It’s 1.29.22 And America Hasn’t Let Go Of It’s Slaves Yet

Danielle Diew
13 min readJan 29, 2022


Whole Picture Poetry- A New Trail Of Tears Installment

Ancestor Speak

It’s insane to me

That the target of atrocities

Would be told to remain silent

Because the predators who torture them

Are bothered by our complaining


That’s what we are told daily

We’re supposed to accept it

As our “fate”

We are told

“This is how God wanted it to be”


The sickness is insane

It’s an actual zombie apocalypse

But the zombies have evolved

All thanks to tech

They want to keep their dominance

Infecting all with hate

A nasty nazi echelon

Decades upon decades in the making

They knew all wouldn’t choose fascism

But they knew cowardice would be found in abundance

Their greatest threat to reaching the ultimate power and control

Would ultimately come from

The Black American Descendants of Enslavement


“Because we couldn’t stop ourselves from torturing”

That’s what my handler told me in 1983

“So they grew abilities through adapting to their environment

In abundance

They are intuitive, empathic, excel in genetic communication

They have the gift of foresight

Because their brains adapted to calculate visually

They are good at following trails

Passing coded messages


It was done during the underground railroad

It will be done again

What we call “impairments

Is often just an ability with a different name”

Things humans used to do naturally

When the ancient civilizations were at the top of their game

Before the corruption of dogma

Eradicated the awareness of consciousness

And all evidence of such reality

They “awaken” to the ability to recognize synchronicities

They will see through our scams”

That’s what my handlers taught me

From 1980 onward and beyond 1993

Wanting me to understand their primal fears

To see how I would adapt to it

To see if the myth had any basis in reality

An experiment

That’s what I have always been

People laugh

But for me it’s reality

I had no choice but to adapt

So I don’t care about predator’s claims of hurt feelings

The predators didn’t care about mine as they abused me

Why should I prioritize their fear of consequences

Over my right to live, exist, breathe

Over my fight to exist independently

As a human being

Not as someone’s slave

It’s the ultimate slap in the face

To even think such a thing

But you want me to adhere to the beliefs

That would render me subject to such insanity

It’s incredible

That anyone could believe such a thing

That’s what it looks like to underestimate someone

The result is racism

The elites have kettled me

Those like me

Kids with neuro-divergent brains

The gifted, the different, the genius, the creative, the intuitive

The alternatives

Our brains are just wired to be different

We know right from wrong

What we choose is what we cling to

There is no altering that path

When we commit we dig in

Where the vulnerable are targeted

We stand

Courage with our conviction

There will be no shift unless in the positive

We don’t quit

We know the fight is all too important

So there will be no compromising with it

Xenophobes projected

That Generation X would be the one

To begin the shift toward consciousness

The awakened generation that gives birth to

The already conscious millennials and Gen Z

Not to mention Alpha

These are the kids who will change everything


All of them together

They are important indeed

Their frequency has already shifted

They are headed into higher dimensions

Their power is vastly elevated

They move together to accomplish change

They know where the future goes

The older, weightier frequencies

Slow down everything

These are the ones who don’t know their destiny

They don’t know their birth path

They don’t know their birth chart

They don’t know the language of the arcane

They don’t know the esoteric

They don’t know the ancient ways

They assume these greats were babbling

Because their consciousness won’t let them grasp what it can’t fathom

They are left behind

They want ALL to stay at their location

This is a holocaust of not only populations

But of minds that have elevated

Person’s operating in higher levels of consciousness

Who did the tough work to rise above inertia


The façade


Bubble busting fantasies

To get to non-point

The zero place

Where quantum physics breaks down

Because you have accessed a new dimensional space

Without losing your location in 3D

Yet allowing your consciousness to travel so expansively




That it’s signature can be seen from space

It’s not just a mist

It’s a bursting kaleidoscope

In the highest states it looks like a rainbow halo

Many knew this would happen

It’s called rainbow body state

It’s a metaphysical stage

A quantum physics level of conscious awareness

A quantum leap in human consciousness

How could that ever be a bad thing

But xenophobes were afraid of the potential outcomes

They wanted to keep things as they were

Before people chose to awaken within the simulation

Becoming conscious

Becoming sentient of the state of their being

Once this happens

The awakening chose to experience consciousness growth

Or to go back to sleep

This is known as “the crossroads” in ancient memory

We call it The Dark Night Of The Soul


The Awakening

The Initiation

The Flowering

The Blossoming

The Alignment

The Activation

The Path To Wholeness

There are so many ways to describe the experience

Of becoming whole


One within oneself

Consciously aware

It’s different for everyone

But the ancients left us stories to learn from

So we could walk in their footsteps when we need help

Honoring the ancestors keeps us rooted in reality

When we always remember their sacrifices

We always have a way of being redeemed

These themes are common throughout the entire planet

There is no mystery

They were great teachers

With great wisdom

Teaching us about life

How to walk it’s mysteries

Keeping our highest destiny as the priority

But the metaphysical meanings of such teachings

Fly over the heads of all the bleating, babbling, and preaching

The wisdoms of the ancients point the way to a better future

To ignore such genius is the very reason

We keep doing the cycles over and over

Not this time!

