It’s Over, Let It Go

Danielle Diew
8 min readOct 16, 2021


The words that ring in my ears daily because this is what we are told about our lives, this is “normal” in America.

Everything I ever created for my handler, upon his demand, was attached to an incredibly traumatic experience. He and his cronies were experts in trauma and brain development. I was already gifted but then I had several traumatic experiences before pre-K that likely enhanced my gifts. They were fascinated by my brain development and wanted to learn more, do more. I wasn’t the first, and I certainly wasn’t the last. I was the first to survive it all in my cohort, the first with the upgraded tech. It’s old now, but I’m still accomplishing firsts.

With everything that I overcame, survived, endured, achieved, discovered, created, the least anyone could do is acknowledge my accomplishments. At the very least, a few of them. Instead I remain a hidden figure completely cut off from any ability to gain access to any income or aid, as though I should be shamed for some reason. What have I done exactly to deserve such treatment? I wasn’t the abuser. I didn’t break my oath. I didn’t commit treason. I didn’t participate in an insurgency. I didn’t turn my back on reality, the planet, life. No, instead I started blowing the whistle and what I got in exchange was more attacks and marginalization. But America says we’re safe, equal, and just. For who exactly? Why does it all escape me and my entire community? Why has it always escaped my entire family bloodline?

If I were only ever compensated .1 of the royalties of just some of what I created it would be enough to set my entire family up, forever. No one would even miss it! There are so many ways that reforming the harm done to the Black Community can be accomplished without even using tax dollars. No one looks at options because in America Black life only matters when it is making the elite money. If we aren’t being enslaved, the elite lose money. Billions and trillions don’t come from hard work, it comes from exploitation. Refusing to repair the harm with Black America has nothing to do with a lack of resources or reasons and everything to do with a desire not to have to admit wrongdoing and be held accountable for crimes against humanity.

Black Americans spend our lives having to adapt to the feelings, fears, imaginings, projections, and manifestations of xenophobic elite men dedicated to maintaining the toxic system that enslaves ALL. Our experiences are denied, our trauma scapegoated to racist tropes, our dehumanization by those in power is propagandized and weaponized against us as we are attacked, suffocated, brutalized and eradicated. We are expected to endure all silently, without a single complaint. But it’s always our intellect, stability, and humanity constantly questioned rather than the extremist ideologies that create the mechanisms of oppression that strip us of our inalienable rights. No one looks to the offenders and asks “what went wrong with this person’s genetics to create an entity that would allow this kind of thinking let alone action?” No, that’s what gets projected onto their targets. THAT is how brainwashing works but we’re supposed to pretend we don’t see it happening and get back to “normal” during an apocalypse and we’re “divisive” if we don’t agree. We’re a “threat” if we voice our opposing opinions, or even almost any opinion at all.

I prefer truth, vision, reality, diversity, democracy, equality, equity. That doesn’t make me mentally ill, nor does fighting for it’s truth. It makes me consciously aware, and that’s not a scary or even negative thing the way the extreme right portrays. It’s simply human. The fact that people have strayed so far from humanity that the entire planet hangs in the balance as a ransom for lies should terrify everyone enough to jolt us in to action against the power that holds us under it’s tyranny. This is literally the job of Congress, yet they are still in a stranglehold. America is under occupation, it’s loyal leaders under the grip of threats, and the others in leadership have betrayed the Constitution. We are ten months into the new administration and no progress has been made legislatively to protect life. The insurgency still thrives, they continue to obstruct all investigations into their activities. Marginalized populations continue to die at terrifying rates, the Black community hit the hardest across every spectrum.

This is a denied holocaust and I will keep saying it until it no longer is one. This is what the United States government trained me to do. This is what I did for the United States government for many, many years, sound the alarm on atrocities. The fact that suddenly when the terrorists are White, the U.S. is stricken with amnesia and can’t remember who I am though I remain under surveillance, speaks volumes. If America were not in a state of failure, this wouldn’t need to be said. America needs the leaders of the global community to stand up and take leadership of the only planet we all have. We have carried the burden on our shoulders way too long, it’s time the world carried this burden with us. There is no planet B and plan B is still run by the same extremists currently sinking everything for the sake of “all” instead of ALL. United Nations The White House

