How To Build Back Better For EVERYONE With Class I Civilization Future Forward Thinking

This post was hacked as I typed it. It took a lot of maneuvering to get it posted, even then it was still affected.

Danielle Diew
18 min readFeb 10, 2022
Class I World

I attempted to share some ideas I had on the Obama Foundation Facebook page and of course, as soon as I began typing I got hacked. I had to finish typing the message offline then attempt to post it again, that didn’t work well. I managed to post it but it posted in the wrong place. I managed to delete that and post it somewhere else and it was still messed up. I was unable to edit it, provide correct spacing, or make any kind of alterations. It’s pretty jumbled, this has been happening since May of 2020. I have been censored, hacked, shadow banned, muted, silenced, and attacked on social media specifically, since the protests began. I am more heavily censored on the internet (in life as well) than terrorist organizations, literally. I’m a disabled single mom trying to get away from abuse, but I’m the threat? lol


I am completely cut off from the outside world, I was homebound BEFORE COVID. I have no income, no COVID relief, no disability, nothing, sometimes I can’t even get food or SNAP benefits. If it weren’t for my 20 year old son, I would be dead, literally.

Due to abuses in health care I suffered multiple severe head injuries and untreated seizers that exasperated the disabilities and medical conditions I already had (all acquired while serving this country yet I can’t even get health care. The same happened to my dad). I am unable to use telephones as a result of the abuses I suffered in health care. I am unable to leave the home without support, and even then it’s dangerous. I can’t count the number of times my legs have given out or began seizing just walking to the 711 which is literally in my neighborhood, literally on the same block. I had to be carried home each time, I’m a big woman! This is unreal!

The abuses that Black Americans face go ignored by every aspect of society and there is no path to justice for any of it. It doesn’t matter what we face, it’s always assumed, presumed, expected that we did it to ourselves. If not then it’s God punishing us or “past life karma”. No matter the excuses made, regardless of how irrational they are, it’s ALWAYS our fault when our inalienable, universal, international, human, constitutional, and civil rights are violated. The stonewalling, gaslighting, minimizing, denying, and blaming aren’t the core of the problem but they sure due make the experience of oppression that much worst. Still, America sees me as drawing attention to these human rights violations as more of a threat than the those committing the human rights violations!

What I attempted to share on the post were my ideas about Black America creating a THINK TANK and LOBBYING GROUP that can help Black America deal with the systemic attacks and barriers we face. As well as ideas for investments that would yield positive returns for investors (as well as tax breaks), and support for struggling Black Americans as well as other marginalized populations. With these types of supports, we could find bootstraps to pull ourselves up with.

Why this would be threating to anyone enough that they would hack my internet connection and prevent me from posting it is the perfect example as to why we need protection of our human rights. Claiming “race doesn’t matter” is simply a massive gaslight toward people who are literally experiencing ethnic cleansing in our own country at apocalyptic rates while the nations and global leadership look away.

My message was as follows: Barack Obama The Obama Foundation

If millionaires and billionaires came together to set up a fund to help protect, support, and lobby for Black America we would have a chance at survival. It’s never been about boot straps, it’s always been about oppression. The entire Black community has helped each and every person get to an elite status, no one did it on their own though many make the claim.

America will never repair the harm they have done and are STILL doing to Black America, it’s up to us to protect and aid our own people. There is NO ONE better poised to do this than the one and only person who can ever say they were Black and president of the United States. What Black America needs is the power of the lobby, this requires an organization established for that purpose. What Black America needs is access to resources, this requires organization. What Black America needs is leadership dedicated to lifting Black America. As president of a nation, that wasn’t possible. As a private citizen it is. You have the respect, education, training, experience, knowledge, and recognition of the global population. You are one of the most powerful men to ever live, and you earned that position through fortitude, honesty and integrity. There is no one who better understands the dangers facing the world, America, and Black people. You are in the BEST possible position to help us protect ourselves by uniting those with resources, influence, and skills to help us fight for our lives, human rights, and the ability to become upwardly mobile.

