“I Wanted To See Your Face When You Got Left Behind Again”
Donald Rumsfeld AND Eddie Vedder (his asset) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023,2024
“Left Behind” like I was with Ronald and Nancy Reagan. As they ran th campaigns they trafficked me through Lolita Express which is the true reason he was popular, he was a pedophile.
“Left Behind Again" means alone, destitute, abandoned to torture alone with kids during a genocide where my entire race is being eradicated globally (hacked). Shout out Barack Obama who begged me to trust him to protect him. In exchange h git my teen age eggs, my body, my mind, my speeches, my affection, my loyalty, anything he asked. Until I said no, then the torture (hacked) escalated.
All THIS because CONGRESS, DNC Mobilization Team GOP Convention AND SCOTUS ALL LET RUMSFELD HAV FULL IMMUNITY. UNODC INTERPOL SWIFT RESPONSE He went around the world and gather e the most extreme deviants and psychopaths to his cult, all secured by The Family. They hold the planet hostage as I type.
Google has plenty of receipts
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok all have receipts
U.S. leaders using celebrities to target, violate, rape, traffick, abuse, and steal from Black Americans and vulnerable citizens like the elderly and disabled. Running romance scams, trafficking kids, women, men, organs, weapons, drugs, any form of contraband including intel. The White House Any SANE leader would be ashamed to be associated with anything as evil as backing all that with nukes through Ukraine and Israel, funding it all along with their lavish lives with natural resources from all.over the world. Hence the escalations in genocides globally and the desire to “re-colonize”. Prince was Rumsfeld demon.
I have been blowing the whistle my ENTIRE life, publicly since May 2020 when Eddie Vedder and his hookers doxed me because I wanted my money and information on the children he sold from the moment I gave birth to them.
I’m entitled to my money, property, intellectual property, documents, royalties, income, assets, and all things all of them stole from me my entire life including his relatives, friends and business associates.
The Rumsfeld family, the Vedder family, GHW Bush, Elon Musk and family including his baby mama’s and options. Mark Zuckerberg and his pedophile business associates, the ENTIRE BOARD at Google including my BABY DADDY Al Gore (should I tell them how -hacked- old I was when I gave birth to your kids or do YOU want to tell them…. I’m sure you’re stalking ass wife wants her two cents, no) and so many others.
Either mfrs can RETURN ALL STOLEN or mfrs will be exposed in “great” detail, all puns intended. I’m not going back. I will not bow. I AM NOT YOUR SLAVE. You will be held accountable. ‘Till my last, I promise you, I will NEVER stop exposing you until ALL SCALES ARE BALANCED.
I NEVER deserved to be treated like a piece of meat, you NEVER had an excuse. Clean your mess or I will.