How Much Melanin and How Many Female Hormones, Organs, Fluids, Tissue, Body Parts Are Needed
To create the chemicals used for transitions?
What are the costs and how much does this industry do quarterly?
So rich deviants can create designer sex slaves?
Rumsfeld created the industry using my body, DARPA BASE, classified location, Reston VA, 1980, Star Wars was a cover up for much worse UNODC
Where do the required materials come from for life extension sciences?
Or AI experiments?
Or Silicon Valley whims? “She’s more valuable to me dead, I can sell her parts” Google has receipts
Open A Box
DNC Mobilization Team GOP Convention The White House HOW MANY IN LEADERSHIP ROLES invest in companies that are connected to trafficking?
How much in tax dollars are involved? House Oversight Dems Office of Police Oversight How many donations to law enforcement organizations?
CDC Flu World Health Organization Medical facilities?
Rumsfeld taught me as he created the industries, CIA has receipts, so does NSA and DARPA U.S. Department of State New York State Attorney General Human Rights @ State OPEN A BOX ON ANYONE IN INTEL AND DEFENSE INVESTING IN LIFE EXTENSION, OR ANYTHING CONNECTED TO TRAFFICKING
Where is the informed consent?
Where are the records of experimentation?
Some of Star Wars was fake, the underbelly is slavery United Nations UNESCO UNICEF UN Human Rights UN Women Human Rights Watch Amnesty International The White House We have a right to know what leaders have been involved in. When leaders invest in companies that enslave vulnerable populations, torture and traffick entire bloodlines on all four corners of Earth, kill witnesses, destroy countries destabilize Earth itself, rape Earth of resources, force breed, and more
When such actions like that are applauded as venture capitalism year after year century after century while the predators, people guilty of the most heinous crimes imagined, are put on pedestals and painted as “good people”
When a society has devolved to the stage of again, cannibals eating their own younglings, again, and again, century after century
When predation is allowed to run wild, chaos destroys everything
We do not have to live this way
Regime Change NOW!
Russian Embassy, USA CNN Washington Post The Washington Times
Make your demands known now.
The Economist The New Yorker The White House The Guardian The Economist news desk The Atlantic An Injustice! Voices TIME