How Much Does Life Matter
Who cares? I do!
If you haven’t survived what I have, how are you qualified to judge me? I have been where you are, you haven't’ been anywhere that I have. Most of the people who have, are dead. The few left haven’t even been where I have, just similar places. There aren’t many alive who can say that they have done what I have done or seen what I have seen. So what makes you think you know me? What makes you think you understand me? What makes you think that you know how to dominate me? You may bully, but I defend myself. If you think that makes me the same as an abuser then you are delusional and I have no more time to tip toe around the problems of other people who won’t work on themselves. I don’t have to adhere to delusion because you do. My entire population is experiencing ethnic cleansing, so saving life is all I have on my mind.
You have no idea who and what I am, all you know is what someone told you.
If they actually knew me, they would still be in my life. You get your information from obviously untrustworthy sources, data, and propaganda but I’m supposed to submit to your guidance because you are superior? That’s not in my DNA.
I don’t need every memory, I only need one, and I have it.
I’m done parenting adults. It’s time to simply deploy. I don’t care what anyone thinks, how else am I to survive? Let the truth spill because it must. Had there actually been leaders in power who were informed, trained, and willing to handle what is happening in America we wouldn’t be in this place. Yet here I am 10.30.21, still kettled, no aid, and still scapegoated for the all of it.
Aight bet.
The men who abused me established Americas propaganda network also known as “entertainment news”. I argued with both of them about their plans to implement organizations and institutions that would harm ALL, they thought it was cute that I had my own opinions. They enjoyed watching my mind work, they relied on it. But it never stopped them from destruction, ever. But I’m supposed to pretend none of that is real.
We all know who these organizations are. They deploy groups to gang stalk, debunk, discredit, attack, incite, and inflame. It’s tradecraft 101, however when this particular agenda was crafted I watched them do it with zeal. It was the late 70s, early 80s. They planned all the way “until the end” to ensure that they could live their entire lifetimes “my way” without ever getting caught or being held accountable. They are both dead, their memories which foster nothing but lies are still being protected as the planet is being flushed down the toilet and the entire Black community systemically eradicated. If you wonder if this statement is hyperbolic, simply look at the death toll from state violence, the pandemic, abuse in healthcare, human trafficking, the school to prison pipeline, and adverse reactions to toxins in our water and food just to name a few. EVERYTHING hits the Black community at apocalyptic rates, the world is aware of this. Yet still, no action to protect us, during a pandemic even while EVERY OTHER POPULATION IS PRIORITZED AHEAD OF OUR OWN. Why are we always left out of EVERYTHING? It’s a consistent pattern that the entire planetary leadership council ignores and we are supposed to accept this as our “lot in life”? Amnesty International
One of my mentors, O.P. was brought to America under operation paperclip. He, his twin, their wives and children, and extended family. He brought all his family over. But you never hear anyone complain about nazi refugees! He worked for Hitler, he told me himself when I questioned him. He was proud to be a bigot! I grew up with victims that he knew, in Germany. It wasn’t fake, it was as real as the nose on your face. They hated each other, but O.P. ran every congregation I was ever in. Every time I moved, he moved. He was always the highest elder in every congregation I intended, and he was a known nazi. When I asked my handlers why they forced me to be mentored by him they said “its important to learn the opposing opinion.” So I did. It didn’t make me evil, it only does that to people who ARE evil. Hate should not be politicized, or institutionalized but that is literally what Colonialism/Capitalism are, institutionalized hate. Yet it’s 11.1.21 and people are still claiming systemic oppression is fake, even after the president said “it’s real, and needs to stop”. As if that was all that needed to be done, obviously it wasn’t! No one should have to point that out, you are the president of what used to be the most powerful state in the world. Russia tanked that along with your predecessor, and at this writing you haven’t even attempted to clean up the mess. You simply got “back to normal” toxicity and dysfunction.
