It’s 3.1.22 Enslavement Is Still Acceptable
It’s not just in America it’s all over the planet poetry
Native and vulnerable people all over the world are suffering. Targeted for abuse, trafficking, exploitation and never gaining the benefits those doing the exploiting experience as entitlement. It’s an epidemic and global leadership has ignored the cries of so many until this very moment, when all is dangling on a string. Again, like it’s 1983, we end up in nuclear escalations as if we have so many extra planets that we can just waste this.
It’s incredible to see the world once again moving into the same direction as it always has. Cycles and cycles and cycles on repeat where the elite own everything and those caste out nothing. “Survival of the fittest” they say, in truth it’s nothing more than bullying. Leadership make decisions with the flick of a pen or the simple action of hitting “send” and vulnerable lives are devastated, but we’re scapegoated for the consequences.
People think it’s “easy” for us to escape it’s chains, but it’s so impossible that only 1% ever make it. Those in the 1% are stuck in the position of denying the circumstances or being pushed back underneath again. It’s a psyop and the whole world is under it’s spell. It’s heartbreaking to live these circumstances, while simultaneously being forced to work for it’s interests. “I’ll beat you into submission” is what I was raised with. Race always mattered, every moment of every day. Everything I ever said, did, thought, or attempted was dictated by the warped eugenicist pseudoscientific vision of what race, life, nature, health is.
But people wonder why the whole planet is on the verge of being beyond midnight on the doomsday timescale? Surely, we are 1 second to midnight are we not? Let’s be real about it! But who got us here? Was it the women and children in the street using a tactic designed by the GOP, yelling “defund” did all this? Or was it the selfish, predatory, capitalist decisions of wealthy and bigoted men? Which is it?
Let’s not pretend when nukes again are the go to in escalations rather than NEVER being on the table because WE ALL know that is a war NO ONE can win! Instead, once again, like 1981, we are relegated to the egos of toxic men. The same ones who keep perpetuating ALL of this, pointing their fingers at their targets, good “moderates” refusing to draw a line. So the weakness of plantation politics persist in creating the mess we call circumstance. Yet people wonder what’s wrong with the world?
It’s unfair, lop sided, unbalanced, disharmonic, exploitative, harmful, toxic. Those who are not the predator but the prey, have real life consequences to deal with every day. Overcoming those barriers, intentionally thrown at us to keep us in chains, is almost impossible that’s why less than 1% ever make it above any of the constraints.
Then if you’re like me and shine too much in any way, they redact you’re life so no one can see who or what you are, then take your accomplishments and appropriate them. If you had to live as I have you will have no doubt been forced into the basement, redacted, held in impoverishment, sick, needing health care, needing your own money yet accessing it forbidden. The sickness of it all, they simply call it “collateral damage” or a “necessary evil”. I call it true evil, true sickness, true deviance, something that needs to be addressed with expedience!
These are just some of the barriers we come under ever day, when decade after decade the entire world looks away from our torture, trauma, rape, economic attacks, suffering expecting us to accept this is how God meant it to be. Abusing us for the conditions evil intentionally creates then telling us we did it to ourselves, as leadership does absolutely nothing! It’s not so easy to bare such weight, particularly when we are told our experiences aren’t real, that all we live (including our very lives) is “fake”.
We have to keep going anyway, even as we are being systematically eradicated and told that our lives are “fake”, our history “fake”, our experiences “fake”, our culture “fake”, our traditions “fake” even our deaths are “fake”. All open to predation and exploitation to any and everyone, even our own participate. We figure out how to survive it anyway, at incredible disadvantages. But without human rights protections, we diminish, leadership doing absolutely nothing. But what about those burnt buildings? Fires started by fakes, but no one speaks about such things.
There are no protections for us, so who gives a damn? People are rewarded for invalidating our existence, in the most violent ways. We suffer the real life everyday consequences, then still come out the villains while the predators bill themselves the victims as we keep getting “defunded”. It’s fine to defund us in every way, but not those attacking us, that’s insane? Not if you’re the people being ERDICATED! Yet they say race doesn’t matter and privilege is fake. It’s a privilege not to be in the Black race and blamed for everything, even war in Ukraine.
