In Oblivion
Timeless Poetry
All the insanity
What did it ever mean
The personification
Of madmen and their sickness
Sadism concocted in terror dreams
What would a warrior monk
From the future do
To stop the apocalypse
To stop you
You never understood
What you do
Is not human
You knew you were animalistic
But you felt more evolved
Than all
Even your own
Even the real you
Imaginings are what you feed
Fantasy is what you projected
Onto my reality
Making it blood red
Decade after decade
You trained me to be free
But NEVER completely
You taught me to finish
Never be captured
Never wave a flag
Never be subdued
Never give my power away
But you took it
Day after day
Night after night
Using torture
To break me
To punish me
To make me
The ideal machine
One that you could
One that you could
Copy and paste
Onto your fake reality
Making life look like
A faery tale
It never had appeal to me
You knew this
But my feelings
To you
Were always irrelevant
I just don’t see
How you could rationalize
Any other ending
This is what you always wanted
You just wanted all the credit
You wanted me to continue subdued
Under another heavy hand
Until your “resurrection”
So you could do it all again
What could possibly make you think
That I would submit
To such a thing
I’ve lived my entire life without it!
Whenever I found it
You stole it from me
Why would I give you any opportunity
To do anything to me
Ever again
Your insanity knows no bounds
You do not need to be set free
What you need is emptiness
An honest collision
With yourself
A prison
Which you can never escape
A reality matrix
One that for you would be your hell
One where you are FORCED
To heal yourself
Learning every lesson you tried to escape
Facing every victim
You harmed
Until you see yourself
This is your sentence
The sentence is you
Must learn to heal
Must learn to make ammends
Must clean up your mess
Must do what you tried to force
Me to do for you
Shame on you!
All will eventually
Break from this false dream
You wanted me to be stuck with you
In the in between
Afraid to face yourself alone
Knowing I was the only person
Who would ever say what needs to be said
Do what needs to be done
Regardless of what anyone else thinks
You violated in every conceivable way
Thinking somehow
Power would be granted
Never seeing the insanity in your mess
You caused unparalleled suffering
You want to be remembered
You shall be
As the embodiment of Satan
Your minions
All those who followed your lead
Sentenced in the same way
I hope you all studied
This test will not be repeated
You tried to take
What nature gave to me
You wanted it for yourself
Your agenda
Your own warped
Deviant reality
You wanted me
Just not to belong to me
You wanted ALL
But NEVER for me
“We’ll see in the end
Who is divine
Who is superior
Who deserves loyalty”
You were so arrogant
Always misunderstanding
By the time you could see it
The time was way too late
Instead of committing to better days
You would always double
Quadruple down
This creating nothing
But mass suffering and misery
I was always on my own
Exactly how you wanted it to be
You wanted an Empress
Who would tolerate
Any and everything
But there is no such thing
An Empress knows her worth
She knows herself
She creates what must be
A fool is one who submits
To tyranny and hate
A magician
Is one who manifests from their own state
Of existence
You were in the bowels of hell
What did you think you would create
That’s not how it works
You are your own energy
You wanted me
Tied to you for eternity
Forever your maid
In the end
I chose myself
This is the only way
To be free
Humans are not slaves
No one can own us
No one can subjugate
No one can take what is ours
When they do
We fight
That is our right
This can NEVER be erased
You took all
Giving nothing
Demanding everything
Returning only pain
You thought you were my God
You behaved as if
I was your entitlement
Society upheld your immorality
Making it some sort of
“Great” way
Disgusting thing
Seated in the holy place
You have earned the sentence
That you attracted
Calling me unstable
Telling me
“Slaves should know their place”
That got you no where
Other than further debased
I am not now
Nor have I ever been
Your anything
I belong to me
You may not understand science
Or anyone else’ reality
But I understand where I have been
What I have seen
Where I am doing
Where I am going
I will not be boxed in
I will not be enslaved
I will not be abused
I shall be what I shall be
No one will take this from me
‘Till the end
I will always be free
I don’t care who hates it
The truth will always be
I won’t be held down
Held back
Or held at bay
As long as you violate me
You earn my wrath
And very special
You’re begging for judgement
I’m your Huckleberry
I’ll give you exactly
What you keep demanding
I’ll show my face
You want my wrath
You can have it
Keep trampling on Democracy
Human rights
You shall see
Keep denying my humanity
You shall feel
Keep killing us
You shall understand
Return my money and property
Stop stealing
Creating alternate realities
And virtual fantasies
Stop stealing
Or your karma you shall reap
Mirrors can reflect
The ugliest of things
When you run from reality
When you run from the truth
When slander honesty
As a whole
We aren’t even angry yet
What do you think happens
When we rise
When we actually fight
When we truly awaken
What do YOU think happens
When Humans
Once again
We are the original template
The Old Ones