Disgusting! But instead of looking at the behaviors of leaders, I am the one who is targeted and suppressed for stating my opinion, utilizing freedom of speech, and telling the truth. What’s worse, people don’t even know what human rights are let alone how to defend them! But this is the superiority that I need to accept as my “lot in life?” That's not in my DNA. There is no law on this planet that would allow any human to abuse another for talking. I don’t have to accept violations of my human rights, and I have the right to defend myself as well as fight back. Why wouldn’t I, because I am told that I can’t and attacked if I don’t “comply”. I don’t comply with violations of humanity, no one should.
Human rights are not negotiable and I value myself as well as my children enough to fight for what we are entitled to. All those so called soldiers, patriots, freedom fighters, and liberators sitting around posting selfies and pontificating about their “algorithms” obviously are not the revolutionaries that the world needs. the world has only thus far been “revolutionized” in the most negative way with the exception of a few leaders, who were also stalked, attacked, and murdered. Fake liberators and fake freedom fighters, “these are not the droids you are looking for”.
True liberators actually liberate, usually with truth and always with justice. What’s that saying, “you will know my people by the fruit they yield?” Everyone assumed they knew me. I’ve been protesting non stop for 1.5 years. In that time I have accomplished more firsts yet I remain in the shadows. But this world is full of freedom, equality, and opportunity? For whom?
I watched my “fictive fathers” change legislation to ensure that propaganda would become the new normal, that’s what we were rushed back into without hesitation. If anyone believes that leaders are unaware of what is happening, you are mistaken. They know, they don’t care! UN Human Rights
I watched them create the propaganda machine that gets people killed with a tweet, a fake news article, or sick TV programming parading as news. Remember when people were fined for saying censored words on TV? Yeah, well, those laws protected the public from abuse that now is killing us in a pandemic. Deregulation, decentralization, removal of oversight, and lack of transparency created the means for super predators to take control of the entire country and then the planet in order to further geocidal, fascist, phobic goals that are getting millions killed globally.
WW2 never ended, my “fictive fathers” ensured that. “We go too far” they told me. They knew what they were doing the whole time. “It’s just collateral damage Danielle. It’s nothing personal, it’s not just because you’re Black. We had to choose somebody”. When people say don’t take it personal they are literally dehumanizing you in the moment of the suffering they caused you because you are experiencing emotions. Emotions are what make us human, the more extensive the more intelligent. It’s no wonder why extremists like to attack intelligence, consciousness, and emotional intelligence. Remember when the “right” went on the attack against “new age culture”, “humanists”, “humanism”, and “the human potential movement?” That is where you will find EVERY OUNCE of evidence needed to tie every aspect of the racist right to the pandemic, the insurgency, and the coup Progressive Caucus You have the right to pull the records, do it! Let the investigative journalists who actually know how to do their job, do it. Let the watchdogs intent on doing their jobs, do it. Let intel, do what they are trained to do. Let Strike Force do what they are trained to do. The true professionals in intel NEVER politicize intel. It’s literally as abhorrent as pedophilia. So you can clearly see where the split happened in history! I was there, I watched it happen in real time at the side of the men who engineered and deployed the tactics. If you want to know what is truly happening now and why it’s happening, you must go back to the beginning where it all started. Anyone telling you to move on HAS A LOT TO HIDE AND DOESN’T WANT TO GET CAUGHT! What if it was your child?
How do you know the difference between true intelligence and propaganda? It’s not about who is providing the intel, its about the facts. Can they be verified? When you’re talking about the intelligence field EVERYTHING gets buried. So anyone who surfaces to blow the whistle does so knowing they may get burned. Anyone blowing the whistle does so knowing that they may not survive it. Anyone blowing the whistle does so knowing that if they don’t, what we have seen so far is nothing compared to what is to come. I am not the only one! Politics will leave lives out in the cold to suffer and die for an agenda, intelligence doesn’t. “Intelligence” is benign, what you do with it is “intent”.
