Is It Because I’m A Black Woman?
If I speak, I’m lying. If I don’t speak, I’m lying. If I’m emotional, I’m unstable. If I’m not emotional enough I’m unstable. If I’m intellectual I’m manipulating. If I’m not intellectual enough I’m manipulating. If I’m in pain I’m scamming. If I’m not in enough pain I’m scamming.
No matter what I do or say, it’s ALWAYS my fault and no abuser ever faces consequences. But the fall-out is all mine all day every day my entire life! #CollateralDamage and no one cares! What do you think it’s like for someone to be raised by their torturer, who teaches them all about how they torture, then deploys the torture and tells everyone something different about what’s happening to you. Whatever he says is what’s believed because he’s White, wealthy, powerful, and a man. Your entire life you suffer the consequences of his abuse and no one cares. Even after he dies, the abuse continues because you are always an “insert label here” but never a “human”. The people who do care don’t care enough to get involved. The ones who do care enough to get involved end up dead, character destroyed, family attacked or lives permanently destabilized. How do you think that affects a person to grow up in that and to be kept away from any resource that could possibly help you overcome it or escape it. Even when I do gain access to the same services that millions of others use every day, it NEVER EVER EVER is able to be utilized to help me, why? Do you think I’m blocking help? Then why is it 8/22/2021 and I am totally and fully disabled as declared by the Social Security Administration yet I have not received a penny of social security or SSI? When I did receive disability insurance that I purchased, it was canceled in a scam that I have had no way to gain justice for. Why have I not received a penny of direct COVID cash relief? Why has every form of COVID cash relief been cut off to everyone in my home? Why have I been so heavily censored across the internet that I have NEVER EVER EVER been able to bypass algorithms in order to gain access to any form of income? Why am I a long-term care patient and I have consistently lost access to every form of public assistance and long-term care supportive service the entire time? Why have I lost every single supportive service during the pandemic as I struggle to actually survive? Why have I been systematically abused in health and mental health care since they became for-profit systems in the late ’90s and there has NEVER EVER EVER been a single consequence for the abuse? Why have I been forced to work without pay? Why have I been forced into an educational program where I achieved an outstanding credentialed education only to have it redacted and never able to benefit me personally, only those who traffick me? Why have these extreme human rights violations gone on my entire life and no one has ever experienced a single consequence for them, ever? Why has it been happening in plain sight and the only person who ever experiences judgment, bias, marginalization, or any negative outcome for the abuses are me? Why is it that EVERY TIME I ask for help I am either ignored or the abuses go unacknowledged?
How can you be declared totally and permanently disabled by the United States government’s agency that exists to determine that precise issue, and still be told I am fake and treated like a hypochondriac? If America is a Democracy, and there is equality, why has no one other than the United Nations even expressed concern over the human rights violations? What is the legislature doing? But I’m wrong for speaking about it and treated worst than genocidal war criminals! Equality???
It’s 8/22/2021 and I’m still not considered a human being
I have not received a penny of direct COVID cash relief
I have lost every supportive service I had under long-term care
I have lost every form of public assistance
I no longer have access to any life-sustaining support, it’s impossible to hold on to
I am totally, fully, and permanently disabled and have been for years yet I have not received the services I need to survive let alone get stable
I continue to be punished for being “out of compliance” for demands that I cannot meet because I am disabled
I continue to be treated like a hypochondriac by the for-profit medical community that literally makes millions by not treating me like a human, they lose money if they do
I continue to be treated like someone with illnesses that I don’t have and the illnesses that I do have are completely ignored, how are you supposed to survive life-threatening debilitating illnesses that you acquired from serving your country if they aren’t treated?
My country says I don’t exist in response to my reports of the human rights violations, which says everything
Why is everyone else’s life so much more important than mine and why am I expected to accept these crimes against humanity as my reality?
If I were mentally unstable, is this the appropriate way to treat me?
If I were guilty of turning my back on America, would I have documented what has happened publicly?
If I were making up stories and trying to scam anyone or anything, wouldn’t I have been in jail long ago? We go to jail for things we don’t even do, you think we’re going to get a free pass on things we do?
If I created all my own problems and no one ever controlled my life, why has my contract not been honored?
Why do I have body modifications that never came from me?
Why am I sick and disabled from injuries I sustained at the hands of people acting in an official capacity, yet none of these injuries are addressed and there are never consequences for the person’s inflicting the damage?
Why has it gone on my entire life and nothing has ever stopped it, not even blowing the whistle?
Why are my education credentials redacted? This alone would be enough to stabilize me forever, why would you choose to continue to keep me trapped?
There is no way out of the trap he laid for me, he called it “Metatron’s Cube”. Multiple dimensions of torture and pressure applied at various levels off and on constantly for a lifetime, he did it to my entire family and he did it to me. I grew up watching my family destroyed by it as he was developing my own personal torture system and applying it to me. The entire world knows he is a torturer, A LOT of people know me and my relationship to him even if they didn’t know the details of the abuse. Why would I be the one person to make it all up on a guilty man? Do you know how many times that excuse has been used to trample on my human rights and deny me life-sustaining protection and support?
Again, why is the life of every other human more important than mine? Particularly after my service record. I haven’t even asked to have my service record unredacted, imagine that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My laptop was hacked as I attempted to post this article