How Many Thieves
Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame
How many times has the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame given credit, accolades, and payouts for someone’s intellectual property to a thief? Rolling Stone Universal Music Artists West Seattle Blog StartupGrind Seattle Imagine having someone steal EVERYTHING YOU WORK SO HARD FOR and get away with it FROM THE CRIB TO THE GRAVE because of bigotry. CreativeMornings/SEA Seattle Interactive Seattle Interactive Seattle Art Fair Angry Seattle Seattle Symphony North Star News Chicago Mayor’s Office Built In Chicago Chicago magazine
They haven’t just stolen from me here and there. They assumed my identity as a young child, stealing documents, and have kept me from my own earnings and payouts from my own work my WHOLE LIFE. They VIOLENT, TORTUROUSLY deploy sadistic teams of paramilitary operatives to routinely destroy my life to make it appear as though the slander is real. Puns intended.
They live lavishly while raping, torturing, poisoning, slandering, and committing acts of libel against me as my children suffer. They are traffickers and get away with it because of bigotry.
They don’t even allow me to simply work and take care of myself or children. They interfere with my ability to survive and have since I was born. They run disinformation campaigns to scapegoat me. “She’s karmic, a narcissistic gold digger (the victim) she’s a prostitute (the victim), she’s a pedophile (the victim, not pedophile or rapist), she’s crazy (not crazy, just honest), she’s slow (incapable of being intelligent, or producing anything of value, yet the steal all I ever create).
It’s insane the level of evil people ignore and participate in while blaming the victim who never did a single negative thing to the predators. Your entire society is built on it. Washington Post The Washington Times
How many times have the thieves been privilege or held special protections, while the Black victim was literally trafficked and blamed? An Injustice! Voices U.S. Department of State New York State Attorney General
Conveniently the predators are protected. These people violate victims sexually, physically, psychologically, and financially. When institutions such as this help people steal identity, intellectual property, earned income, assets royalties, and property. The victim is forced into a torture matrix that can’t be escaped. People think it’s funny that we waste away torturously for doing nothing but being Black and gifted. All so that others can benefit off of our talents. The Economist The White House The Guardian The Economist news desk The Atlantic Washington Post The Washington Times Refinery29 US
The same people who engineer this system and maintain vice grips over its control, engineer and deploy genocides globally. UN Women UNICEF USA But the torture and trauma of Black kids are scapegoated on their mothers, Black victims.
From the crib with intentions of doing so to the grave I have been enslaved. People claim it’s my own fault, laugh, deny my rights, and take all I have. But my sanity is questioned? Who does things like that? Not a stable, healthy, or sane person. An abuser. A predator. A violator. That’s who. But people wonder why I keep talking, why should I let ANYONE get away with harming me and the children I was forced to breed so privileged people can prey? Human Rights Watch
There is nothing but predation and bigotry in THE WEST, slavery NEVER ended. EVERYONE complicit is guilty. I will NEVER stop telling truth. The Africa Report IFC Africa Africa Check Code for Africa Online Africa Power Africa The Pan-African Alliance 🌍 Princeton African American Studies The African Leadership University The African Leadership University African Technology Foundation African African American Studies Faculty in Higher Ed African Tech RoundUp Slavery never ended it evolved, The West STILL operates by exploiting Black bodies