I First Met GW Bush At One Of His Father’s Orgies
I was five
It was on one of his yachts
His brothers and cousins were there
His mom, Rumsfeld
That’s how I grew up
But I’m the one sick?
My entire childhood GW beat me like I deserved it
He would get high on coke, get triggered, and snap
This was during his Adidas track suit and braids stage
I wasn’t allowed to protect myself
I couldn’t even block his punches, Rumsfeld used hypnotic ques so that I couldn’t
Eventually, after talking to GHW, I was allowed to use psychology
Barbara taught me how with him
I talked him into treatment and sent him to some of the natural healers I met around the world
He calmed down with me for sure
He never hit me again
But he STILL has anger UNODC MeToo Many Voices
But I’m the “threat”?