It’s 2021 And America Still Holds Slaves

Danielle Diew
3 min readDec 27, 2021


New Trail Of Tears Poetry

Do you have any idea

How hard it is

To listen to others

Men, women, even children

Be given the credit

For your inventions

Your creations

Your writing

Your lyrics

Your ideas

Your negotiations

It’s happened to me

Decade after decade

All because handlers

Racist, fascist pedophiles

Don’t have to answer to anybody

Full immunity

Given years after molesting and torturing me

With full knowledge of the ugly deeds

No care at all

For my humanity

But to many

This is my shame?


My handlers said

They had to keep me quiet

And well hidden

So that no one will ever

See all the sins they commit

Just like that

With the lies from their lips

I become property

Nothing resembling a human

All rights removed from me

Tortured and traumatized

Decade after decade

To this very moment

No one cares

But I’m the one

Who is an abomination?

I’m not the one doing sick ish

Or lying and covering

For anyone who is!

Do you have any idea

How disturbing it is

To watch people literally make

Billions off of me


Greedy thieves

Rapists, pedophiles, Jack booted

Hate mongering

Holocaust after holocaust

Genocide after genocide

Weaponization of everything imaginable

Even me

Swallowing my anger

Day after day

Year after year

Decade after decade

Because the thieves don’t like



Watching them

Be called genius

Receive rewards



All for my creations

While I live

In extreme poverty

Continuing to get

Raped, tortured, strangled


No one questions the men

Or the women who lie for them

Only me

And my sanity

As if being the target of crime

Makes you inferior somehow

Look how many believe this

But I’m the one who is sick?

Just pay me what I’m owed

So we can all get on with living

U.S. Department of State The White House Progressive Caucus Congressional Black Caucus Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers

I shouldn’t have to beg

Not for anything

What did I serve for

Decade after decade

To be enslaved?

But I thought America didn’t do such things

I can’t even get COVID relief!

Or social security for my disabilities

Which I acquired from serving this country

But all anyone will say is

“We can’t verify your identity”

Bull shyt!

You know the composition of my feces

From space

Always have

Always will

I’ve lived like this my entire life

But I’m not supposed to talk about such things

I’m not your experiment

I’m a human

I’m a living breathing being

Whom you have tortured

And raped

Decade after decade

Even tried to kill me


But you claim

This isn’t ethnic cleansing?

Lies you tell

But I’m the only one

Suffering for your crimes


The White House Amnesty International UN Women Progressive Caucus



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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