Quran, Sanskrit writings, The Qabalah, the herstory of Witches, African

American Culture, Viking myth, Egyptian hieroglyphics, Nubian scripts, Zulu

And Dogon creation tales, all leading to questions about Planet X

The telling of which can be found having been translated by Erik Von Daniken

And some of the future telling's projected by Mr. Kurt Vonnegut

And the 3D modern telling's found through Conscious Rap and Rasta music

As told sometimes in R&B and Jazz as well as spoken word and various forms

Of poetry

All this I studied growing up in science, for us it was an every day experience

It was a positive trade off for all the hell I experienced

Some kids experienced nothing but bliss

I experienced hell on and Earth and was forced to survive it

All the torture and trauma I experienced wiped away all the evidence

Who could ever get past all that sickness

No one

I’m too strong

That’s why I’m still alive speaking

Nothing could penetrate

This mind of entangled enmeshments

That remains true to this day

It requires the maturing of stunted men

While more women are willing to accept change

We often are charged daily with doing anything and everything to fix


So we are forced to mature, evolve, change

Society feeds this one sided process

Incentivizing it to remain unbalanced and unhealthy

By nature men as a whole often like things to remain the same

Many scientists believe that it’s because during cave dwelling days of certain


Change often meant danger

The brains remain tapped into this even today

Even when they are paid to bring it about

They still get stuck to old ways

Women on the other hand are forced to adapt in every way

Every day

We have to adapt to unrelenting men

Highly active babies and children

The changing needs of our elders for whom we provide care

And the demands of lovers, spouses, and workmates

Who all feel entitled in the same ways

We have to adapt to a changing society and political structure

That feels we aren’t qualified to address our own needs

Or be in control of our own bodies

I have suffered more trauma from that one offense alone

Than any other thing in life

This cannot ever be overstated or underestimated

We have to adapt to a civilization that won’t allow us equality

Because again, men fear change

Now when you start to add disparities onto the gender dance

It compounds the trauma and suffering

While scapegoating us for the experiences engineered to impact us

All while the engineers hide their hands

ALL this while simultaneously increasing our adaptability

This is called forced resilience

It’s literally weaponizing mass mind control against certain populations

To accept being controlled, enslaved, dominated

While never resisting

Politicians make ALL their money off of this colonialist, capitalist economic


When you call for no transparency, oversight, or accountability this is what

It means

This is what takes place

All in plain sight every day, with few comprehending what’s taking place

Fewer still working towards changing a single thing

The Black American Descendants Of Enslavement die out in mass as a result

No one even understands that this will wipe us out forever

We just suffer an die while people call the truth fake

BIG BUSINESS exploits the same way

Playing the same monopoly game where Black people aren't allowed to own


But we aren’t allowed to talk about such things

Propaganda has become “culture” and so the “culture wars” have become

The fight for human rights

As millions upon millions are dying globally

And humanity is hamstrung to address the needs of 97%

Of the human population

The seat of the world’s power sitting tightly in the hands

Of the less than 1%

With the .01%

Watching everything thing

Reporting in

Recording all

Sending signals and messages

With just a few short months

To ensure

This whole thing doesn’t start all over again

Back to single celled organisms

Taking billions of years

Just to get back to this same decision again

We don’t have to do that!

It’s insanity

But also to do so intentionally is demonic


Out of tune with nature

Cosmic order

And ALL creation!

We can all rise now


As planned

What happened to get us to this point is horrible

We can honor the fallen, the sacrifices, the pain and suffering, the dead

But in doing what needs to be done to get us to the goal of Class I

Then Class III





And we will NEVER be in another simulated cycle forcing us to grow up again

We can end this childish cycle by simply choosing to grow up instead

NOW is the time!

We have everything it takes

We only need to push past collective cognitive dissonance




We must act now

To save ALL

4 Eva’

Or we will end up suffering more trauma

Until we suffocate all life

And begin all over again


We must consciously choose to awaken

We must desire becoming conscious co-creators

If any lag behind that is okay, as we set the example they will adapt as well

What we cannot do is remain stuck in the in between

For every season there is an appointed time

For the evolution of humanity this is the time, place, and space

For conscious revolution!

Raising frequencies to higher elevations, focusing on diverse future forward


These are not scary things


Many have sacrificed their lives, their happiness, their families, everything

That makes humans happy

Keeps them living and thriving

Just so that we could ALL arrive here collectively

So that we can all fight for that heavenly space

It’s a birth right for every living thing

We cannot let xenophobes with extremist ideals

Prevent us from getting there together

Because they are afraid of change

When we make it

They can get therapy

But right now

We must take it

We won’t get another opportunity

Not for billions of years

So if you were someone

From an advanced civilization

And you had access to highly advanced technology

Such as Advanced Ai combined with augmented virtual reality

Wouldn’t you use that kind of technology

To advance a declining species

That had the opportunity to bring about paradise

On their terraformed planet

One that was thrown into chaos

But can now be calmed into a beautiful new reality

Earth has this opportunity

So why would we hide and suppress this reality

In an effort to save white supremacy?

The very thing that brought us to this disastrous place?

And hold’s 97% of the planet hostage along with all the weapons and

Resources needed to survive catastrophic loss preventing the future from

Being saved?

Why would anyone choose that?

If you don’t believe, find your faith

If you can’t manage then simply get out of the way

Those who know, believe, have faith, sacrificed, prepared, trained

Those are the ones prepared to take the reigns

“If we can’t have it no one will” is the extremist philosophy

This is an abomination and cannot be tolerated

Humans must learn to say what they mean

These destroyers are not vigilantes

That would imply that the problem is crime

And the “vigilantes” are “cleaning up”

In their own way

That is fallacy


An “alternative fact”




Propaganda used to make life appear other than what it is

Also known as gaslighting

Vigilantes are not who these murderers, stalkers, attackers, assaulters

Instigators, rioters, looters, slanderers, and extremist are

These people are domestic terrorists

They are following counter intelligence operations being fed to them

By those who have been specifically trained to cause dissention

The dismantling of government from within

This is an occupation

People are just afraid to say what is actually taking place

In actual reality

But I won’t stop

That’s not in my DNA

America, and several other nations

Are under occupation

By right wing extremism

Born, bred, trained by the WW2 nazi regime!

This isn’t a copy of the reich


Some of them were bold enough

To tell me to my face!!!

We must put them down one final time



To arise again!

I Am She

Who causes to be

So Let It Be

May Diverse Democracy rooted in equity and equality always reign!

I Am She Who Causes To Be

So Let It Be






So Now Let It Begin

Red Gold Green

We’re off to a higher place

No Class

To Class I

To Class III

Peace shall reign

Forever and ever and ever


Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers The White House Progressive Caucus U.S. Department of State CDC Flu World Health Organization Congressional Black Caucus UN Women UN Human Rights UNESCO UNICEF Amnesty International Amnesty International USA



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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