How Many Left
A Black Box Installment
You can’t fathom his level of sadism
He chose me because of my high tolerance for pain
Not just the physical
The mental
He knew no one could survive him
So he created what he needed
That’s the face of entitlement
Feeling like a victim
Because you refuse to stop feeding your own sickness
Blaming your targets
For not giving in to your demands
Of predation
He was the most dangerous man on the planet
Because everyone ignored his actions
Not even Geneva could hold him accountable
For any of it
I was enslaved to him
Until his death
But the fact that he’s gone means nothing
He left clones behind to fill the void he left
I’ll never be safe UN Women
What’s worse Vice President Kamala Harris Secretary of Defense
No one cares Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus
Just like he always said
You can tell whatever narrative you wish
But I was there from the beginning
This was all planned
Just to please him
To feed his sickness
To remake the world in his evil image
Predator and prey
Nothing else
A world of never-ending wars
Unknown unknowns
Anything evil, toxic
He appears normal or needed
Under such circumstances
He creates chaos
Because that’s the only way he can feel
“Hurt people hurt people”
The self-proclaimed “healthy” love to say
But they only ever sling that accusation
At the target
Ignoring how the cycles repeat
Because no one stands up to the perpetrators
No one holds them accountable
No one forces them to change their abusive habits
“She has to get it in her mind
She has to leave”
Is what the most ignorant always say
They don’t even understand
They come across that way
They believe themselves to be so much smarter
But those are generally the bully’s
So they think their abuse
Makes them “great”
It just makes them sick
But they never see it
What’s just as damaging though
Are all the “good” people
Who turn away
It’s not about hurt feelings
It’s about predator and prey
He’s dead
But I STILL can’t get away UN Women
It’s not about self-esteem or poor choices An Injustice! Voices
It’s about a lack of respect
For melanin Congressional Black Caucus
Nat Geo Explorers How many Black people left in the U.S. TIME?