I Choose To Fly
Not only for me, but ALL of humanity, not just all.
You have to understand the men who abused me to really grasped how far they were willing to go to achieve their agenda. The situation, their having to face their colossal screw up, relying on me to clean up their mess, all literal signs of egomaniacal men who were about to get exposed for committing the ultimate sine. These men literally “accidentally” engineered the end of not only the world, but the human race entirely. If you wonder how this is possible to know, there is so much technology available to do precisely this. Predict. This technology has been around for many decades, the classified research program that I was in lead the developments. Classified environments have access anywhere from 100 years to even 1000 years beyond mainstream society. They live like Gods and Kings while we toil, lost in the matrix, wondering why nothing gets better. They are engineering it this way. It wasn’t accidental it just collateral damage to the men who designed it. “I would rather ask for forgiveness than permission” both handlers told me as they were giving me my fate. I was five years old, it was their mess but my responsibility to clean. That’s how much America cares about “life” let alone “Black Lives”. Every conversation ended in abuse, so you can be sure how intent they were at hiding what was truly happening.
They had mastered the ability to suppress memories and force their recall using trauma responses. I am the result of that. People assume that PTSD means you’re going to go crazy and shoot up a parking lot. No. It should NEVER lead to that. If it does it’s not just the PTSD regardless of what anyone is telling you. There is more involved! But also, PTSD is different for everyone. We are talking about a human brain and it’s connection to the human mind, obviously there is a unique process. For me, PTSD is remember things to the finest most minute detail. Unfortunately for me, everything happening in the world today is what triggers it. This was intentional. I couldn’t stop telling the truth if I wanted to, there are too many queues everywhere. THAT is how bad things are, particularly for Black America. But I’m not supposed to talk about it and I get punished every time I do. UN Human Rights
Yet we still have no protections. It’s 10/15/21 and I have yet to receive payment on my contract, my education credentials unredacted, or a penny of direct COVID cash. Furthermore, all but two vital resources needed for survival while on long term care have been systematically removed for “technical” reasons. This includes SNAP benefits, you know, food. I have no income, have yet to receive a penny of disability though I was declared disabled by the agencies determination services several years ago. There is no way I will no longer become disabled, that is how disabled I am. I became disabled serving my country, but the U.S. government continues to say they cannot confirm my identity as they hover, surveil, and stalk daily. They can tell you the kind of orgasm I am having because they literally track my frequencies and have done so all my life. But they claim they cannot confirm my identity. Progressive Caucus A helicopter literally flew over about 20mns ago, as I type this. I have health problems that only trained, cleared, professionals can manage. Yet I continue to be denied health care United Nations I have said repeatedly, I will die without care. Mainstream private physicians have no idea how to treat me, that is why I have declined under their care. They don’t even want to treat me, because I continue to decline in their care. The government knows me when they need to suppress some record of my activities, but when it comes time to be accountable for the harm they have done to me, or to pay me for the work that I have done, suddenly they don’t know who I am. It’s insulting. The White House
What’s worst, every generation before me was oppressed in the same of other ways. We have NEVER been free. I will be the first in my family. I will NEVER stop fighting for what I am owed. UN Women
The men who controlled me felt the demise of their dominance on the world stage so profoundly that they were willing to take humanity to the tipping point, and beyond just to remain in control. Collateral damages be damned, “it’s nothing personal, it’s just business. If the shoe were on the other foot you would do the same” that’s what they told me as they explained that ALL the damage they were going to do to the world will harm Black American descendants of slaves ore than any other population. We are the sum of all their fears. My handlers were the men who detailed that white paper to me, The Sum Of All Fears. It was an assessment of America’s security status and what could be expected in coming decades. Black Americans were their greatest threat, not because of anything we did, but because of xenophobia. No other reason. We have always been the “sacrifice” because abusers don’t want to be held accountable for abuse. Why would the world choose to continue on this path?
Obviously this is problematic for so many reasons. Neither the planet nor any of the life on it are obligated to submit to dictatorial rulership of leaders who are tyrants, genocidal, matricidal, and intentionally chaotically destructive. There is ALWAYS a higher power! Sometimes that higher power is science, sometimes it’s God, sometimes it’s the Universe, sometimes it’s the Cosmos, sometimes it’s the creators of the cosmos, sometimes it’s the God of the creators of the cosmos. There are levels to everything if we’re equipped to understand that, and willing to take in new information. These diverse perceptions help everyone, at every level. This has always been true and will continue to be true long after humanity has left this planet. People should not be systematically eliminated because others believe that only their own level of conscious understanding is the only valid way of living.
People want to play life as a game, but then don’t want to follow rules of a game. If there are no rules, it’s not a game it’s just life. There are now and have always been rules to the “game of life”. The question is, are you playing a game or not? If you are and you failed to learn the rules, then that is why you now come up short spiritually speaking. If you learned the rules and broke them, now is when and how you face karma. If you learned the rules, used them, and kept going regardless of what was thrown at you, the spiritual rewards are flowing like fresh clean water from the highest most pure waterfall.
