I’m Not Going To Sop Telling The Truth
I don’t care how you label me!
I’ve literally been held in captivity for 46 years. I have been asking for help from everyone since May of 2020. No one responds. Conditions grow worse daily. No one cares. As my children watch all of the white and allied white people thrive, their lives are systematically targeted day after day after day and derailed as they are scapegoated for the attacks and suffer all the consequences. No abuser is ever held accountable. We’re all tired. No one cares. The only response we get “you’re a problem for constantly complaining”.
What would YOU do?
I choose to keep telling the truth and I have EVERY RIGHT TO!
United Nations UNICEF UN Human Rights UN Women Human Rights Watch UN Human Rights Amnesty International USA Amnesty International The White House Progressive Caucus Library of Congress TIME