It’s 2.8.22 I’m Still Not Considered Human
Leadership in government continues to ignore Black American human rights to life and makes zero apologies for it.
Leadership continues to push forward with “getting back to normal” and focusing on more trickle down political rhetoric as Black America continues to be targeted for ethnic cleansing without interruption. Black people continue to be slaughtered in state sanctioned attacks daily by police and the same right wing extremist insurgency that is occupying government. The current administration has chosen to minimize the systemic attacks against Black America rather than address the problems, yet this has been done with other every other marginalized population.
President Joe Biden told us the solution was to vote, but we can’t! Gerry mandering continues to ensure that more and more daily along with Supreme Court of the US. Congress has a mandate to protect human life, and they do an impeccable job of protecting certain populations, but Black America is left out of every piece of legislation though we are overrepresented across EVERY spectrum of negative impact to our community, in every way. This impedes ALL ability to survive, thrive, pursue education, secure, stable, healthy, clean housing, suitable income and the means to make a living, or access to justice when our human rights are violated.
As elites, liberal America, corporations, and the same right wing extremists attacking or lives in every way, every day, discuss the “state of Black America” largely in our absence, conditions continue to worsen at apocalyptic rates. The U.S. cannot even account for how many Black Americans are on U.S.s soil let alone how we die and who or what is responsible, and there isn’t even an acknowledgement of these extreme human rights violations. In fact the opposite is true, political rhetoric continues to hide the truth of the denied genocide we face daily. If my own handlers had not trained me to spot such conditions, I too would be caught up in the propagandized version of reality we are forced to consume daily.
Black American voices remain censored, muted, silenced, shadow banned, black listed, stigmatized, slandered, misrepresented, politicized, criminalized, and scrubbed from history using the most advanced technology and weaponry yet we can’t even get representation at the highest places of government. All paid for with the very same tax dollars that are so precious and limited that they cannot be shared with the Black community in any way. This did not begin with COVID, or the last administration, or with Barack Obama , or with Al Gore when the presidency he legally won was stripped from him by SCOTUS. This has gone on for more than 500 years without let up or acknowledgement from the United States government which continues to be hamstrung at every level without an end in sight, action from the current administration, or the deployment of resources and operations that could stabilize the system of checks and balances that are required for the maintaining of democracy. America has become a failed state. While many elites are profiting from mass death and suffering and are experiencing no setbacks or discomforts during apocalyptic conditions, millions upon millions suffer at extreme levels daily, all while the truth is minimized, denied, and blamed but never addressed.
These are direct violations of our inalienable rights, our human rights, our constitutional rights, our rights as United States citizens, our rights as community members, as well as our rights as voters and tax payers. At no time in United States history have Black American lives ever been protected, neither have our rights. As a result, we face unparalleled atrocities that continue to go ignored by every single branch of government. While there is much political discourse that always results in no one “understanding” the problem, the reality is Black America is suffering from ethnic cleansing and no one wants to be held accountable for ignoring it! UN Human Rights Amnesty International Human Rights Watch
These problems have grown so out of control with a runaway government that is so compartmentalized that the left hand never knows what the right is doing, and everyone distracts from the harsh realties that a majority in this nation now face. As politicians focus on their careers, talking points, funders, corporate donors, and stock trades, Black American lives, the marginalized, the middle class, and all person’s suffering economic hardship continue to experience the same level of oppression that existed during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade with very little change. Though 1% of the Black American population makes over 100K per year, after 500 years of oppression that is as far as Black America has been allowed to get in the system of oppression that upholds white supremacy. In a system built on white supremacy, ALL suffer human rights violations, regardless race, ethnic origin, religion, social status, or other points of marginalization. Rather than facing the truth and acknowledging the problem so that it can be addressed, American leadership continues to placate the insurgency that is conducting ethnic cleansing at rates that have NEVER been seen in the history of the United States. All at the expense of life for every population, but particularly the marginalized, most impacted are Black and Brown lives, Black people in particular suffer the most negative consequences. Women, children, and the disabled are kettled into the worst circumstances that are impossible to escape. Without legislation and accountability, we will cease to exist sooner than anyone will admit.
