I wanted to clap 100 times, but I was afraid I would be blocked, it doesn't take much on the internet. Simply saying Black gets me shadow banned all the time. There is no protection for Black women in America, without Black men standing for us no one will. We are being wiped out from ethnic cleansing. We give birth the to the Black race. Without us, there is no Black man. Other races and ethnicities understand this, and while even they may me abusive to their women, they do not allow what is allowed against Black women. Think about that. The most notoriously abusive men would NEVER allow their women to be disrespected the way Black women are. The world is allowed to dump on us with impunity, it's often Black men who tell us "So" or "you brought that on yourself". Worst still, we keep standing. We have children who become Black men. We can't afford to dump on men the way we are dumped on. We would be eradicating our own progeny. So, we are left alone, to be preyed upon. The idea that only SOME Black women deserve anything comes directly from the racist, fascist predators who have raped and enslaved us since Europeans first came to America. Why should we carry the blame?