The thing that made my handlers different than the others involved, they created the current industry that is intel. I know what I see, they made sure I would. “No one is to control you other than us”. My entire life they raised me with this. When their “Johns” got violent, I wasn’t allowed to fight back. “You are not to hit a white man unless you are ordered to”. In training, I couldn’t strike a singe blow unless it was ordered. “We have things under control” they always said. When I hit my “fictive father” in the mouth for abusing me, twice, he beat the fu*** out of me. When he was done I told him it was worth it and that I would do it over, and over, and over every opportunity I got in some way or another. He didn’t touch me the second time, he just showed up with his leather gloves, nine millimeter with silencer, a paramilitary unit that was a racist, fascist, extremist unit that became notorious for war crimes, more threats, and rape. He didn’t want to beat me anymore, so he ordered them. “I don’t want to become my father” he said. As if abuse by proxy is better than using your own hands? “I prefer to use other people for things like that”. “Those people” are the same ones deployed in various places throughout America and the rest of the world to further extremist agendas. America has no handle on the Defense industry, but the budget continues to grow exponentially as do the crimes against humanity, even right here at home. No one cares! There are “no resources” available to help the Black American Descendants Of Slaves who are being ethnically cleansed at their hands, but there are resources to aid those committing the attacks. Yet America STILL claims that it’s equal and the ONLY SOLUTION WE ARE OFFERED IS TO VOTE. Black men have been voting longer than White women. Voting in a corrupt system that is designed to be oppressive is never going to be an answer and ethnic cleansing should not be relegated to such matters now should it? United Nations The White House
Let’s say you successfully eliminate us, and proof of what truly happened here. Do you think that ALL the evidence is wiped clean, everywhere, for all time? Who is the naïve one now. THIS NEVER GOES AWAY and instead of denying science, if the same people claiming it’s not real were actually educated and intelligent enough to understand it, then they would know that nothing in this universe ever disappears. YOU may not know how to access information that no longer is available to the mainstream, that doesn’t mean that EVERYONE is cut off. It doesn’t matter how old, new, buried, or complex. The truth is true even if you don’t believe it.
Many times in training I both hit and injured my handler, he ordered me to. “I need to know you can handle yourself”. But that was expected, and he enjoyed fighting as long as he had control. But if I ever saw a second of opportunity, I took it and in those rare moments he couldn’t control me. He didn’t want to become a batterer (but pedophilia was okay, smh) so when he realized that he was treating me the way his father treated his mother he made some changes. More control, domination, tech, drugs, cattle prodding, chemicals, starvation, enslavement, all that. But he never made the mistake of letting me get a hand up on him again. I never got another split second until May of 2020. I wasn’t even out of middle school when I had to stand up to him and accept my decades long punishments.
People fear me for my strength and their reaction to that is to attempt to make me weak through abuse. But know this, when it came time to throw a big azz monkey wrench in EVERYTHING I am the one they chose, precisely for that reason. There is no way I am leaving this earth without tearing this sick shyt down! BTW, it’s nowhere near my time to go I may be suffering under the knees of tyranny, but I refuse to die until my work is done.
When I was five I made a promise to myself that I would use all my energy to fight this sickness, and so I have. There is no one who can make me feel ashamed for what I have survived and what I am bringing down. Tyranny and enslavement end with me, now.
My two “fictive fathers” created a world where they could abuse at will with no consequences. They deregulated, destroyed oversight, and eliminated transparency. The only time those three accountability measures are in place are when they are being applied brutally, to Black people for trying to survive the constant attacks we are under. If you wonder what I mean, reference public housing regulations in the state of Virginia. They echo federal regulations, and take it MANY steps forward all while saying “we do a lot to ensure equality”. Housing is institutionalized like prison and school. “Why are you intentionally harming people” I used to ask when they told me their plans. “Heat will make anything move” they told me. Tradecraft 101. When we use the same tactics in non-violent ways to defend ourselves from the attacks we are dubbed :terrorists”. There is no equality in America, there never was. But we’re not allowed to think it let alone talk about it. Human Rights Watch
Marginalized populations, particularly Black people owe an answer to every question, document, grilling, interrogation, everything. I’ll give you another example. In my neighborhood, a young white high school kid fought a white Hispanic adult because he had been targeting his friends mother. My son saw it happen. The adult man who got his azz beat for being a bully to a woman and children ran home, called the police and reported my son for attacking him. My son never laid a finger on him, but he didn’t report the person who actually beat his azz because he was White and he knew that when police came they wouldn’t believe the White Hispanic man over the White kid. They blamed the only Black person present who had nothing to do with it. The kid who beat his azz was a kid, still in school!!! The man who was beaten, bully, guilty of multiple gang assault attacks, was an adult, a whole man.