The very men who are the pillars of elite, wealthy, conservative America who engineered this system to do exactly what it is doing taught me to watch for these conditions and blow the whistle when American government reached such a stranglehold that all three branches were no longer functioning. As my handlers, they had total control over my life, my entire life. This is due to the passage of legislation both in Congress and in shadow dockets at the Supreme Court that allowed them to treat me not only as a machine, but one that would forever be enslaved. As well as the help of their cronies in government and across the corporate sector, most are now multi-millionaires and billionaires reaping the rewards of tax cuts, off shore accounts, gerry mandering, redlining, the military industrial complex (which they created), insider trading, the most highly classified weaponry and intel in the world, as well as the most advanced technology. All paid for with U.S. tax dollars yet only their cronies have benefited.
After 46 years of being forced to endure torture, human trafficking, abuse, rape, molestation, forced breeding, and forced to work against my will without receiving the payment for all that I earned and created, or even credit for my accomplishments, the only thing that has changed is the technology used to ensure my “compliance”. My father before me, also a former paramilitary operative, endured the same level of oppression. He too was tortured, he too was experimented on, he too was controlled, he too was forced to work against his will without receiving the pay or even medical care needed to heal from the injuries sustained. I continue to face the same discrimination and apathy to this very moment. I can’t even gain access to SSI or social security benefits, even denied SNAP and access to food at times.
Those are extreme conditions I have been forced to endure my entire life though without my efforts much of what the U.S. has achieved would NEER have been accomplished. Obtaining coltan for instance, is just one small example. There are myriad! Like being shot into space in the head of a missile outfitted for my one way suicide mission, I wasn’t expected to survive it, yet I persisted. I was the first in the history of humanity to observe what was present, from that location, on the dark side of the moon. I was 7 years old when I took that trip! My handlers became GODS after that achievement! I remained in enslavement.
Due to the extreme abuses I have suffered my entire life, I have become totally, permanently and fully disabled. I have no access to income due to the extreme levels of control and surveillance I continue to endure. I was homebound before COVID. I am unable to use telephones due to my disabilities, or leave the home unattended. I am unable to access the medical care that I need to live without debilitation. I live in such extreme circumstances that it is often dangerous for me to leave the home at all, yet I can’t even get COVID relief let alone access to the money that I am owed from various streams. America owes me payment of a contract but refuses to even admit that I exist! U.S. Department of State
My education credentials remain redacted thanks to a decision made by SCOTUS that reversed the decision that my handler made, this allowed the White men in similar positions to have their credentials returned while keeping my redacted. My entire file remains redacted preventing me from benefiting in any way from any of the accomplishments I have achieved, just like my father. In the same manner he was denied treatment for being infected with Agent Orange as well as other biological agents in Vietnam, I have been denied treatment for the many experiments performed on me since my earliest memories, chemical experiments being only on form. Advanced technology, microchips, augmented VR, advanced Ai, human Ai interface, biological and psychological warfare being a few of them. I am one of the most highly trained specialists on the planet, yet I cannot even gain access to the internet in order to gain a penny of my own income due to control mechanisms. I have broken no laws to be treated in such a fashion, the opposite is true, I have never failed a mission or my oath. Yet I remain in extreme impoverishment, my children suffering along with me as though I am a criminal or traitor of some kind. The way I am treated, you would think that I stormed the Capitol and killed police officers, instead I am fighting for those responsible to be held accountable for it!
“It’s not that bad” one handler used to ALWAYS say. “The end justifies the means” they both ALWAYS said. Neither was true, they never had to deal with any of it. Conscripted officially at the age of 5 and unofficially at the age of 4 into a paramilitary program sponsored by a joint operation between the Department Of Defense and the CIA, and aided by every military branch, intelligence agency, many cooperate entities, educational institutions, and medical facilities to include the NICHD News & Info CDC Flu and research facilities such as SRI. While most of these agencies were highly compartmentalized and did not know what was happening, there were some in the most highly classified positions at most of the stakeholders who were aware even if only of some of the human rights violations.
