Immunity From Prosecution

Danielle Diew
5 min readJan 3, 2022


Time For A Change

I recognize the necessity, particularly under the circumstances the U.S. now faces. The purpose of it’s initial proposal was to protect Black Ops actors in the field who had to make life altering decisions on the fly. In times of deep cover operations and combat there often is no time to seek approval, and where protocols are subject to change given rapidly shifting circumstances sometimes there must be added protection. Needs can change minute to minute, if the people we put on the ground can’t be trusted with the responsibilities they are given they they are the wrong people for the job.

Sometimes, and these situation should be extremely rare, immunity is called for. NEVER EVER should anyone EVER have full immunity! That move allowed my handler, the first to receive the designation, the opportunity to literally hold me as a slave for decades. Stealing my money, time, life, work, creations, body, children, and genetic material all along the way. He never faced a single day of actual oversight or accountability. This makes no sense. He knew it would open the door for abuse by agencies and actors at every level. He did not care. Such are the characteristics of person’s who do not merit such authority. He abused his, the world is a very unstable place because of it.


Partial immunity has a place in the world of deep cover operations and some combat situations. But that is all. War measures should not be extended to law enforcement, ever. If the states cannot legally use the military to enforce the law then law enforcement should not be able to use military equipment, maneuvers, tactics, personnel, or protections to enforce the law on United States Citizens within the boarders of the homeland. The only exception to this is military trained personnel who are also law enforcement. However, they still should not be extended any form of immunity, or access to any form of war time protocol. War is war, unless you are intentionally declaring war on the American people, which you cannot do, then there is no place for any war time action and/or protection.

America is meant to be a peace keeping Democratic, forward facing nation. Warmongering must end. That doesn’t mean that the U.S. allows anyone to walk all over her, I wouldn’t suggest that anymore than I would suggest anyone walking all over me. Simply put, there is a time and place for all things. Politicizing war for profit, sacrificing life, vital resources, sustainability, democracy, and stability are not negotiable anymore then human rights. There is no place for such activities in an advanced, civilized society of human beings.

America stands because of her Constitution, and this must always be. There can be no negotiations with terrorism regardless of who is wielding it’s ugly hammer. Immunity provides cover for tyrants who use a position that requires the public trust for abuse and grift. End it.

Even with partial immunity, there must always be transparency and oversight. It should be immediately and even retroactively revocable where abuse is found. Oversight boards should be a combination of civilian and cleared personnel who are trained, authorized, educated, and experienced in the matters in question. Boards should be filled with person’s representing the demographics reflected within the nation. Diversity, equality, equity, accountability, ethics, and commitment to sworn oath to protect the homeland must continue to be paramount regardless of who is in question and for what reason. No human rights shall be overridden for any reason. Where protocol is followed, human rights are protected and respected not ignored for the sake of zeal. That is by definition fascism.

If America is to be a truly Democratic nation there are measures that can be taken to ensure that this happens smoothly, swiftly, and with equality. This nation, and by extension the world, cannot afford to move backward in time. The global time clock ticks away by the minute, sustainability and survivability remain delicate and close to the point of no return. It’s not impossible to fix what is broken however it is highly improbable where the usage of the same tactics that brought the entire global collective to it’s knees continue to occur. One of the first things I learned in training was, when in hell, where possible, keep moving. Which direction America moves is up to WE THE PEOPLE! America has repeatedly voiced her opinion on where matters should be pointed, freedom, democracy, equality, stability, and sustainability have been the overwhelming voice of the people for decades. We shall not be held back by a few treasonous, treacherous, violent extremists. ALL VOTES MATTER and the votes speak volumes even where propaganda, and gerry-rigging attempt to censor, mute, and eradicate.

Regardless of what zealots believe, the Constitution with all it’s parts remain the foundation of this nation. It is a living, breathing document designed to be amended where growth and change require such action so that the whole can move, grow, and expand forever into future progress. Though government has become hamstrung by insurgents, far right extremism, and overly litigious practice that prevent America and Americans from being the best of the best, this can all change now. These are matters that not not only have been provided for by law and have very real practical solutions, but can be addressed right now. If saving democracy, life, and the planet are priority then collectively we can continue to overcome the obstacles that have obstructed growth, strangled life, and hoarded resources.

To move forward, America must dedicate itself to democratic principles that benefit the whole of humanity. No more shall there be a class system that allows millions to suffer and die because an elite few hoard resources belonging to ALL using technology and the industrial military complex to protect them as they commit such atrocities. If America seeks to be the global leader she has been called by destiny to be, then America must take such responsibilities seriously. To date, she has failed. This can change. It begins with dropping immunity and continues with holding terrorists accountable for sacking the Capital and committing treason. On this there can be no negotiation.

Human Rights = Life.

Transparency Accountability Oversight

Education Prevention Intervention

Democracy Diversity Equality

Equity Progress Ethics

Class I


Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus United Nations UN Human Rights UN Women Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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