When police came they questioned my son, he said nothing. “If you know what’s good for you you will comply” a White officer told him as he was being targeted for a crime he had nothing to do with. “Am I being detained” he asked. “No” so he walked away. As he walked home, 3 male family members of the same man who got his azz beat followed my son, throwing racial slurs at him, carrying weapons, and attempting to attack him.
Since that time my son was arrested for not only that assault, but multiple others where he was the one being attacked by mob assault. Instead of charging the “White Hispanic Males” who were stalking and attacking my “Black Male” son, they charged my son with every crime the White gang members committed. Our family has dealt with ALL the consequences of their stalking and assault while to this moment none of them have ever experienced a single consequence and all continued to stalk, attack, harass, and escalate violence within the community. Gang tags and all! But we are the danger for defending ourselves from all of it and saying “We Matter”? ALL OF THIS HAS BEEN REPORTED TO MULTIPLE AGENCIES, MULITPLE TIMES. I HAVE NOT EVEN ONCE RECEIVED A SINGLE RESPONSE. THIS WAS BEFORE THE LOCKDOWN, BEFORE COVID, AND BEFORE I BEGAN PROTESTING. THIS IS WAS THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMELS BACK FORCING ME TO BREAK FREE AND FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS! UN Women
We still live in the same neighborhood, they roam freely in packs, still harming, while we continue to be harassed and kettled at every level. Equality? “They aren’t innocent” is what every racist says about their target! Criminalizing the victim is a tactic my handlers made popular in the 70s and 80s, it’s 11.1.2021 and nothing has improved, EVERYTHING is worst. Amnesty International USA
There were, I count, 6 different people stalking my son yet he was the ONLY one ever arrested. Tim Kaine Do you know how many fines, fees, charges, court costs, and legal fees that came from this? All charges were dropped, even the one he has that is on his record now. There was no victim, he had been deported. My son was told the state would have to produce a victim or the charges would be dropped, they told my son to wait until the afternoon docket. The lawyer told him not to wait but to plead guilty because who knows what could happen on the afternoon docket. There wasn’t a single person, officer or so called victim , who ever testified and stated that my son had attacked anyone. Yet here he is, with all of this entire criminal history that doesn't even belong to him. No he isn’t innocent, no human is, but he’s not guilty of any of the crimes you have accused him of! Can you say the same? Can the ones who made all those false claims say the same? Long before any of this began my whole household had been targeted and harassed repeatedly by multiple people through this town, my son didn’t incite, instigate, initiate, or even amplify any of these attacks, extremists did the day we moved in and no one has ever ONCE been held accountable. But I am the problem for complaining about it? Human Rights Watch No one cares about the rights of Black Americans, THAT is why they aren’t protected. UN Human Rights Animals have more protection than we do. “Animals can’t help it” people say. Help what? No one has ever answered that question.
While ALL of that is going on we have racist extremists next door neighbors calling the police constantly during lockdown when police were instructed no to respond to anything unless it was critical. “Loud music” that couldn’t even be heard within my house was not one of those “critical” situations yet we were harassed repeatedly anyway. Town officials harassing us an denying us COVID aid. Constant hacking and cyber stalking. We have all had COVID more than once. We had all resources cut and have been denied COVID cash relief, all of us. As if we did something wrong. All of this began YEARS before the protests, that wasn’t the trigger. Our Black skin is.
