I Am Not Your Karma
I was your friend, you didn’t value the blessing
There is nothing worst than
A bunch of deviant men
Fighting over your body
Claiming to love you
When in reality
They love only their own
Selfish ego needs
I’m still learning this lesson
The hard way
To this very day
My “father” always told me
“You will regret your loyalty
They aren’t who you think
You’ll see in the end”
But how could I believe the man
Who tortured me
Took me from my family
Forced me to call him Daddy
While he was raping me and abusing me
There was never an outlet of escape
I had to bide my time
And blaze my own pathway
I’m still being punished
For breaking free
As the world watches on
Benefiting from my sacrifice and suffering
STILL co-opting and appropriating
After ages and ages
This looting is never ending
Neither is the scapegoating
Doing nothing to aid
The suffering they create
Do nothing
To me and my progeny
Let us be free
To live our highest destiny
Pay us what belongs to us
Return what has been taken
May each receive as they are owed
This is the truth
Of Cosmic Strings
Karmic Frequencies
What you send out
Is what you get
I paid everything foreword
Not expecting men to return a damn thing
My faith has always remained
With The Most High
That is how and why I survived all things
Nothing is what you gave me
While I gave all
In my times of greatest need
Great suffering
Nothing is what you sent out to me
Though ALL of me
Being perpetually spent to aid your greed
Nothing I return to thee
In my hour of being set free
Just as you sent to me
I return nothing
May Karma deal with you accordingly
This is called
The mirror effect
What you see
Is what you get
My Divine blessings
Keep coming and coming
As the truth is revealed
I was NEVER the person
You all made me out to be
Dehumanizing to escape accountability
You had decades to work on yourselves
And all the world’s resources
All you created was debauchery
Millions have died
Many alone tragically
Billions are suffering
While you bury your heads in the sand
Plotting your escape
As the planet burns
And floods
And shakes
If the world knew just one thing
One truth
About the lies you shade
ALL would change rapidly
Knowing you have mislead ALL humanity
Down a path to destruction
Claiming superiority
I give thanks
To The Most High
Daily more and more
I return to the loving hand
Of the Home I always belonged to
The want that waters me
While enslaved in dessert lands
Divine waters I drink
As Divine birds feed me
I know this story
I’ve lived it time and time again
I will continue to say it
Until I stop breathing
Do the correct thing
By me and my progeny
Set us free
Let us be
Let us breathe
Or Karma will remember each deed
And judge accordingly
I’m not your Karma
I never have been
I was your friend
Yet you abused me
Taking me for granted
For this
You must reap
Divine judgement
So Let It Be
Of all
I wash my hands
One Love Frequency
I embrace
Never to return
To that desolate place
Ever again