Hypocrisy Unfolding
It’s funny to watch how the hypocrisy in Americans unfolds daily. “Some” people are heroes while others are “criminals” and “vigilantes.” “Some” people are intelligent while others are “underachievers”. “Some” people are “good” people while others are “manipulators”. It doesn’t matter what reality is, people are followers, and they follow the herd. Period. People “see” what they are told to see and put no energy, effort, or intelligence into seeing further, deeper, with a wider perspective.
Individual “thinkers” are shunned so heavily in society that people are now advocating that “ignorance” and “close-mindedness” be the norm because people are too afraid to face reality. It’s so odd that anyone would want to embrace ignorance and darkness. But they do. It’s so sad that people are terrified of words, actual words! Those same people who fear words like “race” and “social” and “critical” and “equity” and “diversity” and “protest” are the same ones saying the problem in America is the “snowflakes”. The irony and they don’t even see it in themselves but become angry and aggressive when someone else does.
The oddest part of it all is that they are literally dragging the entire planet into total, and complete destruction. Not just America, no, the planet. That is all they were able to accomplish when they had total control, held all the reigns. Their ego is so massive they won’t even allow anyone else the opportunity to even voice different beliefs. No, that would imply that perhaps they aren’t the people they claim to be, maybe they were wrong, maybe they messed up. Maybe it’s time to get real about it and stop using brainwashing to pretend this genocide isn’t real.
Millions of people are suffering, often alone, and dying because of ignorance. It’s nothing to be proud of. It’s nothing to be replicated. It’s nothing to embrace. It’s a disgrace and for the first time, the masses are standing up and saying “no more”. THE PEOPLE are exercising not only their free will but their inalienable, human, constitutional, and civil rights to voice collectively “no justice no peace!”
We’re not going away.
I’m choosing not to edit this article, let the hackers and haters do what they may.