We need you step into the fight in ways you have never been able to before. We need you to initiate a THINK TANK and a LOBBYING GROUP that advocates for inalienable, universal, international, constitutional, and civil rights for oppressed people who have no representation at any level and are experiencing ethnic cleansing in our own country, on our own lands, for some of us on our own indigenous lands. No one else will do it, not even the U.N., and that’s their job, their whole purpose for existing. We need representation at the United Nations as well as on “The Hill”.

America has become an Authoritarian Plutocratic regime. Corporations have more rights than human beings, there is no corporate power serving the interests of Black lives, this must change! In order for Black people to survive we need new approaches to solving old, current, and emerging problems. If millionaires and billionaires committed to invest 1 penny on every $100 dollars of their royalties over the next 10 years to put back into lobbying for the human rights of Black people, this would change the dynamics forever. If the wealthy committed to 1 penny of every $1000 dollars earned for investments into growth industries that are certain to yield positive returns, then you will not only get back your investments with interest. You will also grow America’s first Black reparations fund. Block chain, NFT’s, Medical Marijuana, Ai, VR, BioTech, and Social Media are a few examples areas of investment with MASSIVE growth potential. With the right support these could help not only Black America but also all marginalized populations while simultaneously growing capital for the nation. It’s win win for everyone who isn’t intent on oppression.

We all know that America cannot and will not ever admit to committing crimes against nature and humanity against Black America, certainly not while it’s still happening. It’s up to Black people to help Black people. It’s up to the Black elite to help Black people. Those of us in the margins are so heavily oppressed, I couldn’t even types this message without fighting hackers and I do not have a tech background!

My father and I served this country faithfully our entire lives, my father died penniless as did my mother. All 3 of us suffering from untreated (but easily treatable) medical conditions but lacking health care because we cannot get past the disparities. All of us growing up and/or living in some of the most affluent communities on the planet. Yet not unable to access any form of true upward mobility due to the suppressive tactics of right wing extremism. This didn’t begin with protests, COVID, or even the last administration. It’s gone on all my life, it went on all my parents lives, it went on every generation before them. We need CHANGE!

What we have seen over the past 6 years is nothing compared to what is coming. We cannot depend on any aspect of government to protect our human rights when they won’t even acknowledge that they are being violated. Now is the time for Black leadership to rise as it NEVER has before! There is more money and power circulating in the top 3% of Black America than has EVER existed in the black community throughout the entire history of the United States. Now is the time, this is the path.

Unless Black America steps up and steps in to aid the entire population, the “final solution” of the right wing agenda will more than accomplish it’s mission. As a former paramilitary operative who has seen more death, catastrophic loss, chaos, and destruction than any one human should ever have to encounter. Also having witnessed the last moments of some of very powerful men, I can assure you that the only thing anyone thinks about in the end is who they have failed and how they failed them.

When you have lost 97% of your entire ethnic population there will be no wealth, privilege, or creature comfort that will soothe you through that kind of pain. There are entire indigenous populations that no longer exist and people think they are myth, Black America is more than halfway to that end point already.

The extremist agenda is moving ahead with impunity, thus far their tactics have worked flawlessly. This isn’t going away, ever. This is the new forever war regardless of what pundits and politicians say, YOU know the truth. The extremist insurgency intends to continue heavy suppressive action until we are all in prison or dead. They have an agenda to achieve a white ethno state and they are well on their way to reaching their goal through the systemic oppression of marginalized persons and the expulsion, imprisonment, enslavement, and eradication of the Black community. Already, in all 3 branches of government “race doesn’t matter” and this is seen as a legal, legitimate, constitutional approach to governing in the face of international and domestic human rights laws. When your life doesn’t matter, and is unprotected, no one cares when your necks are trampled on with state sanctioned knees.

No one in the world is interested in fighting this problem other than us, it’s up to the Black elite to do it along side those of us in the trenches. We need you in the fight, our lives depend on it!

End of post.