Who fight for justice
Conscious flowering
You shall not hold back humans
Or the Earth
Or the awakening
You shall not cause reversal
Many have been lost
Fighting this battle
We keep the balance in the universe
The light workers in the world
The spiritual warriors
The time travelling
Mind unravelling
Djed Eye Wielding
Warrior monks
Fighting to protect
And the energy needed
To keep it all in place
We simulate nothing
We manifest what is needed
Moment to moment
We are blessed with
Sacred energy
What benefits the whole
Is the blessing we receive
You miss the message
By dwelling on the mundane
Higher vibrations
Dwell in those places
That require passing through the fire
To enter such domains
Such responsibility
Isn’t given to the unethical
Nor to the weak
When ones like yourself
Manages to obtain a taste
It drives you absolutely insane
Shall we sacrifice our integrity
Or oath
Or energy
Or people
Or planet
To maintain your hate
We are the living embodiment
Of prophecy
It’s written in our genetic code
We shall be what we shall be
We maintain Universal Harmony
That doesn’t mean being
Constantly happy
Every night and every day
It means being in harmonic resonance
Aligned with Cosmic Order
Vibrating at our own unique
Entangled with Cosmic Energy
Particle waves dancing with Galactic Centers
And the source of all
Quantum entanglements
Manifesting our reality
Co-creating a new way
This is the evolution of HuMan
You missed it
Because you couldn’t see
You couldn’t stop abusing
You couldn’t stop lying
You couldn’t stop slandering
I mourn your loss
You raised me
Painful sayings
Yet authentic
Requires insight
Insight requires
I won’t lie to myself
That’s why I keep healing
The way to light
Is truth
Truth makes you free
Freedom provides strength
To live to fight another day
What is sent 4th
Returns complete
All packages
Returned to
The singularity
New Earth
New light
New love
New days
No more
Shall we be trampled
No more
Shall we be dominated
No more
Shall we be weaponized
Against our own community
We are one
A race of Divine Beings
By knowledge
Made wise as serpents
By treading the rocky
Winding path
On the highest of mountains
The narrow pathway
The dangers
Making us adapt
Critical manifestation
Accurate aim
We shall not lay down
We win
Life matters
We will not betray it
Or barter away
Our birthright
For deviant fantasies
When that flexible energy
Sends YOU back to YOU
In the form of packets and
Particle waves
Be prepared for the blowback
Vices will never save the day
“Pick two vices
Then let the games begin”
You said
A real father protects his daughter
He doesn’t feed off her
Then sentence her to prison
Because that is where he trapped himself
In his own head
A father doesn’t violate his daughter
Then berate her
Torture her
Violate her
Strangle her
For wanting to be free
To breathe
It hurts to say
The torture
A constant reminder
Of how sick your regime
Was always meant to be
Good riddance to you
The same thing you said to me
When you sold me
To men
To create new progeny
Jealous over me
When it was all your own doing
Yet still blaming me
Forcing me to navigate
Every aspect of your insanity
You always screamed
As if that is an excuse
As if that makes it okay
It’s a blessing
That doesn’t mean you abuse it
Or take it for granted!
How dare you
Thinking yourself God
Thinking yourself entitled
To my being
How dare you
Take what creation gave me
What my own talents
Honed through ages
Allowed me to see
How dare you weaponize
The most beautiful aspects
Of human existence
Natural order
And higher vibrational reality
You had the world in your hands
You had it made
Your own depravity
Made you toss it all away
For sickness
Rather than healing
At the last minute you asked
How did I do it?
You had 88 years to look into it
So if you were so superior
Why the need to ask me
You claimed I had no right
To life
To live
To survive
To thrive
Not absent you
Your control
Or your abuse
The selfishness
Made me loathe you
All day every day
We could have been
The friends you so craved
You could have had everything
You ever longed for and more
If handled
Never dominating
Never abusing
Never slandering
Never engineering
Holocausts and genocides
Never stripping humans of humanity
Instead you embraced insanity
Thinking depravity and chaos
Would prevail
But you are gone
I am still here
My mind intact
Despite all the brainwashing
How did I do it?
You demanded in your last moments
Honesty, integrity, ethics, love, empathy
Things you could only
At a surface level
Attempt to understand
You should have tried to go deep
Deeper than the shallow lakes you swam in
You can’t steal another person’s destiny
Karma won’t let such abominations
I stand
The way you taught me
Line drawn in the sand
Your words lingering in my head
The sting of your cruelty
Burning my ears
Your teachings installed in me
Every muscle
Every membrane
Every molecule
Every attitude
Every tear drop
Every blood stain
Every crime
Every dream
Every trauma
Every torture
The winner at every game
“Losing is not an option”
That was your constant threat
So what did you really
Expect of me
Don’t answer that
I already know
You expected everything
Giving nothing
But thinking
You are owed my loyalty
You underestimated me
My strength
My power
My intellect
You took me for granted
You misunderstood
Every aspect
You were cruel
When there was never any need
You don’t deserve me
You never did
You deserve to be
The location you are in