Conscription began in mandated pre-K. I have been under the control of the United States government all of my life, abused every step of the way, with no access to justice. My handlers trained me to blow the whistle when the insurgency escalated to the point of attacking, beating, gassing, kidnapping, murdering, imprisoning, and enslaving protestors who were attempting to gather in public spaces to demonstrate against extreme mass human rights violations as is protected by the United States Constitution. No aspect of this insurgency is a surprise, it was an agenda decades in the making. Even my handlers, as evil as they are, did not agree with toppling democracy in such a manner. Since May of 2020 I have been doing precisely what I am educated, trained, experienced, and ordered to do yet my family and I have been attacked for it with absolute impunity. The White House United Nations Vice President Kamala Harris
We have had to resort to conditions seen usually only in the most harsh of foreign operations, usually seen in countries operating guerilla warfare. Unfortunately, attacks against’ Black America are so severe we have had to deploy urban warfare tactics to survive it, my children had to be trained as if were on deployment abroad and pinned down in enemy territory. During the last 5 years, we experienced conditions so harsh that we had to resort to the most extreme of protocols in order to survive it. Risking not only further exposure, which happened as a result of hacking, but also denial by the U.S. government. I remain in that place at this moment. While cohorts are receiving support, accommodations, financial support, security, and accolades, my children and I continue in the same conditions were forced into then abandoned in as if we are the persons who committed treason and colluded with foreign hostiles to attack this nation. Instead, I have done what I always have, stood my ground and protected ALL while getting abused, and scapegoated by the same government I am ordered to protect. There is no equality in America, not when you can treat your best operatives like slaves and there is no accountability for it. Imagine if I were one who chose to betray democracy, what would that look like? Instead, I do what needs to be done and get punished for it because I am Black.
When or if I ever fail to do as I am ordered, “enhanced torture” is applied to force my compliance. Advanced technology, weaponry, paramilitary operations, Ai, and unlimited funding has been used to ensure my “compliance” yet I have no way to stop any of it or protect myself and my family from the consequences. When I try to seek help, “pain compliance” is amplified and “enhanced torture” increased until I can no longer push back against the abuse. I am scapegoated for all of the circumstances, my children growing up in the middle of it watching me deteriorate and not being able to fully understand it just as I watched the same happen to my father under the control of the same handlers.
At 9 years of age my handlers began breeding me to wealthy, affluent White men. The children were sold, with no awareness of their actual identities, yet always under threat of death should I fail to disobey an order in any way. These children were born to the most wealthy, elite, and influential men in United States history. My children were born to the wealthiest people walking they planet, some of them no more than 10 years older than myself. Some of them don’t even know their own ethnic identity let alone the truth surrounding the lives they live. I am forced to keep the secrets of these powerful men who STILL use and control me, my body, my life, my everything to advance their careers, or be forced to suffer the harming of my children. One has already died, he was my bonus son but I loved him as though he were my own. He should be alive now, instead he was found dead in his bed under mysterious circumstances, just like his father exactly 13 months before. There is no such thing as coincidence in tradecraft.
I have watched people murdered my entire life, this has always been my reality. Yet I am the person who is labeled “divisive’ and a “threat to national security” while the persons who commit these atrocities get away with all of it and even are celebrated as heroes, buried with honors, pomp and circumstance. They are guilty of the worst atrocities known to modern humans, including engineering the pandemic, multiple genocides, and the systematic attack of the Black community since the Civil Rights Amendments. Both of my parents died alone and penniless never receiving an ounce of justice just like my bonus son and his father. There is no such thing as coincidence in tradecraft. I WILL NEVER FORGET! SOMEONE WILL ANSWER FOR WHAT HAS HAPPENED HERE!
No other population in United States history has EVER experienced the kind of atrocities, nor for as long, as the Black population America. Leadership in government continues to use rhetoric, propaganda, right wing extremism, and wealthy leftist politics that exclude Black voices from the conversations that ultimately end up becoming legislation that further kettles us into unlivable circumstances. All of this while our human rights go unrecognized knowing this is the solution to all of the problems we face.