As long as I remain more “threatening” than terrorist organizations simply for being authentic, including the one’s blowing up democracy, then I obviously have no choice but to voice who I am. There won’t be another opportunity.
So here it is 3.1.22 and I’m still in chains. Having no ability to rise above without begging from those who are among those oppressing. The whole system designed by the very men who molested me. How does one rationalize these truths away? If I am to be real, true, balanced, authentic, healthy, then there is no apologist behavior that can wipe any of this clean! People get angry that I tell the truth and I’m supposed to accept this as my “lot in life” because bigots don’t like who I am? But I’m the one “unstable”? Any mind that ignorant is clearly a threat!
Either ALL LIFE matters or everything you have ever said and done is “fake”. So far, we have seen “all lives matter” when it was convenient, but nothing closely related to any kind of unity. Plenty of propagandizing, targeting, abuse of authority, plenty of defunding! But not much equality and certainly no equity, not evenly across the board anyway.
Tell me, what does defund have to do with Putin invading Ukraine????? CNN POLITICO Library of Congress TIME Nat Geo Explorers But no one will say anything about the racist propaganda comely DIRECLTY from the GOP, that puts the lives of Black people in jeopardy daily, in every way. It’s the reason I still can’t get COVID relief, or Social Security, or my education unredacted, or payment on my contract, or the health care I’m entitled to by law, or anything else I need to live like a free human being. Instead, I remain, on 3.1.22 I’m still in chains. The U.S. government has NOTHING to say except “can we ask you about this”, but people get paid a lot of money for that! But I’m supposed to be an open book to any Tom, Dick, and Harry, because the same men who raped me my whole life declare this is how it should be?
But “defund” is the problem? When did law enforcement aid me at any step of the way? The opposite is true, they turned a blind eye and participated in the trafficking, but saying “defund” is the problem that created the chaos in the world today? Yet this kind of propaganda is free flowing as long as it is directed at Black Americans, because we have no human rights protections. You can’t say such things about other populations however, particularly the ones that own the media, they cancel you faster than you can say “Whoops”.
That’s our reality, relegated to the position of some level of slave. House, field or otherwise, it is what it is. My handlers said I was born for the field so that is where I have been my entire life, redacted. But I’m supposed to accept that? As my entire life gets obliterated, while all my money and achievements get appropriated? My intellectual property abused to further an agenda that is toxic, genocidal, and needs to be terminated?
Yeah, it’s a bit much to deal with but that’s life isn’t it? The privileged live privileged claiming they don’t have it. The outcasts live in chains wanting better and trying to fight for it, getting lambasted by they big guys. Bullies with big weapons using and doing who and however they please, never seeing an ounce of accountability. Getting more and more wealthy off of violating human rights, it’s essentially an augmented VR experience for elites. But we live it in 3D as they pull the strings in 5D. It’s a racket, but that’s all a crime syndicate is!
Yeah, we have a lot of weight to bear, but get through it we must or our entire ethnic population becomes dust. If it were you what would you do? Don’t answer that. If you’re not in a position to put yourself in the experience, then you are living with privilege and it’s impossible for you to see the situation without bias. It’s complicated but it’s not. If the truth were told though, it would cut through all the propaganda and people would no long walk blindly. So why does leadership fail to deploy solutions? Failed state!
Human rights are not a negotiation, certainly not for the most marginalized. Yet, we continue fighting for the acknowledgement of our humanity anyway! Is the lie of white supremacy important enough to lose EVERYTHING? Across the entire planet, or continent, or nation, or community, or family? Does anything actually matter?
My father died the same way I suffer now. Alone, penniless, denied every resource entitled by law, denied payment of contracts, abused by the very same government we fought for, sacrificed for, background redacted as others take credit for our work. Every generation has been enslaved, but I’m supposed to pretend it’s not happening? What about when they came for my kids?
Until ALL are ALL! Pandora remains open!
United Nations UNICEF UNESCO UN Women UN Human Rights Amnesty International Amnesty International USA Human Rights Watch The White House President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris