It’s 12.7.21 And I’m Still Not Considered Human
The insurgency is alive, kicking, we funded, and fully supported however
I watched my handler use legislation to kettle everyone and everything around me into the most unlivable circumstances my entire life! What I am experiencing is called urban warfare, I was born into it as was every generation before me. Conservatives say that “hardship” is what’s needed to “teach” people how to “pull themselves up by their own bootstraps” but they don’t allow themselves or any of their children and cronies to experience it. No one ever tortured them when their parents and grandparents were going through hardship, no one does now. They are given protections, resources, legislation, everything to ensure that hey don’t have to suffer at all. “What we need are more people who have never gone through anything” that’s what the Congressman from the oversight committee said to me in class when he told my handler that I did not deserve compensation for anything I contributed to the program. The white kids did, because they were “projected” to produce “for” the program. LET’S COMPARE NUMBERS AND SEE WHO PRODUCED WHAT! NOT WHAT CREDIT WAS GIVINE TO WHOM, BUT WHO ACTUALLY PRODUCED WHAT! U.S. Department of State
They rearrange laws, resources, funding, and the world in order to avoid harm happening to white populations, while simultaneously attacking Black and marginalized populations. I watched them develop the agendas, deploy them, rearrange laws, legislators, funding, and community resources to ensure their agenda always succeeds. Nothing happening today is new, it’s happened for the past 6 decades without let up.
The entire time they are exploiting, lying, grifting, and trafficking to gain access to the wealth and affluence that they have while claiming they worked hard and earned their money. Propaganda through every form of mass communication is used to hide their criminal activity and human rights violations. When anyone in the community, or nation as a whole, attempts to stand up to they tyranny we are assaulted with extreme measures. All Black people have live this our entire lives, for every generation that White people have been on this Continent. Longer for Black people on other continents. But we’re supposed to accept being dehumanized and having our inalienable rights trampled because some people believe they have the right to abuse. Capitalism is nothing more than Colonialism which is nothing more than enslavement. They didn’t even invent the system, they co-opted it. The absurdity is astounding! Hiding this fact doesn’t erase the truth, it only makes you more mentally unstable for adding extra layers of trauma onto others lives then lying about it in the middle of the apocalypse. It may just be getting started, but it’s here nonetheless. Black people do not intend to be wiped off the face of the planet!
The worst part about all of it is that my handlers intentionally created populations to target for victimization so that they could openly prey without interruption. “No one will help you” is how I was raised, it’s still true today. I haven’t done a single thing to be treated this way, but it doesn’t matter. I was born Black, that’s all that matters. That’s what my handlers said. “No intelligent being would choose to be born Black, THAT’s how I know you deserve it!!!” lol That’s what he screamed at me when I told him he didn’t have the right to molest me because he believed I was beneath him. Yet the planet took it’s queues from him! Everyone thought he was such a good guy! Until he wasn’t.
At any time if I had simply acquiesced to him and admitted that I was beneath him, he would have grown tired and left me alone. Me being me is what kept him obsessed. What would you do? Deny yourself to appease a sadist, or fight back? I’m a fighter! I am beneath no one, I never have been and I never will be. No one is! THAT is how much I am not unequal to anyone! I would rather stand face to face with my accuser and prove, day after day why their delusions are false than to pretend that their delusions are true. I won’t be an apologist, ever, for any reason. I don’t have the ability to look at myself as the projection of someone else. Growing up being tortured by the most sadistic people on the planet forced me to be sober at all times. I can’t even lie to myself, not even when I want to! That’s called a Black tax! We pay in ways that most people will NEVER understand.
My entire life rich white men in powerful positions have analyzed every aspect of me, my life, my families lives, my community, and my entire race. Judging, criticizing, condemning, dehumanizing, experimenting, abusing. Never are they held accountable, not even when there are confessions. Never does anything change, accept that they become more devious about the methods they deploy in order to hide their actions. If they are so righteous, why must they hide? The reasons for their extreme behaviors don’t change, they are psychopaths and abusers who care only for their own selfish agenda. Pretending this isn’t true only helps the abusers.
You aren’t more “worthy of life” because you have more money than someone else. That is the most unevolved state anyone calling themselves human be. There is NO aspect of the financial system that is NOT exploitative. Humanity doesn’t need money, it needs to grow in consciousness, tyrants need money to maintain control. Even ancient societies with limited technology but were more advanced than the current had no monetary system. Even still, if you are going to have it, then there must be ethics, equality, and equitable distribution. The bottom line is white supremacy and it’s system of Capitalism which is literally built on the premise of exploitation of human capital, harms. As long as there is a system that is sustained by intentionally causing harm to certain populations while insulating and propping up others while there is no incentive to change then it never will. As long as you reward abuse, people will abuse. “Victims are the ones who make abusers” that’s what the man molesting me said. It was his way of justifying his behavior, he promoted that ideology in mainstream society. It became a part of “predictive technology”. This is who and what you follow when you subscribe to such atrocious behaviors.
