I’ll Say It Again
They all knew I wouldn’t die
They were experimenting
Life extension programs
To keep the rich alive forever
They used me like Lacks and Baartman
The fictive said it was much bigger
They all thought they could extract whatever makes me heal
Whatever opens my pineal
Whatever gives me heightened senses
They have seen me repeatedly rise again
It’s gone on all my life
Since the crib
Over and over and over
All the ten knew
I wouldn’t die
That’s why they gave zero fux
About any of it
I was a possession to them
An investment
They all expected to drain every piece of me
To profit forever
Death isn’t easy to cover up these days
But torture is
But even in earlier days
They couldn’t kill me
I went through years
Where they tried every day
The ten weren’t trying to kill me
They were getting paid to keep me trapped
They could have easily kept me buried much deeper
Where I would never remember them
They never even tried it
None of them wanted that
They kept me in a space
They called the perfect moment
A forever honeymoon
Frequencies that are orgasmic
Just because they say it and even participate and even plan
Doesn’t mean that was their end game
They walk two paths
One in 3D
One with me
The one with me is the one wars are started over
Literally speaking
They wanted to keep me forever
In that ethereal space we carved out together
A mini heaven in their minds
Where they could be real
Where they could be real with me
Every single one of them committed to this from the beginning
Heaven for them
Hell for me
They all feel territorial
They fight each other over signals
But they live a false identity in public
Lusting after wealth, power, fortune, fame
They keep me locked in this box
So they can come and play house with me
Have me create for them
Solve their problems
Help them appear to be who they aren’t
The only time they can be real
Yet none will allow me to be free
Too afraid I will get away and never come back
Exactly what’s happening
Their greatest fear
There is a reason
They won’t let me escape
It’s the only time they feel they are alive
When they are playing house with me
In that altered state
So selfish
But ultimately
They wanted to extract all I am
They wanted life extension
They wanted Nirvana
They thought they could purchase it
The thought they could control it
They thought they could own it
Pay attention