How Racism Works
Make her destitute
Then tell the world she’s nothing
Never will be
She’s too poor
Not worth protecting
Isolate her
Extract everything from her
Force yourself on her
Use classified weapons
Use mind control
Any means necessary
Can’t let her go
Can’t live without her
Don’t know how to cope
Lean on her as a crutch
As you steal from her
Force her to have babies
Don’t allow relationships
Abuse her for it
Tell the world she’s a whore
Sell her children
Say she’s irresponsible
Target the kids she raised alone
Tell the world she’s a horrible mother
Accuse her of crimes deviants commit
Then watch her suffer
While you celebrate
As she and her children starve
Take everything she has
Tell her she has to ask for permission
To do anything
Including have a bite of food
Or healthcare
She’s so dirty while being tortured
It’s funny to humiliate women
When the privileged psychopaths
Are given permission
Our rights taken United Nations
No one protects The White House
They all slander, steal, project
She’s nothing
Yet we’re so jealous of her
Who will stop it
Earth Angels
Thank you for stepping in!!!!