We can’t

We won’t

We shall not

We refuse!

We are creating a new future

One with diversity

One with equality

One with equity

One with enlightenment

One with spiritual development

One that is supportive and welcoming

One that is oriented toward wisdom

One that is oriented toward the future

Who wouldn’t want to live in such a place

Let them go on to do what they want

Without the planet in their grip

They are simply proverbial themes that point the way

Now that more people are “awake” than are not

The bots who chose to stay asleep

Are terrified they will be lost

But humanity shouldn’t have to suffer their fear

Because they refused to grow up

Still in that Peter Pan living

It’s time for humanity to take the quantum leap

Of expanded consciousness

Advanced civilizations

And remote viewing

These are basic areas of science

That have been banned for religious reasons

That could literally raise humanity

In quantum leaps and bounds

Very quickly

Resolving every issue we are facing

If only the vast amounts of intel on these sciences

Were released into mainstream society

That would be just the beginning of conscious shifts

That would elevate society into higher levels of functioning

Rather than remaining in the dystopian nightmare

Where less than 1% of the planet

Controls all the planetary resources

Including humans, water, and oxygen

Everything they do is to keep them in power and control

They will try any and everything

Including threatening family

Using the judicial systems

Using hate groups and politics

Intentionally attacking government and infrastructure

Creating chaos from within

Anything to destabilize the nation

Targeting the most vulnerable every step of the way

These are the ways of those who engineer the end of days

Without bothering to tell humanity

There are other options

Free will means we can choose another outcome

Free will means that collectively if more of us believe in something

Then consciousness must shift to benefit the whole

These are the natural movements of a healthy organism

To arrest this evolutionary process

At any stage of development

Creates a hole that has been interrupted during the flowering process

This creates holes that are difficult to traverse

“To be cause for stumbling” on the path

Is the worst offense any human can make

Against a fellow being

But the practice is to minimize truth

In exchange for hatred disguised as heritage

Abusing all forms of government, resources, people, and the planet

It’s beyond disgusting

It’s not human

It’s abhorrent

To think that people would intentionally choose to behave this way

Generation after generation

Then think themselves “superior” because they hoard things

It’s literal mental illness at the highest levels

They use the most advanced technology to not only mask it

But to defend it

So everyone is subjected to their level of instability


How cruel!

All humans have the right to expand their consciousness

It is a right that is inalienable

We are born to be the best we can be

Even our greatest institutions suggest

This is what we are born to do

Yet extremism would deny this of all

While claiming a façade to be the pinnacle of all

We are killing ourselves in the crib

Before the baby even has the chance to grow

But then again

That’s the intent isn’t it

If you’re not the “right” kind that is

But they don’t measure up

If anything about them was “superior”

The world wouldn’t be in the shape it’s in

They sold the world to a pimp in a Ponzi scheme

Now they expect us to accept “so what”

As a defense


The arrogance is unfathomable

But that’s how psychopathy works isn’t it

They use any means

To keep what they “conquer”

This to them

Is the “highest” form of intelligence

Because they couldn’t get any higher

All are expected to dumb themselves down

To a lower level of consciousness

Because it scares them

When we open up

Spread our wings

Become our highest selves

Those of us with the courage and integrity

The strength and empathy

The deep spiritual calling

Chosen to be the oracle of new mysteries


Because nothing can stop us

From doing the correct thing

Integrity is our sword of truth

She burns through anything

The heat of her blade

Can cut through a lie

Like a metal shield in the dessert

Can start a dry blaze on the driest of hottest days

To be around something different

Is akin to being “unholy”

Because that’s how deep the delusion is

But THEY are afraid that we are doing something to them?

People make assumptions about why psychopaths think in that way

The truth is

They all have their own reason

One thing that is common with them is that

They are indidviual thinkers

“You have to know one to defeat one”

My handlers always said

“That’s why what we do to you is just training

Don’t let it get inside your head”


So dismissive!

All the things they did?

“It’s not that bad”

Is all they ever said


I can’t imagine living like this

One of them believed it

The other used it as a mantra

To repeat inside his head

Like a neuro-feedback loop

Then a bio-feedback loop

When he used my skin as his visual anchor

The proceeded to torture me

As he raped me

Because that was his favorite form of “healing”


That’s where those tax funds went! Progressive Caucus

But I’m supposed to prioritize the “feelings”

Of all those he sold me to

In order for them to go on with their “grifting”

Are you kidding?

What world do you live ine?

You didn’t get the memo

After 2.5 years of me explaining it

Still can’t get past your cognitive dissonance

I’m not going to agree

With anything disgusting!

Don’t you get it!

Out with corruption!

Why is it so confounding?

Human rights are not an option!

Enslavement is not of human origins

If humanity can’t rise to the level of human

Then what does that say?

If a human being can’t be human because the predators

Feel “uncomfortable”

Then WTF is that saying about power dynamics in the “great” nation? The White House

I mean ya’ll get mad at me for pointing out the obvious

But am I wrong though?