We all say BLACK LIVES MATTER but that’s not allowed in America! No one helped us with any of it, ever. Extremists even attacked my health (while I’m trying to recover in long term care) they tried to force us out of the home, they told me my disabilities are fake, they constantly harassed with any every possible obstacle and barrier and denied us any assistance with getting through it, all of this during the height of the pandemic. THEN to scapegoat me by saying that I am “mentally unstable” for blowing the whistle was the tip of the ice burg. I have no respect for leadership in America, or those globally who sit idly by and watch the planet tank only attempting to preserve the lie and life of white supremacy. But were are the sick ones? I can’t even get food assistance while trying to recover from COVID!!!!!!!!!!!!! UN Women
Amnesty International USA What are we supposed to do? I’m literally in long term care suffering from head injuries, blood clots, seizures, PTSD, fibromyalgia, and abuse from my traffickers. Though I am entitled to aid and support, I get none. I have asked hundreds of organizations and persons, all ignore. If I am lying, simply pull the records! SYSTEMIC OPPRESSION IS REAL YET IT’S STILL CALLED FAKE, NO ONE IS PROTECTING BLACK AMERICA FROM IT, IN FACT IT’S BEING AMPLIFIED. BUT WE ARE THE ONES DUBBED TERRORISTS FRO BRINGING ATTENTION TO IT! CNN
I trained my son since birth, he knows how to defend himself. So yeah, he does. Just like my father did, just like I do, just like my brother did. How else are we supposed to survive the attacks? That’s the norm for Black families, we have to train our kids to survive while White kids are trained to believe that the world is theirs because they are entitled to it. But racism is still called fake.
Every time my son gets attacked the police say “well they are the ones injured and you don’t’ look like you have that many injuries”. So because he knows how to defend himself against a mob assault that makes him guilty of being the attacker? Even the White people watching him get attacked DID NOTHING!
To be honest, I have cleared entire buildings on my own leaving tactical assault teams who followed me baffled by how I was able to do it. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid. Of course I did, the men who trained me would accept nothing less. But we are the ones who are dangerous and unstable? We don’t actually go around attacking people because of the color of their skin, how they vote, who they worship, or what their beliefs are. We will most certainly protect ourselves as is our inalienable right to do. I don’t care what anyone believes, you attack us we defend ourselves. It’s not rocket science. You don’t want to feel the fire, don’t attack.
No human is totally innocent, no one is claiming that. What I am saying is, we have not been menaces to society, we are scapegoated as such and punished for it long before we ever take an action to do anything. Then when we do take action, to defend ourselves, self defense is turned into “primary aggressor” It happened to me, my son, my brother, my father, cousins, uncles, friends, my entire community. But we are forced to ask for help from and trust the same people attacking us. Ralph Northam instead of getting help with anything, we get criminalized every single time. I have a 46 year record in VA that details this, yet no payment of my contract, adequate healthcare, or accountability for any of the people who have abused us, ever! Terry McAuliffe
If I’m going to be totally transparent I AM ONE OF THOSE SUPER PREDATORS THAT Hillary Clinton was talking about! Not because I was groomed to be a criminal, but because I was the victim of those who are. I wasn’t trained to hunt people, I was trained to hunt the most extremely genocidal . “Use these moments to unleash your anger” they used to say. They managed my emotions like I was a machine, turning them on and off like they have switches. They don’t believe they are just psychopaths who don’t understand how emotions work. I am the one who suffered for that, we all have. Every day criminals don’t register on my radar, in fact the men who raised me made most of their money from crime, politics, defense, pay for play, the contras. They are a criminal organization, MkUltra wasn’t legal, they didn’t follow any laws! It’s not about the guys on the corner pushing coke. It never was! It’s about people in paramilitary units being trained to seek, kill, and destroy with impunity at will and they started in childhood just like I did. The only difference is, I am a Black women, I don’t get the privilege, power, or money, I get enslaved.
“Most people aren’t as strong as you Danielle” they would tell me. They started something they could not control now their “paramilitary” monster is running amuck in an insurgency creating a global crisis that towers the Cold War and the world’s leaders have NO idea how to handle it. Why? Most of them are complicit as well.