There is always a higher order. I made a commitment to myself at a very young age to stick with the highest possible order. It didn’t matter what level I was at, I fluctuate because I learn, grow, take chances, fight for justice, you know I live. Even in captivity, I live. At whatever level I am at, I seek the highest possible order, option, manifestation. It leads me out of darkness EVERY time! THAT is how I heal. I survive everything thrown at me because when I was being tortured in those dungeons, being molested, trafficked, beaten, shocked, burnt, I developed a coping method. I also developed a healing method. I’ve never met another person like me, the only two were my mentors and they are dead now. But there are many similar to me, I am one of many. We ALL have a unique expertise, and we all are dedicated to our vow and oath. I am my father’s daughter, we don’t go down without a fight, if at all. We deserve to be treated with the dignity, respect, and acknowledgement of our human rights like every other living, breathing, sentient being. Human rights are not a negotiation.
It’s comical that people think I am somehow broken or flawed. Do you have any idea what I have been through? lol If I were broken, I would have died long ago. I didn’t break, I bent. I had martial arts Masters teach me that when I was five years old. It’s one of the things my father and I bonded over, the importance of every oath but particularly the ones made in martial arts. I was taught very young, as I developed, how to bend like a reed in the wind but never break even in the roughest storms. If we are playing the “game of life” then are we able to bend certain aspects of it at will? It depends on what we came into the game of life with, what we have built up while here, what we have expended while here, and what we have invested in while playing this so called game. Some of us are given a silver spoon, plate, table, house, land, jet, and bank account so it’s much easier to “manifest” or “bend” conditions to your will.
The men who trained me may have been big names, but they worked for those. One was born into a “royal” family, the other was not. Both were required to earn the privilege of their names. Both forced those beliefs onto me, but it was my biological father who instilled my genetic codes. “I learned from your father that you are where you come from” my handler told me. He knew precisely who I was and who I would become. He wanted to slow me down, that’s how deep the hatred goes with White men over Black people. They used the most advanced technology to hold me back. They developed new technology to hold me back. They literally decaled me a weapon, as a child. Dude, it was just my mind they were afraid of! I kid you not!!! Most importantly, it was my empathy that terrified them! Why? An empath is the opposite of a psychopath. We can get in their heads, that terrifies them. One of my controllers spent as little time with me as possible for that reason. “I don’t want you to sense something that I don’t want to disclose” he would say. I agreed, he was involved in WAY too much! The other “don’t do that!” And that was it, I couldn’t do that. lol. He had total control, but he’s dead. The both are. Yeah, I had strings, but now I’m free. As I always should have been.
They enslaved me thinking that pimping me out would break my spirit. I’m still here! “We want to find the point where the human body separates from the soul” they told me as they tortured me. “We want to learn to control that process”. You have no idea what kind of God complex these men have. With these tools, we hack through life either paving a new path or walking in the footsteps of those who came before us. Usually, it’s a combination of both. But we always have to hack our way through because we are CONSTANTLY under attack! It’s a miracle any of us live, but we persist.
I made a vow to myself as a child that I would maintain my ethics to the best of my ability. I would keep my code and my oath until the moment I draw my last breath. I would keep my vows to the best of my ability. I would fight for truth, equality, and equity all of my life. I have never strayed from this path, and I never will. I have utilized my life energy, and purpose, to add value to the world rarely ever receiving credit for what I have accomplished. But the most important thing is that I did what I said I would, and I made a positive impact. I’m not going to stop, but even now I have already fulfilled so much of my life purpose. I have been attacked every step of the way, suppressed, oppressed, tortured, raped, beaten, strangled, poisoned, drugged, robbed, you name it I’ve experienced it. I can’t even count the number of people who have literally been invested in my absolute and total failure, even death. Yet, I persist. If ever there were a time to blow the whistle, to talk about who I really am, now is that time. There may not even be another opportunity, ever.
Black America has been systematically oppressed for hundreds of years in this nation. Not only Black Americans, but people of color globally. Why? Why are native and otherwise melanated people hunted, and eradicated globally? Because of xenophobia. A small percentage of the world’s population could not manage to navigate it’s own phobias enough to prevent taking the planet to the brink of total collapse, yet these facts are still called fake and systemic oppression called conspiracy. Even as I write this post, my internet access has been disconnected from my computer. I am constantly hacked, stalked, shadow banned, harassed, muted, censored, cyber-stalked, threatened, and attacked. NO ONE CARES! There hasn’t been a single piece of legislation to go forth that protects my right to exist as a living, breathing, sentient being. It’s still legal to do whatever and there are no consequences. We’re tired of it.
Not only do we matter, if it weren’t for us no one would be here. Let’s be real. We were the first, if it all went down the drain right now it’s our DNA that would be needed to further the species. Few mutations, correct? It’s funny because it was the classified DOD research program that I grew up in that taught me this. These are Mass Extinction Event protocols, and the world is in it. But no one knows, we were NEVER included in all.
As people begin to wake to what is truly happening, and begin to understand what the world has done to itself, chaos will ensue. The kind that has been prophesied about for centuries. It will get so toxic, dangerous, and destructive that no one will ever again question what an apocalypse is. These activities are written about to warn humans about repeating past cycles. I spent all of my developing years studying civilizations, their rise and their demise. Civilizations of every type. All of humanity is on the brink of total collapse or the first flight of a beautiful new baby bird into a Class I Civilization. It’s up to us which timeline this will be and how we get there. Are we going to collectively choose to be the bird who takes flight mid air after Mommy throws you out of the nest (COVID) or are we going to allow all of civilization to decline into total and complete collapse eventually leading to the end of everything? Before we answer that, consider this, if we choose collapse we are doing it for the sake of the lie of white supremacy.
I choose to fly!