The man abusing me had that belief because he was molested by his mother. “When there is intervention at an early enough stage then the cycle of abuse can end” I told him, I was 6 years old. “Victims are usually women, they are the one’s who are supposed to take care of the children, if they can’t heal then they can’t stop the cycle. Abuse is natural”. That’s what he taught me, in the middle of the mandated school day, in an underground classified base, Reston VA, I was in first grade. He raped me after teaching me something so toxic and untrue, then he used the “data” from the trauma created by raping me to “prove” that the abuse taking place (manipulated by him and his cronies) would make me a “victim” in society. That I would never be able to heal. He never told anyone the extreme amount of money, effort, spying, assaults, attacks, counter intelligence, money, resources, or lies that went into traumatizing me, repeatedly, day after day, my entire life, to make it appear as though I was what HE said I was! He had the files, statistics, data, research, and people as proof. Who cares if he lied and manipulated it all, people make money and that’s all that matters. The Black people who side with, and turn a blind eye to this is the worst slap in the face of all, but he was the one who taught me about the “crabs in a barrel mentality”. He also taught me how they use it against Black people to ensure that most of us remain trapped, “there are certain types who fall for it every time” he said. “She’s an abomination” is what I hear from them. Congressional Black Caucus NAACP
I don’t need anyone's approval, or algorithms, or attention, or husband, or money, or anything else. I need people to do the job they are paid tax dollars to do, with integrity.
When I was about 6 years old my handler asked me what my mother did with the baking soda she bought with food stamps. When I told him she cleaned with it and used it to help as a digestive aid he had legislation passed to prevent people from buying baking soda with food stamps. When my mother found out she blamed me. Obviously I wasn’t to blame in the scenario, it’s not like I was volunteering information, I was being raped and tortured. The real question is why did it bother him so much? “Because food stamps are supposed to be used for food and that’s not what it’s being used for!” He would scream, he also argued that if we had the ability to use them for something other than food then we were getting too much. We starved for the next few months until he broke me and turned me into his sex slave. “I’m going to train you like Pavlov’s dog” collar and all. He chained me up, tied me up, whipped me, denied me food and water, made me beg to breathe, all while torturing and assaulting me. This in the middle of the mandated school day, while I was supposed to be learning coding like my white classmates were, I was being tortured by the world’s most prolific sexual sadist. I was just 6 years old. He was paid very well, with tax dollars, to do this to me. Calling the Conservative party the party of “fiscal responsibility and family values” makes me physically ill every time I hear it!
They are the party of extremism, sexual predation, thievery, lying, murder, and genocide. Democrats can be just as guilty by supporting, failing to stop, or minimizing their crimes. The U.S. government has functioned like this for 6 decades. The corruption is so severe that the gridlock within every aspect of U.S. infrastructure prevents government from functioning in any capacity. So who is running the government if all three branches are hamstrung?
There was no reason for my mother to be on food stamps. My father was special forces and I was already being trained, working since the age of 4 with the very same handlers. If he were paid for the work that he did, none of us would ever worry about money again. If I were paid for the work that I did none of us would ever have to worry about money again. The white children in the program were being compensated for their participation, which was voluntary. They did not do 1% of what my father and I did, they didn’t have to. My father and I were conscripted, we had no choice, we were forced, tortured, abused, and harmed every day, yet we never received a penny. Our family has always been controlled “by any means necessary”, “the end justifies the means” they used to tell me. They intended to do the harm that they did, they never cared about the consequences, they intended to abandon the planet in the current state it’s in, they intended to escape accountability and they did. Notice how much was timed to occur after their death! Progressive Caucus
There is nothing new about the way that my life is being controlled, it has ALWAYS been controlled this way! Yet the government continues to turn a blind eye while simultaneously scapegoating us for the conditions they create under government funded, tax payer programs that the public knows nothing about yet have been in operation for decades! The White House
Instead of holding the abusers accountable for extreme violations of human and civil rights, they are given raises, rewards, bonuses, classified intel, prestigious titles, awards, accolades, and infinite amounts of money. They are celebrated all their lives, even in death, regardless of how many children they molest, women they rape, or people they murder. Their atrocious, abusive, and bigoted lifestyle is propagandized to sound as though they are “good people” all through the media. No one ever hears about the incredibly sadistic, illegal, abusive crimes they commit in people’s lives every day.