That’s the real question

Bottom line is this

Yeah I get

Ya’ll don’t understand where I’m coming from most of the time

Because your brains can’t keep up

So you label me anything other than human

Than proceed to use that excuse to discriminate

You abuse, target, torture, traffic, murder

Discard our bodies like nothing

No one says a thing

We’re supposed to sit back and let it happen

Because YOU decided that’s how it should be

We’re not even angry

Not yet

You would be able to handle that if it happened

After all you can’t even handle saying “we matter”

Look the state of the planet because we did

But at the same time

You say “it’s not about race”

Pontificating loudly, violently, weapons on display

Dicks swinging wildly like animals on display

A human zoo is what you like

Arguing to hold back intelligence

WTF want’s to live ignorant

On purpose

WTF does that?


At some point we need to start asking the tough questions

They pay to keep me ensalved


Why can’t you just pay me what you owe me?

It’s 2022

Not 1622

But for me

You wouldn’t know it!

But it’s not about “race”

Still denying that we exist

That’s what you are saying

Typical psychological warfare tactic

But why would you run on it American citizens

In the homeland

Particularly ones protesting to fight human rights violations

Using state sanctioned attacks

I mean damn

What part of democracy is that?

Don’t give me originalist b/s

1776 crap

You mean to tell me

You’re not capable of evolving beyond that?

Some of us in humanity want to be more

Than a servant or a house maid

A wife and a mother

A slave

Some of us aspire to be something greater

Than the servant of a man

Because we are human beings

With out own destiny

We matter

As much as any man

This is the thing that makes men so angry

A woman can do whatever the fawk she wants to do

The only thing standing in the way is a man

But why would you?

When you’re secure within yourself

You would be right there cheering me on

Standing beside me

Holding my hand

Saying “damn woman, you got this, I’m your biggest fan”


When you find one

Tell him I said “wuz up, good looks, nice way to evolve man”

I mean come on

Do we have to live centuries in the freaking past

I did the whole Handmaids Tale thing

I assure you

There is NOTHING romantic about it

It’s abhorrent



ALL to preserve the “lie of white supremacy”

But we’re not allowed to talk about it

But we want to pretend this “normal” is actually normal

Without questioning anything

Just accepting everything without question

That’s the ultimate in fascist behavior

But no one will know what I have written here

Because I’m more heavily censored

Than terrorist organizations!

I mean damn

If you’re that afraid of a disabled woman who’s been homebound

For years

Then what were you like when I was out and about

No one you did so many drive bys

Pun intended

What you call romantic

The rest of the world calls rape

Particularly if you get paid to do it

Or are paying to do it

Either way

If you get some reward above the power and control mechanism

That means you have participated in human trafficking

So why does it surprise you

That the victim one days

Finally get’s angry enough to fawking speak?

But I’m the “threat”

Oh yeah?

To what exactly?

Keep that hot mess back in the 1500's

You have nothing to do with me!

All you do is protect the “right” to discriminate

Against those you fear

Because your “heritage” tells you this is what a “patriot” is

Literally ignoring our life

Our own expression of

Not only life

But our individual selves

How we present

As a unique life form

All coming from the same cosmic origins

But expressing that truth in different ways

It’s why uniqueness is so important

Individuality is the cure for hegemonic viruses

Diversity is the cure

For xenophobic extreme

What they are dealing with is extreme psychosis

It’s the inability to see oneself

Within the correct view point

Of their location within

Time and space

On the microscopic

As well as macroscopic

As well as within the cosmic map

When becoming whole

One can identify oneself anywhere

At any time

Any place

Oriented toward any direction

The “awareness” of this level of self

Is terrifying to those who can’t

Evolve beyond the “primitive” stage of human development

While we appreciate their inability to adapt

When guided by themselves

We, the most marginalized

Cannot continue to look the other way

As they attack us for being who we are

Killing us “in the crib” before we have the chance

To even walk, talk, or learn anything

Literally our existence

Is perceived as a threat to their entire way of thinking

And we’re being told by our own government

To bow down to this place

If we don’t accept it

We get punished

But this isn’t enslavement? UN Women

They worship predation

It is their sole purpose for living

It is more important than anything else in existence

They sacrifice their children for it

Then tell them to learn to sink or swim

I know

I had it done to me

Being an “adopted” daughter

Of two of these men

People tried to fight their way in

Buy their way in

Pimp their way in

Strong arm their way in

Threaten their way in

Blackmail their way in

Anything to get next to these two men


They used to scream

“Look how many people would die to be in your position

Do you see what is being offered

Yet we are turning it down for your skill”

That’s right

I was supposed to reduce who I am

To please the very same men

Who were using enhanced torture

Raping me daily

For hours on end

I was supposed to prioritize THEIR feelings

About my thoughts

Regarding THEIR abuse

And the affects it had

Every molecule was modified

To subject myself to their whims



Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME

United Nations UNICEF UN Human Rights Amnesty International USA Amnesty International Human Rights Watch Congressional Black Caucus



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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