I Feel It Still
Rearview Mirror Installment
The sound of the universe
Is the song of our love
Forever interlocked
Infinite loop of energetic pulse
Opening and closing
Particle waving
Forever in entanglement
The sound of our love
You don’t hear it
With just your ears
You must sense it
With all your existence
It’s in every pore
Every scent
Every tingling
Every flame
Every enlightenment
It emanates from within
It resonates forever
As long as hearts beat
The sun shines
The Earth rotates
The universe lives
So too does the love we made
I feel it still
The masks have slipped
The real men are bleeding in
The memories are fragmented
But the feelings remain
He may have stripped my memories
But he couldn’t strip feeling
It vibrates today
I feel it still
The love
The promise
The plan
The commitment
To those we’ve lost along the way
May your light shine down forever
Until you return again
Be our shields
Our angels
Our protectors
Our blessings
Our angels in the outfield
The powers of divine expression
As you ascend in transcendence
Remember us
Shed your light upon us
Unify us
May paradise again be
So Be It