The reason my handler took away my mother’s ability to clean her home is because both my parents were denying him access to me. He also needed to find a way to strip money from suffering Black people, it gave him the power he sought. He didn’t stop at them being able to clean, he made it impossible for us to eat, he withheld medication, medical access, mobility, threatened us with Child Protection Services if I tried to hide from him by not going to mandated school where he gained access to me, and threatened us with police involvement and legal action, though we are the victims. We lived like this my entire life growing up, nothing changed in my adult life. But we’re supposed to believe we bring this on ourselves due to our “inferiority” and our “negativity”. Or that we “allow” it to happen. Who is fighting it? Everyone on the planet is affected by the same two men who tortured me, what have YOU done to fight the harm they did to YOU?
An inferior mind harms innocents, a superior one heals anyone.
My family blames me to this day, they were happy to give me away to be abused in exchange for the ability to not starve or to avoid rape by wrinkly old racist white men with sexually transmitted diseases who kept trying to get them pregnant so they could molest the babies. But I’m supposed to ignore ALL THAT and pretend that I keep brining hardship on myself because I won’t comply with my own oppression? Why would I?
Black families all across America go through these attacks at the hands of government, paramilitary groups, militias, or even just people in the community. NO ONE STOPS THEM! THERE IS NO REASON TO, NO ONE IS EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! WE AREN’T VIEWED AS HUMAN!
No one ever sees the exorbitant amount of tax funds, technology, resources, and man power that go into abusing and oppressing us, they only see the fact that our conditions are deplorable and they immediately blame us. How ignorant! The educated ignorant are the most difficult to deal with!
I didn’t just live it, I was trained to analyze and report on it. My handlers intention was to use it against me, and he did, my entire life. I am still suffering under the weight of the tyranny. No one thought I would break free and use the same training to fight for my own survival, the safety of my children, or the preservation of Black life. We’re not considered human, so we aren’t expected to respond the way that a human would.
White supremacy has brought about every single form of suffering that the planet faces, every barrier, obstacle, abuse, pollution, everything. Pretending this isn’t true will solve nothing. Eradicating 97% of the planet is not the answer. Telling the truth, holding people accountable, and repairing the harm done is the only solution not only for individuals, families, communities, and future generations, but for the entire human race.
Waiting to have my humanity protected is not an option, it’s abuse of my inalienable human rights which will never be a negotiation. When I was a child my handler labeled me everything under the son other than what I was, a little Black girl with a gifted brain. He labeled me an alien, a fungus, a virus, a machine, a cyborg, a hybrid, even a demon, but he did all of that as a means to achieve an agenda. He was always lying, just like he lied about every war he ever started. “I would rather apologize then ask for permission” he used to say. Meaning, he will lie in the beginning and if he gets caught he will pretend he didn’t know anything about it in the end. He never gets caught, white men are always believed. They believed that the more predatory you were the more evolved you were, or at least those were the claims they made. So, they made sure the world became a place where the most predatory had all the power. We’re suffering those consequences today.
Human Rights Watch UN Human Rights UN Women
The same “predictive technology” that was used to prove to Congress that I would only ever amount to a woman with multiple kids, in poverty, with no husband because that is where I came from is the same predictive technology developed by the man who tortured and raped me my entire life. That technology became “predictive police technology”! Amnesty International USA
They didn’t just use me, MY ENTIRE FAMILY, FOR GENERATIONS! He intentionally targeted the same vulnerable populations that were under attack just for having Black skin, used urban warfare tactics to create unlivable circumstances, continued the assaults for the duration of lifetimes, then used the data to “prove” that certain people just can’t excel in life due to inferiority and therefore and worthy of saving, i.e., resources. They based it on a “failure to thrive” theory created by eugenicists looking for clever ways to hide their evil, the most ignorant drink in the propaganda without even asking questions. They also tend to be the “educated” and those with the most money. It doesn’t happen to them or anyone they have ever known, they don’t care, how would they know the truth?
