I Was Young Once
A rearview mirror poem
I was young once
though I looked older
The men who abused me
wanted young
but mature
Or whatever they felt
from moment to moment
They had competitions
“who will she love more”
The Great Whore
I’m numb to it now
I didn’t think that would happen
Then hate took the reigns
broke open Pandora
smashed reality into endless days
I reminisce
What else is there to do
I’m stuck inside
that’s what abuse does to you
I remember when I was young
never free
but youthful
Abuse sucked all of that from me
I wasn’t allowed to do
I was told
who and what
I had to be
My whole race was at stake
They blackmailed me
with the apocalypse
They told me
they would wipe us all out
If I ever tried to break free
You can’t imagine
how hard this is
for me
It was going to happen
no matter what
no matter what
no matter what
But they laid it on me
“Don’t run
Don’t break free”
No matter what I did
or said
This is what was going to happen
in the end
But it didn’t have to be this way
They could have made wise
They refused
Chaos is what they wanted
Enslavement and blues
Even in the last minute
there is still much to do
Tell the truth
Tell what you need to
Keep promises
Set the captives free
Balance the scales
Set the children free
Do the correct thing
Or karma will deal harshly
As she should do
So Let It Be