Al Gore has an excellent investment strategy that is focused on green sustainability with diversity and ethics as well as protecting and respecting the lives and human right or Black, marginalized, and indigenous populations. This is a system already in place that could build opportunities for individual to access platforms and resources that support earning from your own genius, creativity, and works. His dedicated activist approach to tackling tough problems have already proven ground breaking, if taken a few steps further we could create the new world so many of us wish to see. If the Black American elite partnered with influencers like this there would be opportunity for creative new groundbreaking approaches to solving the problems that have remained untouched for more than 500 years.

I don’t agree with A LOT of what Elon Musk says or does Tesla Motors , however, he is in a unique position to be one of the world’s greatest change agents. He also has an incredibly powerful mind, and systems built that could help to stabilize Earth before he goes off to colonize Mars. It would be a great way to give back and silence critics. If Elon Musk partnered with people like Barack and Michelle Obama, Al Gore, Kanye West, Andrew Yang, Beyoncé and Jay Z, The Marley Family, and Timnit Gebru collectively they could create something that has NEVER existed before.

With Barack and Michelle’s leadership, expertise, and global reach entire nations would be willing to participate and mostly likely even invest in this endeavor. There would be more possibilities here, with a conglomerate of stake holders intent on diversity, equity, and growth than there is any possibility of moving political change forward. The government remains in a stranglehold and Black America can’t wait for them to one day care if we live or die, it will NEVER happen. Black America must come together to create the opportunities needed to provide growth opportunities. This is how we create the changes we need without being held back by red tape, plutocrats, and extremism.

With Elon’s free energy model and advanced Ai, Timnit’s expertise with ethics in Ai, the Marley Family’s decentralized Blockchain, social media building, global support, and Legal Marijuana investments there is literally a start-up waiting to take a quantum leap into the next phase of human capabilities. The Marley family even helps free non-violent prisoners held on marijuana charges from the proceeds they make selling the medical marijuana they grow, in an abandoned prion. You can’t make this stuff up!!! Literally every medical problem and disability I have is either healed, managed, or even CURED by medical marijuana, yet I can rarely manage to get my hands on it. It’s even been proven to help fight COVID, why aren’t we doing this already?

The possibilities of wealth building that can be shared with the 99% are absolutely endless, they always have been. We’ve been languishing under a system of tyranny that seeks to elevate some people while intentionally oppressing others, they intend to maintain that system at all costs. Everyone complains about the poor, but no one is stopping the intentional barriers put up to keep us poor. We can help ourselves if we don’t have to fight an entire global economic system built to keep us enslaved.

A new kind of social media platform will do this for us, one that is equitable, has actual equality, is safe, and has the capability for us to earn from our own creations. The current social media platforms available do not provide EVERYONE with opportunities to earn anything, I’ve never even been able to get past Googles algorithms, ever. FB, IG, and Twitter censorship support the fascist, phobic, racist, extremist agenda that is literally destroying all to elevate a few. Of course I never had chance to create anything on platforms that loathe every aspect of me. One of them even falsely accused me of committing a crime while two others prevented me from attempting get free from those committing crimes against me, so no, there is no opportunity for people like me in those spaces. Just look at the state of the world as a direct result of abuses from BIGTECH and social media. Those of us in the margins need more.

With Yangs experience in turning people into entrepreneurs his expertise would be put to good use on a social media platform built for that specific purpose. With Ye’s influence, creativity, genius, and interest in social media platforms this just makes good business sense all the way around. With Beyoncé and Jay Z’s global social influence, creative genius, and business acumen they are poised to be the perfect couple to set the example of building wealth from the ground up for the Black community. When you have walked the walk, you can show others how to do it as you talk the talk. It’s a whole new level of mastery which means taking a quantum leap, who doesn’t want that?

