Who’s home did I wreck
Why is it that as my home
Is actually wrecked
That’s just fine
No one cares
But they are supposed to be pure
Because they claim it
Because they have privilege
Because they steal from me
Abuse me
Then slander
That means they are superior?
Weird AF
But people wonder
Why they can’t get to me
Because everything about you is fake
Their sins become my slander
Because they matter?
Is it their skin?
Their privilege?
Their money?
Their fame?
How did they acquire it?
None of them got there
Without me
They took and took and took
Giving nothing
Shitting all over my existence
Calling me deserving from the crib
Me literally doing what was agreed
Is me being a home wrecker?
Anyone following that narrative
Is a fool and a lover of the demonic!
I have no problems telling it
Ya’ll are so full of shit!
Return to sender!
So Be It