I Wrote Like A Stone
It’s from Rumsfeld’s perspective
It was about the twenty year period he knew he could be as close to me as he craved
He’s a pedophile who has severe detachment issues
He just wanted supply to last
ALL of this was so one sick deviant could keep a slave from the cradle to the grave
And you keep helping him
You owe debts
Be concerned with that
Because none of you are justified in what you did to me Rolling Stone
The torture used to keep me quiet
No more. Washington Post The Washington Times CNN
You made me suffer every day of my life
I will make sure every day that I continue to breathe I will expose every lie you tell
I taught Like A Stone to Chris because he is the one I wanted to sing it
Chris had remorse, no one else did. The White House He wasn’t innocent, I was a very young kid when he started sleeping with me
He married me, yes, because that was how he got his contract
I gave birth to his child on wedlock
I never saw the child again
He wasn’t innocent
But he regretted it every day of his life and even tried to make it right
None of them are innocent
Tripling doe now truly shows their heart
He wanted to sing the song because he knew he would get karma and he hoped trying to help would minimize that
I wrote many of the songs Chris sang
That’s how his career got started
I created Soundgarden, even the name
I used MY MONEY, resources l, relationships in the industry
ALL of it
Without Putin as my backer, all would have been lost Russian Embassy, USA
He was my first “investor”
Maybe you people should have thought about who you stole from. The White House The Economist The New Yorker The Guardian The Economist news desk The Atlantic
He secures his investments regardless of how long it takes to balance scales
I knew I could trust him
Look what everyone else did.
Rumsfeld forced me to do this
I just made sure that the truth came out so that my children and I didn’t continue to be unfairly punished for her crimes of greedy deviants
Chris knew everything the whole time
So did all of Soundgarden
He was being blackmailed like everyone else
They are the reason he became addicted to drugs
When he tried to say no, or run they tortured
Nothing has changed
You’re not honoring Chris by lying to cover up his death
Your protecting those who killed him and if you keep lying
You go down with them
So Be It
Either STFU
Or tell the truth but if you lie