Outkast, Goodie Mob, Common, Drake, J Cole, The Weekend, Rhianna, Niki Minaj, Dave Chappelle, Whoopi Goldberg to name just a few. All have influence, all have been in entertainment for decades, all understand what it’s like to work your way up with your own creative abilities. All could support the project in various ways, helping the entire Black community find some bootstraps to pull up! This is what the Black community needs right now, more than ever. This is the answer to the disparities, attacks, gerry rigging, red lining, propaganda, pathologizing, criminalizing, and rhetoric that hold us back under a system that refuses to see us as human let alone equal.

This is the perfect opportunity to create a new platform for creators of every kind to pursue the opportunity to access income, investment, creative opportunities, research ideas, collaborators, any and everything. Making ethics, diversity, equity, and equality the priority from the ground up changes the game forever, there can be no more excuses. Timnit is already doing it and proving it works! This can be a system of support for the most marginalized people in society to find opportunities to help ourselves absent the abuses that keep us trapped.

Imagine if these players came together to create a new ethical social medial platform that focuses on ways for people to earn money off of their own creative projects and ideas while still maintaining ownership of creations. Not only could it be a gathering place for like minds to spark creative interests, deep thoughts, or the impetus for consciousness expansion. But also a place all the muses, artists, inventors, and creators gather to inspire each other. Like a virtual Harlem Renaissance environment, any form of legal, ethical creative, actual free thinking environment that in no way is infected by violence, bullying, extremism, racism, phobia, cruelty, greed, hoarding, or polarizing political fodder.

It could be a virtual market place for people to promote, and sell their creations, whatever that may be. Robots, drones, paintings, music, NFT’s, digital art, photography, choreography, poetry, digital books (imagine the self publishing capabilities). Even medical marijuana if possible. It could be a platform where you can create, market, buy, sell, network, invest, share ideas, influence, freely express, expand the consciousness, and educate. This would shift the flow of resources and wealth for people who either cannot access it (like myself) or are struggling to expand on what they have already built (like my son).

It’s time for a new Renaissance, a new flowering of human consciousness. The world is more divided than it ever has been before, the solution to that problem is to bring the world together like never before. The idea of social media is not the problem, the way social media is exploited is. If you start the entire process off with specific goals in mind, you can build it from the ground up with safety measures in place that would prevent abuses. You could have open source aspects to that platform that help users inform the decisions of stakeholders so that it remains a place for free thought, movement of ideas, expression, and a safe space for creativity to thrive.

You can involve ethical social scientists, engineers, analysts, and security personnel from the beginning to ensure that not only rights are being protected but intellectual properties on and within the virtual commerce. It’s literally what was envisioned when the idea of the internet was first established yet due to systemic oppression and predatory capitalism, growth and wealth have only truly been available to the few. This is the opportunity to prove that even capitalism can be ethical where the best variables are intentionally put into play and maintained.

Making it a global site would allow people from every corner of the world to connect on ideas who normally wouldn’t be able to before. Imagine the ability to be in the North African dessert and having a jam session with tribal musicians as they rock out with their unique style of fusion, but also be able to have Rasta’s from Jamaica join in to add new flavor to the mix. What sound could be created when you blend in Native tribal brothers and sisters from South America, all mixed with some up and coming lyrical skills of urban hip-hop geniuses from North America. Literally new genres of everything can be created at will, all the time, without interference or debilitating reliance on a toxic entertainment industry that enslaves. Those creating the intellectual properties can benefit from the projects they pour themselves into, rather than record companies and industry hacks who literally own people while they die penniless. This is the time to free EVERYONE and this is how!

It’s not only a way to foster a new quantum leap level of growth in human consciousness, it’s also a way to lift the planet out of the enslavement and poverty cycle it has been trapped for eons while inspiring new ideas and entrepreneurship for ALL. The women in African tribes will finally be free to sell their art globally and earn from the work of their own hands without having invaders steal their profits. When EVERYONE can profit, there will be no need to steal, therefore less crime. It won’t end the problems, but it will certainly limit them.