Black Americans are human beings, we have rights just like every other human on U.S. soil, as well as universal rights established by the Geneva Convention. Yet we don’t even have representation at any level of government that would allow us to argue our case for the protection of our human rights, hence the reason they go ignored. Hence the reason we can’t even vote, hence the reason the attacks against us continue to escalate. All while the ENTIRE global body politic continues to turn a blind eye to all of it.
It is illegal to speak about our lives, teach about our history, practice our culture, openly live our spiritual beliefs, or fully participate as U.S. citizens. When we attempt any of it we are persecuted to the extent that we end up dead, brutally assaulted, imprisoned, or caught up in extremely harsh sanctions within the system of oppression. It is even illegal to discuss the fact that many of us were present on this land long before Columbus or the Mayflower ever arrived anywhere near these lands. I am an Aboriginal Woman of America, a Native Black American. Yet my Native American status goes ignored to such an extent that people believe it is a myth. Much of Black American history is that, a myth, because our entire existence continues to be targeted more so daily for ethnic cleansing and wiped out of existence. While other populations receive an extensive amount of protection, so much so that you cannot even mentions them, our entire populations existence is suppressed beyond unimaginable measures.
Our culture is appropriated so much that if we express it we are targeted, accosted, assaulted, persecuted, and punished while others literally benefits to the tune of millions from coopting it. Escalations continue to usurp our ability to live, exist in the open, to express our free will, to establish ourselves as free and equal citizens, to pursue happiness, to pursue a sustainable living, or purchase land and property, to participate fully as an American citizen, to be represented at every level of the democratic process, to protect ourselves and our progeny, participate in the expression of and to have an affect on human consciousness. All in direct violation of our human rights, there is never a consequence for any of it. The U.S. government doesn’t even have plans to address any of it and on this very day is participating in social political rhetoric that paints us as responsible for the conditions we suffer in as a result of apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Yet the fact that we are dying in a denied genocide remains a myth just like the holocaust that is puppeteering it.
As an indigenous woman of these lands, I, my children, and my family, have experienced apartheid under the governance of the United States of America for more than 500 years without acknowledgment, accountability, reparation, the ability to gain access to justice, or even the ability to flea to safety. When I tried to leave, I was forced to return, my travel documents illegally removed and kept in a lower courts chambers, my child eventually taken from me as punishment.
I have spent my life in service to the United States government obeying every command as my family, friends, and innocent children were threatened with not only death (which some were punished with) but also human trafficking (which some have experienced) torture (which some have experienced) abuse (which we all experienced) and extreme poverty (which many of us experience). While we watch every other population and special interest receive a great deal of attention, funding, protection, and legislation, Black America remains singular in it’s absence of reparation and human rights protections.
I am Pandora’s Black Box, my handlers forced this on me from the age of 5 onward, I NEVER had any choice in the matter. While everything I have EVER done in life has intentionally benefited White American men, Black Americans, particularly women and children, continue to be left behind without so much as at mention. Black men being murdered, imprisoned, and enslaved at apocalyptic rates more so with each passing day is no coincidence, it was engineered by my handlers intentionally. “We want to take the Black population down to 3%” they told me in 1980. It’s 2022, everything aspect of the agenda they taught me continues to be deployed and executed without a single hiccup, while Black America continues to be blamed for the conditions. “No one will help you” they told me my entire life, it has proven to be true. We remain in the same conditions we have always been in, the 1% of outliers were planned as a psyop. As long as the rich and famous are plastered all over media, people believe that there is equality and the chaos they see is self inflicted because we are “negative” or “cursed”, whatever narrative people choose to embrace. These are the most basic tradecraft operations but deployed with highly advanced technology and literal nazi propaganda all in order to maintain white supremacy and the system of oppression that sustains it.