If the United Nations fails to act on behalf of the marginalized populations in the United States, then it is clear that a new oversight organization must be called for. What was once a virus has become an endemic part of humanity due to failures in leadership and for no other reason. What has worked in the past will work no longer, extreme times call for extreme measures. What happened in 2016 and 2020 were test runs. The world is poised to usher in fascism permanently, and if you think these eugenicists are the kind of people that can be reasoned with then you don’t know who you are dealing with. These are the super extreme deviants, the true Super Predator that everyone has dreaded for decades. Hillary Clinton tried to warn the world, instead they took her words and twisted them to be used as targets against the Black Community. My handler never missed a step in educating me about every single action that took place in these matters. What started off as a plan for the benefit of children , became a crime bill that has enslaved large portions of our entire race for generations. Those in power may know WHAT happened, but not everyone knows how and why. Wa Po CNN Human Rights Watch do you know how many times she had to rewrite the bill and why? Not the official, party approved answer as to why. But the actual reason as to why she had to rewrite the crime bill? I watched her twisted from a woman who just wanted to help children, to a woman with more secrets than any human should ever have to hold. Why? My handler. Follow the money, the legislation, the lobby. Ask her, maybe she’s in the mood to talk. IDK, but the truth about that crime bill never needed to be told more than now!

All three branches of government remain hamstrung. A large percentage of the most marginalized portion of the U.S. population is under attack from extreme right fascists who consider themselves religious zealots fulfilling an end of the world prophecy. They are brainwashed, many have been ignored, suppressed, and oppressed for many generations and they feel utterly abandoned by society. They are under extreme and highly volatile delusions driven by propaganda on social media and entertainment parading as news. The propaganda continues to spark violent outbreaks throughout the nation daily. The terrorists have occupied this nation for longer than the U.S. is prepared to admit. They attacked the Capital in an attempt to keep their candidate, whom they worship, in office. They have accepted responsibility for attacking the Capital, they simply disagree with the criminal charges that should or should not be attached. They have shown no evidence of remorse and continue to escalate daily. They continue to protect those at the top of the echelon who finance their terrorists activities as well as provide direction. They continue to weaponize law enforcement agencies. They continue to interfere with the investigations into the insurgency and the Capital attack. They refuse to submit to authority to answer questions pertaining to the Capital Insurgency. They hide their financial transactions. They hide from and refuse to pay taxes. They use propaganda daily to escalate an already severally traumatized national audience to more violence. The extremists in position of power continue to attack the every day American as well as every aspect of infrastructure, including the Constitutional rights of even the most vulnerable populations.

These extremists sprang from nazi activists, sympathizers, neo-nazi, fascist, and extreme right hate groups in alignment with similar values all supporting the WW2 holocaust while denying it’s reality. They adopt the same or similar principles of those used in nazi Germany, including gassing the populations they target in state sanctioned attacks. The death toll from the attacks of the extreme right cannot even be calculated because accurate numbers of such matters are not maintained. If they are then they numbers are grossly underreported. Where reports are maintained, men are prioritized over women and children. The catastrophic losses across every spectrum of life are now and will for quite some time remain incalculable. This is happening in plain sight, all day every day, even live streamed, and people still call it fake. I was trained to report on these matters, as I do I am attacked more and more.

Even with the few statistics are actually available, the numbers are catastrophic where people of color are concerned. When combined with the extreme conditions of systemic oppression that his been in place hundreds of years, COVID, the volatile socio-political climate, the economic depression, and continued escalations in urban warfare tactics against the most vulnerable, the loss to marginalized populations is apocalyptic. The population most heavily affected across every spectrum is the Black Community, most specifically Black descendants of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. We are dying from ethnic cleansing and it is long past the time for the United Nations to make this declaration to aid us in gaining protections as a native people who are oppressed on our own home lands. many of our descendants were here on U.S. soil long before a European ever stepped foot here. We have rights that go ignored daily because of xenophobia and this is a loss to all of humanity. You have the opportunity to save a population from eradication, please do not sit by and watch us die out having done nothing. What will you tell your children’s children about what you did during this time of great loss?

Do Black Lives Matter?



Danielle Diew
Danielle Diew

Written by Danielle Diew

Pandora Whistleblower, Lolita Express, Torture Survivor. Life is a right, fight for equality. Spiritual Warfare. THIS IS MY ONLY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT.

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