Brothers and sisters with ideas, skills, knowledge, and abilities will finally be able to search a topic, question, or problem within the platform and find solutions, networks, and people ready to come together to create. Again, these were the original ideas for the internet, I was apart of the think tanks that fielded the ideas for how it would be created when it was in the earliest stages of DARPANET. Racist, fascist, colonialist capitalism stepped in to prevent freedom, as it has since the before the founding of this nation. If we don’t stand up for ourselves, we all fall. No one benefits under fascism.

An actual virtual world, a whole new level of interdimensional thinking that will foster such an explosion of growth that it will become the center of free thought in the modern world! The answers to some of the world’s most pervasive and complex problems will be found here. If you build it, the ideas, creators, and genius will show up!

Why not?

It would prove once and for all that not only does ALL LIFE MATTER but also, all minds matter. It will prove that with healthy diversity comes a whole new world of limitless possibilities. It can quite literally be a 3D manifestation of the theory of everything. A new level of quantum entanglement that is co-created consciously with the intent of creating something positive for all in a way that heals the worlds most pervasive wounds. Each creator intending the positive outcome of growth, artistry, excellence, and groundbreaking technological advancement for all.

This could be a virtual Class I Civilization where everyone uses their own natural genius to build wealth for themselves. Or a place to discover what you genius is! A place to test your natural skills, abilities, talents. Imagine the economic power that will come from EVERYONE being able to buy what they need, purchase property, land, better health care, clean food and water, and invest in green, clean, solutions based ideas that put life, the planet, human rights, and sustainability first instead of the profits of colonialist capitalist war mongering profiteers.

The majority of the planet agrees with this line of future forward, upwardly mobile thinking. Those who don’t can follow their own golden plated shiny messiah’s off into the wilderness. Those of interested in creating new paradisiac conditions in the vein of an advanced new world similar to those of our ancient ancestors who did things like build the pyramids. Keeping the energy of free thought, consciousness, and creativity flowing into our own conscious creations as well as those we create with like minds, we can finally be free to thrive. Some of us for the first time ever in life could be free to be who we truly are, express it openly, and profit from our own creations as whole people. Imagine that! A social media site that fosters wholeness, wellness, and growth is what the world has always needed. This could literally be the freedom that the world has been waiting for!

The possibilities are endless, the solutions everywhere, the creativity abundant. There are only possibilities here, why would we not do this? The country has basically deregulated everything, even life, now is the time to take this leap.

It can also serve as a virtual testing ground for the new world that will be built during space expansion. Humans can’t grasp what they haven’t experienced, this will be the opportunity for people of all tribes and nations to come together for a purpose, preparing new generations for a new space bound world.

Unlike other sites where there is no actual purpose other than money, connecting, and communicating. The purpose here will be co-creating a global, virtual world where creativity becomes your means for self sufficiency and wealth building. Ingenuity is rewarded and accredited to those who are the creators, you keep the profits from own works. You share, learn, grow, sell, transfer, build ideas and new ways of thinking.

Imagine building an arm of the platform that houses the worlds most comprehensive library! As education comes under attack more and more, we need access to uncensored information. This platform will be the landing pad for all experts looking to teach those who need to learn. Think Timbuktu online! If you build it, the information will most certainly come. You will end up with the rarest, oldest, most creative and innovative works known to creation. Literally there is no limit to what this platform could be, a whole new dimension, multiple dimensions. We could literally co-create the beginnings of the multi-verse. Why would we not do this? We are what we have all been waiting for!

Fashion, art, jewelry, hair, make-up, aesthetics, music, NFT’s, poetry, collections of writings, social commentary, video’s, short films, movies, woodworking, tech, anything! Battle of the bands, spoken word shows, rap contests, dance off’s, cheer competitions, again, limitless possibilities. Creative central! All brought together in one creative space. When the most isolated and debilitated people in the world can come on the platform and make a million dollars, you would have brought human civilization into a Class I status! LET’S DO IT!

I need it. We all need it.

The old world can go on as it has, we can build the new one top of it without destroying anything! We can do this peacefully, with equity, diversity, equality, sustainability, future forward thinking, and safety. Who’s down?

Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers UN Women



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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