Every policy, code, algorithm, standard, plan, agenda, curriculum, in American society either publicly or privately is based on the same data sets that came from the same racist, fascists, extremist, sadistic, psychopathic, genocidal bigots who ran the nazi programs that my father and I were forced into. All data coming from these programs are false from their origins, intentionally, all to uphold racist, extremist white supremacy. All done to fulfill a nazi agenda. The very same nazi agenda that came from WW2, the same scientists, the same programs, the same technology, the same eugenicists, the same supporters. Yet Black people are supposed to believe that we are not entitled to any reparations, protections, or acknowledgment of the harm done to us? Amnesty International My handlers didn’t even lie about the origins of the program, they knew they didn’t have to. Who was ever going to believe me?
These same methods have been in place and have grown exponentially since the 1940s, the oldest members of Congress and SCOTUS know this. Those persons in Congress who’s parents served, are there to protect the legacy of their families, not to uphold the Constitution. Every act the far right has done in the past 6 decades has been to preserve the lie of white supremacy while simultaneously destabilizing the lives of Black and marginalized people. It is a fascist nazi agenda that poses as “Conservative Politics.” Propaganda, technology, mind control, biological warfare, psychological warfare, economic warfare, guerilla warfare, attacking every aspect of life needed to sustain life is an every day affair. It IS normal. Every aspect of political life is about this, everyone knows this. But no one ever talks about the fact that it was intentionally designed this way, by the same people who hold all the power and refuse us our humanity. Yet we’re supposed to accept this, quietly.
Every imaginable form of warfare is used against the Black community in plain sight daily by American leadership consistently ever since a white person first stepped foot in North America and we are still being told to wait for recognition of our human rights.
Worst still, the entire Black diaspora is under the same level of attack globally, during apocalyptic conditions that go ignored daily as we are told to get “back to normal” because we are “safe”. We’re suffering and dying in mass, being tortured, evicted, abused, arrested, sent into bigoted court systems, denied resources, aid, our human rights, and even the ability to speak about the harms being done to us. Black people are more heavily censored than almost every far right extremist terrorist organization globally, why?
We are policed out of public spaces, educational spaces, homes, everywhere. Our cries for justice ignored. Still, we are told to leave! As we, somehow, are deserving of being treated like less than human because we are born with an abundance of melanin in our skin. World Health Organization CDC Flu The world ignores it all, as we die faster than historians can even document let alone how. No one will tie the deaths to the extreme right agenda that is killing us in an ethnic cleansing agenda, our deaths are rarely ever documented accurately if documented at all at any time. This is a denied holocaust, we’ve been screaming it for hundreds of years! Not being able to see this truth is not a “special ability” it’s a deviation from humanity that is harming and stunting all of human consciousness.
The entire planet is now under the same arrested state, thanks to my handler who came up with the scheme. He believed that he could keep me trapped under oppression long enough that no one would ever recognize the truth, or care enough to do anything about it. He succeeded. Even when I broke free, he was able to immediately trap me again, I’m still fighting to get out though he is dead and gone along with the other handler. Why? Because the system of oppression that they designed is so extreme, it terrifies people to look at it. If a trained operative can’t escape, what does that say about the average Black American trying to survive it? So we get scapegoated, ignored, left behind, blamed, slandered and stigmatized. But never do we get recognition for our human rights. Given the choice, none of us want to be around the people trying to eradicate us. But we’re never given a choice in anything, we are merely subjected to constant pummeling, no one cares. Apathy is not now nor has it ever been a virtue. It doesn’t make you smart, it makes you sick.
People will continue to be more offended by the truth that I tell than the harms done to me and my family, that is very telling. There is always an excuse for abusing a dehumanized vulnerable person. There is never an incentive to not do it, and many rewards when you do. My handler made sure of that. He explained the system to me as he developed it, so that I would understand the amount of power he had and the level of control he had over me. “It makes the surrender sweeter” he used to say. THAT’S THE PERSON WHO’S SYSTEMS YOU FOLLOW!
He took me around the world with him as he sold his abusive social engineering tactics to the most cruel and apathetic people in society. They wanted to remake the world in their image, they believed themselves to be Gods because they have all the wealth, resources, and privilege. They teach this to their children. I can’t count the amount of times a pedophile, sadist, rapist, or murderer has said “I am your God” as they were assaulting me. Most of them are dead now, of very real diseases that killed them. They never die peacefully, it’s always reported that way for the sake of their “legacy”. They never stop maintaining the “lie”.
As long as the privileged are allowed to do as they please, they will. Who will stop them? The current state of the world is the result. They, their families, their cronies, are all doing just fine with all of the world’s money, resources, and technology. It’s everyone else that was left behind to be their slaves. Everyone, the entire planet is subjected to their abuse. No one is immune to it. The more mechanisms in place to control and dominate you, the more threatening you are to their agenda.
Who said any of us had to take it?