I have been kettled into a position where extremists are free to attack me and my children at will daily all while we continue to be told that we are safe. My news is censored, my social media is censored, I am blocked from multiple social media sites, my internet (my sole connection to the outside world) hacked daily with absolutely no consequence. Just as no person who has ever abused me or my family has ever once been held accountable, that remains true today as we continue to be stalked, harassed, abused, bullied, attacked in every way particularly economically, and scapegoated for the conditions we experience. No human should ever have to endure any of what we have, least of all those who are forced into such vulnerable positions due to attacks from deviants, extremists, and political activists profiting from our suffering.
Black America is still in chains, the American government continues to ignore this every day. Joe Biden saying “this has got to stop” will not affect systemic oppression in any way! Legislation that prevents the systemic attack of Black lives that holds attackers accountable will have the desired impact needed to balance the scales. Why does American leadership refuse to allow Black America life let alone equality? Until America protects Black lives the way it protects everyone and everything else, it is abundantly clear that the systemic attacks will continue to eradicate us with ethnics cleansing. This empowers the extremist insurgency, there is not deterrence, in fact, it’s still being called fake 5 years after a far right extremist administration was placed in the White House. Worst still, America has solutions yet leadership simply ignores them daily.
My name is Danielle Diew Coleman, I am a former paramilitary operative (as my father was before me). I swore an oath to protect the home land, I have never broken my oath or failed a mission. Black America is protected under the United States Constitution yet our human rights continue to go ignored while we experience ethnic cleansing at apocalyptic rates. Our own government ignores our entire community just like they ignore the payment of my contract every day. I will NEVER stop fighting to not only keep my oath to protect life, U.S. infrastructure (which very much includes Black lives, indeed America is wealthy because of it) the constitution (which most certainly includes Black America), democracy (which is Black America’s best chance at finally attaining freedom from systemic oppression), liberty, justice, common defence, general welfare, and the pursuit of happiness (which has been denied ALL of Black America, including the wealthy elite) as is my right not only as one trained to do precisely this, but as a U.S. citizen, and an Aboriginal Woman from these very lands.
Black America demands the same equal rights and protections that are guaranteed to every other United States citizen, periodt.
No matter how we advocate, activate, cry out, voice our concerns, or exercise our free will we are attacked and eradicated. We demand an end to the ethnic cleansing that is devastating our community to the extent that we shall never recover from it. Given the fact that my own handler threatened me with the very conditions I am living if I did not comply with his abuse, then proceeded to deploy them against not only me but the entire population, it can no longer be argued that systemic oppression is a myth. His torturing me in the very same torture sites created for terrorists prove that systemic oppression and white supremacist abuses are very real. While the men who are considered “Caucasian” who experienced some of the abuses I have in those same torture sites have been not only acknowledged but received outcry, support, demand for reparation for the harm done, and some even receiving it. My family and I, generation after generation continue to be ignored. We are now at least 3 generation into the U.S. torture program, perhaps more, yet the U.S. government continues to deny that I even exist. “Cannot verify identity” is the only response I get, as if I have committed some crime to be treated in such a manner.
The injuries I have sustained, without a single ounce of accountability or even acknowledgement, prove that not only is systemic oppression not fake but that it thrives BECAUSE and on behalf of white supremacy. While cohorts are receiving treatment for similar injuries, I continue to be ignored as if I don’t exist. Yet I remain under such strict surveillance that public comments are made about my nakedness, the shape of my body, the food I consume, and my weight often. The composition of poop can and has been analyzed from space, yet I my identity “cannot be verified”? This is what oppression under a fascist state looks like!
Both my handlers used me and my family to develop America’s surveillance apparatus, I have lived under it my entire life. As they deploy it to control not only me my family, but also my entire ethnic population, we are the ones who suffering the worst of every consequence which of course escalated during the pandemic. Not only do we deserve the acknowledgement, protections, and reparations, but we deserve the equity that every other population continues to be handed. Even those who once held us in enslavement and still oppress us to this very moment with no consequence.
There is no democracy in America, it has long been a fascist state. Black America simply refuses to obey the hands that throw stones then hide, while others bend the knee on our collective neck as we continue to cry out for our mother in heaven as we draw our last breath on this planet.
UN Women UNICEF UNESCO Library of Congress Nat Geo Explorers TIME POLITICO Al Jazeera English Associated Press