Records exist, in many places, keep digging! “She will be forced to make a choice” both my “fictive fathers” told me about the crime bill, and she did. That’s why she rewrote her crime bill twice. But who was she truly targeting in the original crime bill???? It wasn't’ the victims. “But she was a really good person” I responded when my “father” said she would be rewriting it. “She still is, she’s just doing what she needs to do” he said. “It’s the right thing”. Nice choice of words he, but that’s who he was, everything was intentional at all times. Both of my handlers were the most calculated people I have ever known. I watched them apply pressure to her to rewrite a bill that could be manipulated and exploited by them, Black America has suffered for it. I said I would tell the truth, and so I do. I wish everyone did.
I remember when one of my handlers ran for office and chose to use a racist campaign model that got him in the office he never would have made it into without the hate. He set the tone for weaponizing racism permanently and successfully. He knew what the outcome would be, he did hesitate. It was a last choice measure, but he chose it. “How do you think that makes me feel” I told him before he deployed it. “I knew you would be upset, that’s why I wanted to tell you first. You’re going to have to fix it on your end” he told me. I was the “daughter” who had all the responsibility and none of the wealth.
Black Americans always owe. We owe volunteer hours, money, we owe fines, fees, court appearances, our minds, bodies and souls, our creativity, our life stories, we owe everything to America but America never owes us anything! To those who choose to demand “accountability” from us for living in “there kuntry” typos intended. “This is are kuntry”. But I’m supposed to accept all of this as “natural order?” Is it really or is it just the lie of white supremacy?
United Nations you are watching what America is doing, what are you going to do about them committing acts of ethnic cleansing so effectively that we will NEVER recover. Ever! Eva! You watched this happen and did nothing! I certainly won’t ever let anyone forget what happened here. “When the time comes, I hope you dance” they told me. They wanted me to unleash, and apparently so does all of leadership since so few will actually do their job!
Americans are so delusional and propagandized they don’t even know what accountability is. When someone actually does something wrong they need to be held accountable. You don’t need to be held accountable for experiencing trauma, being a survivor, falling on hard times, being the target of conspiracies, struggling with illness, or being scapegoated for someone else’ crimes. THE PEOPLE WHO COMMITTED THE WRONGDOING ARE THE ONES WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE HELD ACCOUTNABLE FIRST AND FOREMOST IF THEY ARE IN LEADERSHIP OR HAVE THE PUBLIC TRUST!
All of this was “common sense” until my abusers reframed history, science, data, intel, and communication for personal and political purposes. We are all living the results. they clearly went “too far”. Pretending like we can just “move on” or simply not view reality as it is demonstrates precisely how far removed from mental stability these “leaders” are. Why follow them into destruction? I’m not!
Those who helped brainwash the planet are the ones with all the money, power, resources, and control of all three branches of government in America with extremist allies in other nations who are systematically tearing apart their countries, absconding with natural resources, and killing off Black, Brown, native and marginalized populations. But I’m not supposed to talk? GTFOH
Only the immature and arrested developmentally believe that life is a game and pain is for the weak. They believe “nothing affects you unless you allow it”. But truly these are all just ways of brainwashing themselves. The “be positive” worshipers came from these socially engineered tactics that have been deployed ruthlessly across the globe via the internet, which my abusers also brought into fruition. They were responsible for the racist code that created the internet. Not creating the code itself, but applying it in a way that ensured white supremacy would always prevail under every circumstance. Where is the confusion? When they brought me in it was because “all intel data indicates humanity will die out in 1.5 generation if we continue on this trajectory. We went too far”. I was four years old when they first explained this to me, in mandatory pre-K just before I was drugged. Later that night, I was transported from home, to their location, and raped, at four years old. But I was supposed to escape this how? UN Women
We’re supposed to continue to hold our breath and hope that we can vote for a new day, one day. It’s been hundreds of years and we’re still experiencing ethnic cleansing in our own nation, at the hands of state sanctioned attacks that are propagandize as our own fault. And we’re supposed to be okay with this? The United Nations exists to protect populations in our condition, why won’t you?
