I Have Lived With Heavy Censorship Every Day Of My Life

Danielle Diew
6 min readNov 25, 2021


UN Human Rights This is what fascism is!

I have been blocked from two of the three biggest social media sites in the world. I was only sharing art when I was kicked off the second. The first accused me of hate speech, which I did not do. Both have censured me heavier than the Taliban. The third of the top three sites, mutes every post so heavily that not a single one reaches the internet though they are all public. In addition I am unable to @ or #

My technology is compromised due to hacking and I have not had control of my own keyboards since May of last year. Every time I try to save, print, upload, download, or share my posts, art, and activities are interrupted. I have no access to any ability to earn my own money. I have lived like this my entire life, this did not begin with COVID, protests, or whistle blowing. I started talking because I couldn’t take it anymore! Human Rights Watch

Why does MeToo apply to every other woman on the planet besides me?

Not a single abuser of any kind has experienced a single act of accountability, yet I remain imprisoned in a filthy home with no support, income, aid, medical care, benefits, payment for work done, return of redacted credentials, or the return of stolen income, inheritance, or insurance. Why?

The U.S. government spends an unbelievable amount of money to keep me oppressed, rather than paying .1 of what I am owed so that I can be free. But this enslavement is still called fake.

I have not receive COVID aid, social security, SSI, reparation for abuse and neglect, or reparation for the violation of my inalienable, human, constitutional, and civil rights, payment on my contract, the housing benefits I have been entitled to my entire life but consistently denied, or even SNAP benefits. I have been abused in and blocked from obtaining any form of adequate health care, even vaccinations.

Voting was almost impossible for me, when I was able to cast a ballot it was not one that would be counted nor did it have the local matters.

My internet is hacked daily, energy weapons are used on me with impunity, my health suffers daily because of it, I was homebound before COVID. I am supposed to be in long term care, I can’t even get access to healthy food or living circumstances. I am fully, totally, and permanently disabled due to serving the United States and though they surveil me 24/7/365 and have my entire life, they claim not to know my identity. This while my expertise is used daily to solve America’s problems, without me ever receiving a penny, recognition, or even access to the freedoms permitted a United States Citizen. Sophia The Robot has more human rights than I do.

I have NEVER in my entire life had control over my own body, yet I continue to be pushed for the decisions that elite white men made in my life.

I was ordered to say everything I have said, even against my own will and tortured brutally for decades in order to force compliance. So if I am doing what I have been ordered to do, which is tell the truth, why am I still enslaved and being torture daily? I am still being punished for doing what I have been forced to do my entire life, work for free. Meanwhile every single abuser continues to go unpunished, held to no accountability, and their agenda pushes forward unimpeded. They continue to hold the entire planet hostage by torturing the most vulnerable through the denial of access to life sustaining resources, scapegoating us along the way. None of the men who crafted this agenda were intelligent enough to foresee outcomes, create methods, or use expertise to analyze best possible solutions. They used people like me and manipulated our words, expertise, data to achieve the current set of circumstances that now grips the planet, fascism.

More than half of all life on the planet is dead, more and more are dying by the die. We are all in the grips of the same holocaust that is being denied by many in leadership across the planet. Either The United States (who is responsible for creating and deploying this agenda) uses it’s vast resources, including the MEE WWIII COOP plan established decades ago, or this apocalypse continues to spiral out of control as 97% of humanity is exterminated without so much lifting a finger to fight this outcome!

I wasn’t tortured for decades for no reason, it was to ensure that I survived to be able to send this very message that continues to be interfered with. Obviously the world needs to awaken and face the white elephant in the middle of the planet running through the world’s most valuable resources like white bulls in an all white china shop!

I have been tortured, molested, raped, beaten, strangled, starved, gassed, poisoned, drugged, robbed, and controlled every day of my life for my entire life. So has every generation prior to this one, in my entire bloodline, for hundreds of years. But calling this ethnic cleansing is a crime? No, it isn’t, nothing that I have done has been a crime. So why am I being treated worst than terrorists foreign and domestic, including seditionists? Is it because I know the truth, the law, and am openly talking about both unapologetically? Isn’t this what patriotism is? Then why is it called criminal coming from me? If America can’t secure it’s most valuable assets, then America is neither free, nor equal, nor safe, nor is it any longer a functioning state! ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE HAMSTRUNG. LEADERSHIP NATIONALLY IS IN A STRANGLEHOLD. RULE OF LAW HAS NOT EXISTED FOR LONGER THAN THE NATION WILL ADMIT PUBLICLY. THE MILITARY IS INFILTRATED, AS IS INTEL. CONTINGENCIES MUST BE DEPLOYED NOW!

America has literally lost it’s it’s democratic status yet the government remains froze, people continue to be tortured, and die, and people are still calling these attacks fake.

The U.N. must order the U.S. to deploy security measures. Not only for the nation but for the entire planet that is now suffering extreme conditions due to infiltration of, mishandling within, and abuses throughout the entire United States Government. This is a dark day. Yet one that should go down in history as the day that the U.S. finally faced itself, it’s demons, it’s dark history, and chaotic present to create a new and brighter future for ALL. Setting the scales back to balance, and being the leader the entire planet needs at this time.

There is no excuse for Terra Forma to continue to be terraformed considering we are sentient beings, interested in co-creating our future to reach not only a Class I Civilization, but onto to Class III and above. Instead of sacrificing our most valuable resources, the people, we will empower ALL people to rise above any circumstance to create the vision of the world we ALL desire. One that staves off mass destruction in the final hour to bring about a global change of expansion, peace, harmony, abundance, equality, justice, expansion of consciousness, healing, and the thriving of ALL life.

Why would we NOT choose such a path? The only reason you would not is because you fear accountability.


It has been my order since the age of 7 years old to bare the responsibility of sending this message, but I am still being punished for doing it. This did not begin with COVID, I have lived with this my entire life. United Nations UNICEF UN Women Amnesty International

If Pandora isn’t safe, no one is. PROTECT THE HOMELAND and HONOR MY CONTRACT The White House Progressive Caucus



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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