She’s a liar
I need her testimony
She’s sick
I need her to heal me
She’s whipped
She won’t sleep with me
She’s dirty
In can’t stop looking
She smells
I have been in her presence in decades
She’s fat
I’m obsessed with her body
It’s not her
It’s her energy
She’s evil
She’s always been so good to me
She loves me for real
I treat her like she’s nothing
I want to be with her
I’m not allowed in her presence
No one loves her
If I can’t have her no one will
She’s weak
I want the power she has
She’s healing
She’s not divine
She’s evil
She’s always been an angel in my life
She gives love for free
I’ll show you her price
She’s a whore
She doesn’t sleep around
She doesn’t have sex all
She’s selling her body
She’s playing hard to get
I can’t get to her
She’s playing games
Fuck her boundaries
What she has is mine
I have given her nothing
All I have taken
I demand what she won’t give
I take violently
I expect her to obey
Which is it
You tell one lie
Then it’s opposite
You attempt to kill
Then say oops my bad
On and on and on
For decades
It’s never been a mystery to me
About what’s happening
It’s narcissistic abuse
Reap because I no longer will