I’m not allowing anyone to hold me or my children hostage! The men who terrified me the most are dead. There is ONE MAN left who is terrifying, but truly he could just make sure I got paid and go on about his way. It’s his company that owes me. That’s why I sit here penniless. But he won’t, instead he continues doing what he always has and I’m supposed to be oaky with that?
We are human. We have rights. We are entitled to life. We are entitled to express our energy as we choose as long as we aren’t harming others. Why can’t others?
We don’t have to apologize for being Black or different. I’m not doing anything wrong, so why am I expected to change? But I’m supposed to accept that “God” told “racists” that I am supposed to be dominated, raped, bred, and enslaved because the melanin in my skin makes me inferior even to the most extreme deviant white supremacists? I have disproved that myth with my life, repeatedly. The real reason people want to bury any and all information about me is because all you have to do is look at the trail, and the proof is in the pudding. All that data they collected is now their worst nightmare because it may have been manipulated to amplify lies and hate, but when looked at by persons who aren't deviants and extremists, the truth is obvious.
Those who believe such delusions are those who are absolutely brainwashed, and need help. But it’s my stability in question. What I need is for people to pursue those attacking me so that I can gain financial stability and never have to depend on anyone, for anything, ever again. I’ve worked harder than most people who have ever lived, I have not a penny to show for it because the U.S. government is allowing it. The White House But you want me to ignore this like you ignore my abuse?
All you have to is trace every critical incident from the Vietnam War, anywhere in the world, and you will find my “two fathers” connected to instigating or controlling them. The world has literally allowed the sickest of humanity to bully the entire planet into submission and instead of seeing this as sick, the finger is pointed to me as being the “unstable” one for blowing the whistle. Don’t you think people get tired of bullshyt?
The world’s leaders are failing the entire planet and we are watching it all go down the drain because some people can’t push past their ego and greed. But we’re supposed to accept this and die, suffering, for the sake of lies? That’s not in my DNA. Library of Congress TIME
It’s astounding to watch all the hypocrisy unfold. To see all of the sick people pretend to be righteous and the weak follow them like lost sheep and mind controlled drones. People are literally trying to equate the struggle to survive systemic oppression with white rage, and it works.
America is one of the sickest places I have ever encountered. I have been to “3rd world” nations that are far less toxic. It’s no surprise that America is the nation spreading COVID throughout the planet, killing millions, blaming the marginalized all along the way. The former administration is guilty of weaponizing the pandemic, not those they targeting for scapegoating. ‘
But even President Joe Biden accuses the targets of the weaponized pandemic rather than those responsible for weaponizing. Actually, he made sure all of those people got funding and legal protections while Black people continue to be the only population left out of all legislation that would protect us two years into a pandemic, a race war, an economic depression, and a climate crisis. But we are supposed to believe this is God’s will and that is why it’s happening? I’ve heard this from White people my entire life, if no one else is I am damn sure tired of it.
It’s not God punishing Black people, its racist white extremists and their apologists. The world is watching extremism eradicate democracy and the entire Black American Community systematically and it’s till considered fake. United Nations you exist to address this! Why don’t you? Perhaps it’s time for Congress to look into corruption at the U.N. Progressive Caucus It will come as no surprise to anyone that the same two men who trafficked me had unlimited access at the U.N. and anyone who was involved. There are contingencies for global leadership when all other avenues fail, including the U.N. It’s been in place since “Project Star Gate” which my handlers created and trained me in. So yes, it’s time to move upward and onward so that genocides can end forever.
World Health Organization millions have died in a pandemic, what are YOU supposed to do when corruption and tyranny overrun the planet and prevent legislative bodies from performing?
Barack Obama and Al Gore no one believed this day would come, but it’s here. People are dying in mass. The planet is almost totally unsustainable. We are in a full blown apocalypse and the carnage is only just beginning. Humanity has collectively passed every guidepost, every gruesome milestone, and every point of no return that I was trained to watch for. We are literally in our final stand. Is covering for white supremacy and capitalism worth it? If those in authority don’t step up to tell the truth, unapologetically, and authentically, NOW, then the world will be in a place that can never be undone. How much does life matter? Does it matter enough to bully bullies?
It does to me!